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test_cases:five [2015/01/08 16:44]
test_cases:five [2020/06/30 16:02]
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-**The whole information realated with Benchmark Case TH2 (including parameter spread sheet, performance measures) is provided in {{:test_cases:th2_parametersheet.pdf|pdf form}} ** +**The whole information related with Benchmark Case TH2 (including parameter spread sheet, performance measures) is provided in  {{:test_cases:th2_parameters_v2-1.pdf|pdf form}} (Version 2.1, 18/02/2015). Please consider as well some more recent additional information and modifications provided in {{:test_cases:th2_3_parameter_sheet_complement.pdf|}} (11 May 2015).** 
 +**The results are now published in the form of a paper in **
 +information related with Benchmark Case TH2 (including parameter spread sheet, performance measures) is provided in  {{:test_cases:th2_parameters_v2-1.pdf|pdf form}} (Version 2.1, 18/02/2015). Please consider as well some more recent additional information and modifications provided in {{:test_cases:th2_3_parameter_sheet_complement.pdf|}} (11 May 2015).**