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other:python:matplotlib_by_jyp [2021/02/26 11:45]
jypeter More gallery links updates
other:python:matplotlib_by_jyp [2023/09/27 12:08]
jypeter [Working with matplotlib (JYP version)] Added link to pdf cheatsheets
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 ====== Working with matplotlib (JYP version) ====== ====== Working with matplotlib (JYP version) ======
 +<note tip>​Note:​ [[https://​​cheatsheets/​|Matplotlib cheatsheets]]
 +\\ The [[https://​​matplotlib/​cheatsheets#​cheatsheets-for-matplotlib-users|pdf version of the cheatsheets]] is available on the github page</​note>​
 **Summary**:​ there are lots of python libraries that you can use for plotting, but Matplotlib has become a //de facto// standard **Summary**:​ there are lots of python libraries that you can use for plotting, but Matplotlib has become a //de facto// standard
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     * The ''​plot''​ function will be faster for scatterplots where markers don't vary in size or color     * The ''​plot''​ function will be faster for scatterplots where markers don't vary in size or color
     * [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.axes.Axes.contourf.html|contour(...) and contourf(...)]]:​ draw contour lines and filled contours     * [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.axes.Axes.contourf.html|contour(...) and contourf(...)]]:​ draw contour lines and filled contours
-  * **X and Y axes parameters** (see also [[https://​​examples/​showcase/​anatomy.html|Anatomy of a figure]]):+  * **X and Y axes parameters** (see also [[https://​​stable/​gallery/​showcase/​anatomy.html|Anatomy of a figure]]):
     * **Axis range**: ''​my_plot.set_xlim(x_leftmost_value,​ x_rightmost_value)''​     * **Axis range**: ''​my_plot.set_xlim(x_leftmost_value,​ x_rightmost_value)''​
       * Use the leftmost and rightmost values to specify the orientation of the axis (i.e the rightmost value can be smaller than the leftmost)       * Use the leftmost and rightmost values to specify the orientation of the axis (i.e the rightmost value can be smaller than the leftmost)
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         * [[https://​​questions/​35479508/​cartopy-set-xlabel-set-ylabel-not-ticklabels|Trick source]]         * [[https://​​questions/​35479508/​cartopy-set-xlabel-set-ylabel-not-ticklabels|Trick source]]
         * Trick needs to be used with ''​cartopy 0.17.0''​\\ Remember to update/​remove this information in the future         * Trick needs to be used with ''​cartopy 0.17.0''​\\ Remember to update/​remove this information in the future
-    * Major (and minor) **tick marks location**: ''​my_plot.set_xticks(x_ticks_values,​ minor=False)''​+    * Major (and minor) **tick marks location**: ''​my_plot.set_xticks(x_ticks_values,​ minor=False)'' ​([[https://​​stable/​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_xticks.html|set_xticks]])
       * Use an empty list if you don't want tick marks: ''​my_plot.set_xticks([])''​       * Use an empty list if you don't want tick marks: ''​my_plot.set_xticks([])''​
-    * **Tick labels** ​(if you don't want the default values): ''​my_plot.set_xticklabels(x_ticks_labels, minor=False,​ fontsize=ticklabels_fontsize)''​ +    * **Tick labels**: ''​my_plot.set_xticklabels(x_tick_labels, minor=False,​ fontsize=ticklabels_fontsize)'' ​([[https://​​stable/​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_xticklabels.html|set_xticklabels]]) 
-      * ''​x_ticks_labels''​ is a list of strings that has the same length as ''​x_ticks_values''​. Use an empty string in the positions where you don't want a label+      * If you do not specify labels, the //default labels// will just be the values specifying the ticks' ​location 
 +      * ''​x_tick_labels''​ is a list of strings that has the same length as ''​x_ticks_values''​.\\ Use an empty string in the positions where you don't want a label 
 +      * The default numerical labels may be too long, due to numerical approximations. You can try to explicitly round the values, or generate correct label strings from the values\\ <​code>>>>​ x_tick_values = np.arange(0,​ 1, 0.2) 
 +>>>​ x_tick_values.tolist() 
 +[0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6000000000000001,​ 0.8] 
 +>>>​ x_tick_values.round(decimals=1).tolist() 
 +[0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8] 
 +>>>​ x_tick_labels = [ '​%.1f'​ % (t_val,) for t_val in x_tick_values ] 
 +>>>​ x_tick_labels 
 +['​0.0',​ '​0.2',​ '​0.4',​ '​0.6',​ '​0.8'​] 
 +>>>​ x_tick_labels[0] = '​START'​ 
 +>>>​ x_tick_labels[-1] = '​END'​ 
 +>>>​ x_tick_labels 
 +['​START',​ '​0.2',​ '​0.4',​ '​0.6',​ '​END'​] 
 +      * You can also use fancy [[https://​​stable/​gallery/​ticks_and_spines/​tick-formatters.html|tick formatters]]
       * Many more options for ticks, labels, orientation,​ ...       * Many more options for ticks, labels, orientation,​ ...
     * **Grid lines**:     * **Grid lines**:
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       * [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.pyplot.plot.html|plot(...)]]:​ //fmt// (see documentation) or ''​marker''​ and ''​markerfacecolor''/''​mfc''​ (and ''​markerfacecoloralt''/''​mfcalt''​ for dual color markers), ''​markersize'',​ ''​markeredgewidth''/''​mew'',​ ''​markeredgecolor''​ (use ''​markeredgecolor='​none'''​ if you don't want to plot the edge of the markers), ''​fillstyle''​ (''​full'',​ ''​None'',​ [[https://​​stable/​gallery/​lines_bars_and_markers/​marker_reference.htm|other]])       * [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.pyplot.plot.html|plot(...)]]:​ //fmt// (see documentation) or ''​marker''​ and ''​markerfacecolor''/''​mfc''​ (and ''​markerfacecoloralt''/''​mfcalt''​ for dual color markers), ''​markersize'',​ ''​markeredgewidth''/''​mew'',​ ''​markeredgecolor''​ (use ''​markeredgecolor='​none'''​ if you don't want to plot the edge of the markers), ''​fillstyle''​ (''​full'',​ ''​None'',​ [[https://​​stable/​gallery/​lines_bars_and_markers/​marker_reference.htm|other]])
       * [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.pyplot.scatter.html|scatter(...)]]:​ ''​marker''​ (marker type), ''​c''​ (color), ''​s''​ (size), ''​linewidths''​ (linewidth of the marker edges), ''​edgecolors''​       * [[https://​​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.pyplot.scatter.html|scatter(...)]]:​ ''​marker''​ (marker type), ''​c''​ (color), ''​s''​ (size), ''​linewidths''​ (linewidth of the marker edges), ''​edgecolors''​
-  * [[https://​​api/​colors_api.html|colors]] and colormaps+  * [[https://​​api/​colors_api.html|colors]] and colormaps
     * [[https://​​stable/​gallery/​color/​color_demo.html|color demo]]     * [[https://​​stable/​gallery/​color/​color_demo.html|color demo]]
-    * [[https://​​examples/​color/​named_colors.html|named colors]]+    * [[https://​​stable/​gallery/​color/​named_colors.html#​sphx-glr-gallery-color-named-colors-py|named colors]] 
 +    * [[https://​​colors/​colors_picker.asp|HTML color picker]] and different ways of choosing colors
     * Reverting the colors: add ''​_r''​ at the end of the colormap name     * Reverting the colors: add ''​_r''​ at the end of the colormap name
     * Number of colors in the //my_cmap// colormap (usually 256): ''​my_cmap.N''​     * Number of colors in the //my_cmap// colormap (usually 256): ''​my_cmap.N''​
Line 167: Line 187:
       * ''​my_cmap.set_over(color='​k'​)'':​ color to be used for //high out-of-range values// **if** ''​extend''​ is specified and is //'​both'//​ or  //'​max'//​. Default color is ''​my_cmap(my_cmap.N - 1)''​       * ''​my_cmap.set_over(color='​k'​)'':​ color to be used for //high out-of-range values// **if** ''​extend''​ is specified and is //'​both'//​ or  //'​max'//​. Default color is ''​my_cmap(my_cmap.N - 1)''​
       * ''​my_cmap.set_under(color='​k'​)'':​ color to be used for //low out-of-range values// **if** ''​extend''​ is specified and is //'​both'//​ or  //'​min'//​. Default color is ''​my_cmap(0)''​       * ''​my_cmap.set_under(color='​k'​)'':​ color to be used for //low out-of-range values// **if** ''​extend''​ is specified and is //'​both'//​ or  //'​min'//​. Default color is ''​my_cmap(0)''​
-  * [[https://​​api/_as_gen/matplotlib.figure.Figure.html#​matplotlib.figure.Figure.colorbar|colorbar]]+  * [[https://​​stable/api/figure_api.html#​matplotlib.figure.Figure.colorbar|colorbar]] ​(see also the [[https://​​stable/​api/​colorbar_api.html|colorbar api]])
     * [[https://​​stable/​gallery/​subplots_axes_and_figures/​colorbar_placement.html|Placing colorbars demo]]     * [[https://​​stable/​gallery/​subplots_axes_and_figures/​colorbar_placement.html|Placing colorbars demo]]
     * [[https://​​stable/​gallery/​images_contours_and_fields/​contourf_demo.html|contourf + colorbar demo]]     * [[https://​​stable/​gallery/​images_contours_and_fields/​contourf_demo.html|contourf + colorbar demo]]
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         * [[https://​​stable/​gallery/​text_labels_and_annotations/​titles_demo.html|Title and labels positions demo]]         * [[https://​​stable/​gallery/​text_labels_and_annotations/​titles_demo.html|Title and labels positions demo]]
     * ''​fontsize'':​ size in points, or (better!) string specifying a relative size (''​xx-small'',​ ''​x-small'',​ ''​small'',​ ''​medium'',​ ''​large'',​ ''​x-large'',​ ''​xx-large''​)     * ''​fontsize'':​ size in points, or (better!) string specifying a relative size (''​xx-small'',​ ''​x-small'',​ ''​small'',​ ''​medium'',​ ''​large'',​ ''​x-large'',​ ''​xx-large''​)
-    * [[https://​​api/​text_api.html#​matplotlib.text.Text|all the text properties]] +    * [[https://​​api/​text_api.html|all the text properties]] 
-  * [[https://​​api/​pyplot_api.html#​matplotlib.pyplot.legend|legend(...)]] ([[https://​​examples/pylab_examples/legend_demo3.html|legend demo]], [[https://​​users/​legend_guide.html|advanced legend guide]])+  * [[https://​|legend(...)]] ([[https://​​stable/gallery/text_labels_and_annotations/​legend_demo.html|legend demo]], [[https://​​stable/​tutorials/​intermediate/​legend_guide.html|advanced legend guide]])
     * The legend will //show// the lines (or other objects) that were associated with a //label// with the ''​label=''​ keyword when creating/​updating a plot     * The legend will //show// the lines (or other objects) that were associated with a //label// with the ''​label=''​ keyword when creating/​updating a plot
       * If there are some elements of a plot that you do not want to associate with a legend (e.g. there are several lines with the same color and markers, but you want to plot the legend only once), do not specify a ''​label=''​ keyword for these elements, or add a ''​_''​ at the front of the label strings       * If there are some elements of a plot that you do not want to associate with a legend (e.g. there are several lines with the same color and markers, but you want to plot the legend only once), do not specify a ''​label=''​ keyword for these elements, or add a ''​_''​ at the front of the label strings
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 [[https://​​questions/​9797520/​masking-part-of-a-contourf-plot-in-matplotlib|trick source]] [[https://​​questions/​9797520/​masking-part-of-a-contourf-plot-in-matplotlib|trick source]]
 +===== Unsorted matplotlib stuff =====
 +Some useful notes and links that cannot be placed (yet) in a section of the main page
 +==== Plotting arcs (segments of ellipses) ====
 +  * [[https://​​stable/​api/​_as_gen/​matplotlib.patches.Arc.html|Offical patches.Arc documentation]]
 +  * A nice [[https://​​questions/​54849976/​can-someone-explain-the-different-parameters-in-matplotlib-patches-arc|ellipses and arcs tutorial]] on stackoverflow
 +==== Using hatches with contourf ====
 +  * [[https://​​stable/​gallery/​shapes_and_collections/​hatch_style_reference.html|Hatch style reference]]
 +  * [[https://​​stable/​gallery/​shapes_and_collections/​hatch_demo.html|Hatch demo]]
 +  * [[https://​​stable/​gallery/​images_contours_and_fields/​contourf_hatching.html|Contourf hatching]]
 +  * //​Collections//​ trick for [[https://​​hatching-color-in-contourf-function/​|changing the colors of hatches]]
 /* standard page footer */ /* standard page footer */
other/python/matplotlib_by_jyp.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/26 08:39 by jypeter