====== Dealing with grids and projections in Python ====== ===== Model grids ===== * [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.08638|Gridspec: A standard for the description of grids used in Earth System models]] * A nice document for discovering the different type of (ir)regular grids used in climate models! ===== Useful resources ===== * [[https://scitools.org.uk/cartopy/docs/latest/reference/projections.html|Cartopy projection list]] * [[https://matplotlib.org/basemap/users/mapsetup.html|Projections in basemap]] * [[http://gmt.soest.hawaii.edu/doc/latest/GMT_Docs.html#gmt-map-projections|Projections' descriptions in GMT]] * [[https://proj.org/operations/projections/|Extensive list of projections in Proj]] * Note: PROJ (and ''libproj'') is the underlying package of most packages dealing with maps /* standard page footer */ \\ \\ \\ ---- [ [[pmip3:|PMIP3 Wiki Home]] ] - [ [[pmip3:wiki_help|Help!]] ] - [ [[wiki:syntax|Wiki syntax]] ]