====== Using the RIE Algorithmes web site and the Phone application ====== Restaurant opening times: **11h45 to 14h00** **YOU** can **significantly reduce the waiting time** when it's time to pay, by having enough money on your account and not having to recharge your badge when there is already a long waiting line ===== Creating your account ===== It is very easy to create an account on the following portal and add money online: https://www.so-happy.fr/ **The web site is available in English**, if your browser language is set to English! You can also change the language in the //COMPTE// (FR) or //MY ACCOUNT// (EN), and then //My profile// settings' page. * You have to **know your //restaurant badge number//** * This is NOT the CEA badge number, but **the number printed on your restaurant receipt** * The receipts are not printed by default any longer: you have to ask the cashier to print the receipt once, and bring this receipt back with you. * When adding a new restaurant/site, you have to **look for //CEA// and //RIE SAINT AUBIN//** ===== Managing your account ===== ==== Account management on the web site ==== Try to access the //English// version of the [[https://www.so-happy.fr/|SoHappy]] web site, or ask a French speaking colleague to help you select the English version. You will then be able to easily manage your account settings (and select the //English// language), add money (remotely) and specify when you want to receive mails telling you that there is not enough money left on your account. {{ :other:newppl:algo_wallet_notes_v2.png?direct&800 |}} ==== Account management in the phone app ==== You can also manage your settings and refill your account directly in the [[#smartphone_apps|SoHappy app]]. {{ :other:newppl:rie_android_refill.png?direct&250 |}} ===== Managing the dishes ===== ==== Theory... ==== You are supposed to eat in the restaurant **and** leave the dishes in the restaurant There are several options if you want to eat outside of the restaurant: * Bring your own (empty) lunch box(es) to the restaurant * Buy (recyclable?) lunch boxes at the restaurant * Not recommended: bring restaurant dishes (glasses, plates, etc...) back to LSCE * in that case, **you have to bring the dishes back to the restaurant** later (the next day, **not** at the end of your contract ==== ... and Practice ==== * In the unlikely case where you //borrow// dishes from the restaurant * You can put them in the the designated dirty dishes trays...\\ There is a tray conveniently located near the coffee machine on the 1st floor of the 714 building * ...And later bring a tray with some dishes back to the restaurant! * If you don't bring the dishes back, it is called **stealing, not borrowing** * **Do not wait** for the tray to be full before bringing the dishes back\\ **Do not wait** for somebody else to do your dirty work * It may seem incredible, but other people also have some important things to finish * A bad example: these pictures were taken in September 2024, 1 week apart\\ {{ :other:newppl:rie_dishes_2024-09-03.jpg?direct&400 |}}\\ {{ :other:newppl:rie_dishes_2024-09-10.jpg?direct&400 |}} ==== Threshold warning examples ==== === Mail warning example === When you get below the specified threshold, you will get a warning mail like this the next morning (no mail sen during the weekend) Subject: Rechargement de votre badge Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2023 08:29:34 +0200 (CEST) From: sohappy To: your_e-mail SoHappy Refill your badge Hi, Your badge balance dropped down below the limit you defined. To refill, you simply have to click on the button below: BADGE REFILLING To stop notification, you can deactivate this function in the Badge/Limit Management section. The SoHappy team === Phone app warning example === When you get below the specified threshold, you will get the following kind of notification on your phone, if you have installed the [[#smartphone_apps|SoHappy app]]. You can very easily refill your account, directly from the app, without having to specify your credit card information, if you have previously refilled your account. {{ :other:newppl:rie_android_threshold_warning.png?direct |}} ===== Menu and contact ===== * Menu: available on the //So-Happy// web site and app * Contact information: ask JYP ===== Smartphone apps ===== You can use the //**SoHappy** app// to get the same information (and change settings) as with the web site * [[https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=sodexo.mysodexo.sohappy|Google Play]] * [[https://apps.apple.com/fr/app/sohappy-vous-simplifie-la-vie/id1112466739|App Store ]] /* standard page footer */ \\ \\ \\ ---- [ [[pmip3:|PMIP3 Wiki Home]] ] - [ [[pmip3:wiki_help|Help!]] ] - [ [[wiki:syntax|Wiki syntax]] ]