It is very easy to create an account on the following portal and add money online:
The web site is available in English, if your browser language is set to English!
You can also change the language in the COMPTE (FR) or MY ACCOUNT (EN), and then My profile settings' page.
Try to access the English version of the SoHappy web site, or ask a French speaking colleague to help you select the English version.
You will then be able to easily manage your account settings (and select the English language), add money (remotely) and specify when you want to receive mails telling you that there is not enough money left on your account.
You can also manage your settings and refill your account directly in the SoHappy app.
You are supposed to eat in the restaurant and leave the dishes in the restaurant
There are several options if you want to eat outside of the restaurant:
When you get below the specified threshold, you will get a warning mail like this the next morning (no mail sen during the weekend)
Subject: Rechargement de votre badge Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2023 08:29:34 +0200 (CEST) From: sohappy <> To: your_e-mail SoHappy Refill your badge Hi, Your badge balance dropped down below the limit you defined. To refill, you simply have to click on the button below: BADGE REFILLING <> To stop notification, you can deactivate this function in the Badge/Limit Management section. The SoHappy team
When you get below the specified threshold, you will get the following kind of notification on your phone, if you have installed the SoHappy app.
You can very easily refill your account, directly from the app, without having to specify your credit card information, if you have previously refilled your account.
You can use the SoHappy app to get the same information (and change settings) as with the web site
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