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test_cases:seven [2014/12/30 14:56]
test_cases:seven [2015/01/05 14:12]
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 The initially uniform temperature is at 0°C. This condition simplifies the energy balance at the thawing front by ensuring that there is no thermal gradient (or conductive flux) below the thawing front. The specified surface temperature is above 0°C and hence induces thaw. The water is advected through the entire medium, but the divergence of the advective flux is zero below the thawing front due to the uniform thermal conditions. The initially uniform temperature is at 0°C. This condition simplifies the energy balance at the thawing front by ensuring that there is no thermal gradient (or conductive flux) below the thawing front. The specified surface temperature is above 0°C and hence induces thaw. The water is advected through the entire medium, but the divergence of the advective flux is zero below the thawing front due to the uniform thermal conditions.
-Initial and boundary conditions: +//Initial and boundary conditions//
 {{ :test_cases:conceptualmodelfigure.jpg?400 |}} {{ :test_cases:conceptualmodelfigure.jpg?400 |}}
-Parameter table (as {{:test_cases:parameter_table.docx|docx file}}or as {{:test_cases:parameter_table.pdf|pdf file}}):+The //parameter table// is accessible as {{:test_cases:parameter_table.docx|docx file}} or as {{:test_cases:parameter_table.pdf|pdf file}}.
 +The //analytical solution results// selected by Kurylyk et al. (2014) for benchmarks are accessible here as an xls {{:test_cases:mmc1.xlsx|file}}. 
-The analytical solutions results selected by Kurylyk et al. (2014) for benchmarks are accessible here as an xls {{:test_cases:mmc1.xlsx|file}}. Code developers are encouraged to email Barret Kurylyk (barret.kurylyk@ucalgary.ca) with any questions regarding the analytical solution or numerical model parameterization.+Code developers are encouraged to email Barret Kurylyk (barret.kurylyk@ucalgary.ca) with any questions regarding the analytical solution or numerical model parameterization.
 The approach used for SUTRA code is summed up in two figures from Kurylyk et al 2014 as a source of inspiration. They provide the simulated domain and the approach for the freezing curve function in order to approximate the step function with a linear curve: The approach used for SUTRA code is summed up in two figures from Kurylyk et al 2014 as a source of inspiration. They provide the simulated domain and the approach for the freezing curve function in order to approximate the step function with a linear curve:
-{{ :test_cases:figkurylyk.jpg?300 |}} {{ :test_cases:soilfreezingcurve.jpg?400 |}}+{{ :test_cases:numericalmodelsetup.jpg?300 |}} {{ :test_cases:soilfreezingcurve.jpg?300 |}}