====== LSCE-related public transport ======
Shortcut to this page: http://bit.ly/go_lsce
===== Coming to LSCE =====
Official LSCE page for visitors: [[https://www.lsce.ipsl.fr/Phocea/Page/index.php?id=1|Coming to LSCE]] (//French// and //some English//)
There are several ways to get to LSCE (from Paris) and travel around the //Plateau de Saclay//, but the information may not be easy to locate, even if you speak French (several web sites and tweet channels,...)
//LSCE// bus stop: [[https://goo.gl/maps/PYQq7Hu6onCuyX9i7|L'Orme des Merisiers]] bus stop on Google maps
===== The Paris-Saclay resources =====
This //Paris-Saclay// website is supposed to aggregate all the useful information for the //Paris-Saclay// area
* [[http://www.paris-saclay.com/fileadmin/documents/2.Vivre_ici/Mobilite/Schema_de_transports/Plan_reseau_global_Paris-Saclay.pdf|Full transportation network map]]\\ This is a **very big and detailed map**, don't even try to print it! Use the zoom in you favorite pdf reader
* Main bus information website:
* [[http://www.paris-saclay.com/vivre-ici/mobilites/bus-285.html|French]]
* [[http://www.paris-saclay.com/paris-saclay-in-english-205.html|English]] (still no English content as of mid-February 2023...)
* Twitter accounts:
* [[https://twitter.com/Saclay_IDFM|Bus Paris Saclay (@Saclay_IDFM)]] (French)
* [[https://twitter.com/MobParisSaclay|Paris-Saclay Mobilités (@MobParisSaclay)]] (French)
===== Journey planning and maps =====
* [[https://www.transilien.com/en|Transilien web site]]: planning, and real-time information
* [[https://www.transilien.com/en/itinerary/search/?departure=Orme+des+Merisiers+%28Saint-Aubin%29&departureId=stop_area%3AIDFM%3A63132&arrival=Le+Guichet+%28Orsay%29&arrivalId=stop_area%3AIDFM%3A63025|Next bus from LSCE to RER B Le Guichet]] ([[https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1862079/|reliability]] **not** guaranteed)
* [[https://www.transilien.com/en/itinerary/search/?departure=Orme+des+Merisiers+%28Saint-Aubin%29&departureId=stop_area%3AIDFM%3A63132&arrival=Cit%C3%A9+Universitaire+%28Paris%29&arrivalId=stop_area%3AIDFM%3A70623&dateType=DEPARTURE&bypassLines=TRAM_T3a|Next options from LSCE to Cité Universitaire]] ([[https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1862079/|reliability]] **not** guaranteed)
* [[https://prim.iledefrance-mobilites.fr/fr|API reference]] (if somebody wants to understand how the underlying data can be used...)
* [[https://www.iledefrance-mobilites.fr/en|Ile de France Mobilités web site]]: planning, maps, timetables
* **RATP** resources:
* Main website: [[https://www.ratp.fr/en/|English]] / [[https://www.ratp.fr/|French]]
* [[https://www.bonjour-ratp.fr|Bonjour RATP website]]
* [[https://www.ratp.fr/en/infos-trafic|Traffic information]]
* [[https://www.ratp.fr/en/plans|Maps]]
* Smartphone apps (//Bonjour RATP//): [[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fabernovel.ratp|Android]] / [[https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id507107090|iOS]]
===== Useful lines for LSCE people =====
==== Some maps ====
* //LSCE// bus stop: [[https://goo.gl/maps/PYQq7Hu6onCuyX9i7|L'Orme des Merisiers]] bus stop on Google maps
* [[http://www.paris-saclay.com/fileadmin/documents/2.Vivre_ici/Mobilite/Schema_de_transports/Plan_reseau_global_Paris-Saclay.pdf|Full transportation network map]]\\ This is a **very big and detailed map**, don't even try to print it! Use the zoom in you favorite pdf reader
==== RER B ====
* Aéroport Ch de Gaulle 2 <=> Paris <=> **Le Guichet** <=> Saint Rémy lès-Chevreuses
* [[https://www.ratp.fr/en/plans-lignes/rer/b|RER B map]]
* [[https://www.ratp.fr/en/infos-trafic/rer/b|RER B traffic information]] (mostly in French...)
* Next trains (real time) at //Le Guichet// station:
* [[https://www.bonjour-ratp.fr/c/gares/le-guichet/rer-ligne-b_aeroport-ch-de-gaulle-mitry-claye/|To Aéroport Ch. de Gaulle • Mitry – Claye]]
* [[https://www.bonjour-ratp.fr/c/gares/le-guichet/rer-ligne-b_robinson-st-remy-les-chevreuse/|To St-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse]]
* Twitter account: [[https://twitter.com/RERB|RER B (@RERB)]] (French)
* Blog: [[https://www.rerb-leblog.fr/|RER B Le Blog]]
==== SNCF Ile de France ====
Use the link below for some information on the SNCF-operated part of the RER B, and all the other lines you have never heard about.
Hint: click on //Show advanced search// near the top...
[[https://www.sncf.com/en/booking-itinerary/traffic-info/idf|Traffic info]]
==== Line 9 ====
* Jouy-en-Josas <=> **L'Orme des Merisiers** <=> Le Guichet (**RER B**) <=> Les Ulis
==== Line 91.06 ====
* Massy Palaiseau (**RER B**) <=> **L'Orme des Merisiers** <=> Le Christ de Saclay
==== Line 91.10 ====
* Orly <=> Massy Palaiseau (**RER B**) <=> **L'Orme des Merisiers** <=> St Quentin en Yvelines
==== Line 11 ====
* Gare de Gif-sur-Yvette (**RER B**) <=> **L'Orme des Merisiers** <=> Parc Orsay Université
==== Line 10 ====
* Gare de Gif-sur-Yvette (**RER B**) <=> **Saint-Aubin** (walking distance from LSCE) <=> Christ de Saclay - Buc
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