====== Installing extra applications for Windows 10 ======
[[other:index#windows_10_notes|Other Windows 10 related notes]]
===== Misc notes =====
* You don't have to install all the applications mentioned of this page!\\ **Just pick the ones you need**
* The listed applications are **not** in alphabetical order. They are sometimes grouped by //similar usage//
* The applications will be installed by default on the ''C:\'' disk. You may want to **check the free space available on ''C:\''** from time to time (remembering that you need enough space there for the system, system updates, what you store on your desktop, etc...)
* Some installers will let you choose where you want to install the programs
* Check [[other:win10maintain#freeing_up_space_and_cleaning_the_computer|Freeing up space and cleaning the computer]] if you need more space
* Some applications don't have a fancy installer, and just need to be extracted to a directory from a zip file (e.g [[other:win10apps#panoply|Panoply]], [[other:win10apps#imagej|ImageJ]]). You should create a ''C:\Utils\'' directory where you can put these applications
* If you want to remove one of these applications, it should be OK to just remove its sub-directory from ''C:\Utils\''
* Some applications can be installed directly from the Microsoft Store but you will have to download and execute the installer for most of the applications listed below
* You are probably running the //64bit// version of Windows 10, so **download the //64bit// version of the installers**, if there is a choice
* [[other:win10misc#accessing_the_list_of_installed_applications
|Getting the list of installed applications]]
===== Firefox and Thunderbird =====
* [[https://www.thunderbird.net/|Thunderbird]]
* [[https://www.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/new/|Firefox]]
Once you have installed FF and/or TB, you should follow the instructions for moving and restoring FF and TB. You should probably even read these before moving to a new computer, if you want to restore the FF and TB settings you had on the previous computer
* [[other:thunderbird|TB settings]]
* [[other:firefox|FF settings]]
===== Google Chrome =====
Install [[https://www.google.fr/intl/en_us/chrome/|Chrome]] if you think that you may need an extra browser (besides the builtin Edge and the preinstalled Firefox) to test the content of some web pages or to use some videoconferencing software
===== Text editors =====
==== emacs ====
All the details on the [[other:emacs_doc|Using the emacs text editor]] page
==== Notepad++ ====
[[https://notepad-plus-plus.org/|Notepad++]] is a free source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages
* It seems possible to **work with remote files** (with implicit ''sftp'' transfer) by using the [[https://ashkulz.github.io/NppFTP/|NppFTP]] plugin
* needs to be tested
* does not seem as convenient as using ''emacs'' for working with remote files with the ''/user@server:/path/file'' syntax (but NPP is easier to install...)
* support for ssh keys (i.e. the combination of a //key file// and a //passphrase//), but [[https://github.com/ashkulz/NppFTP/issues/181|no support for ssh keys stored in pageant]] as of July 2022
* [[other:emacs_doc#working_with_remote_text_files|emacs]] is **much more efficient than NPP** for working with remote files
===== Image (bitmap) editors =====
The editors listed below go from the simplest to the most powerful (but harder to use)
==== Snip & Sketch ====
French : //Outil Capture d'écran//
For simple screenshots and/or annotating images, you can launch the preinstalled [[https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/snip-sketch/9mz95kl8mr0l|Snip & Sketch]] (//Capture d'écran et croquis//) tool from the Start menu
* Shortcut for taking a screenshot (and annotating it): ''Win'' + ''Shift'' + ''S''
* You can only annotate (and save) the screenshot you have just taken. You can't open (and annotate) an existing image file
==== Sketchbook Pro ====
[[https://www.autodesk.com/products/sketchbook/overview|Autodesk SketchBook]] was bundled for free with Windows 10 till ~June 2021, and can now be bought from the Microsoft Store as [[https://www.sketchbook.com/apps|Sketchbook Pro]]...
[[https://www.sketchbook.com/apps|Sketchbook Pro]] can be used for freehand drawing (especially if you have a tablet or touch screen)
==== XnView Classic ====
JYP recommends using **XnView Classic** rather than //MP//, because of the very useful **slideshow** feature of the //Classic// version
[[https://www.xnview.com/en/xnview/|XnView Classic]] is an efficient image viewer, browser and converter for Windows.
This software is really simple to use and totally free for personal use. It supports more than
500 image formats
[[https://www.xnview.com/en/xnview/#downloads|Download page]] (the //Standard// installer should be enough)
==== Paint.net ====
[[https://www.getpaint.net/download.html|Paint.NET]] is an image and photo editing software for PCs that run Windows. It features an intuitive and innovative user interface with support for layers, unlimited undo, special effects, and a wide variety of useful and powerful tools.
* You can either **download ''Paint.net'' for free** (and choose to make a donation), or buy it from the Windows 10 store (the payment is the donation)\\ Make sure you download ''paint.net'' by clicking on the correct download button, and not on one of the advertisement links!\\ {{ :other:paint_net_download.png?direct&400 |}}
==== ImageJ ====
[[https://imagej.nih.gov/ij/|ImageJ]] is a public domain Java image processing program, that //may// have some features not available in the other //bitmap// editors
=== Suggested installation steps ===
* [[other:win10apps#java_se_development_kit_jdk|Install Java SE Development Kit]] if it is not already installed
* Download the [[https://imagej.nih.gov/ij/download.html|Platform Independent ZIP archive]]
* Create a ''C:\Utils'' directory (if it does not exist yet), and extract the ''ImageJ'' directory there
* Execute ''ImageJ.exe''\\ ImageJ probably won't be able to locate the Java executable by itself, so navigate to the ''C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17.0.4\bin\'' directory and select the ''javaw.exe'' executable
* Remove the ''ImageJ\ImageJ.cfg'' configuration file if you update Java later, or if you need to reset the ImageJ configuration
==== GIMP ====
[[https://www.gimp.org/downloads/|GIMP]] is a cross-platform image editor available for GNU/Linux, macOS, Windows and more operating systems. It is free software, you can change its source code and distribute your changes.\\ Whether you are a graphic designer, photographer, illustrator, or scientist, GIMP provides you with sophisticated tools to get your job done. You can further enhance your productivity with GIMP thanks to many customization options and 3rd party plugins
* Get this powerful image editor **only** if you need a free replacement of //Adobe Photoshop// and you have time to **read tutorials**!\\ The image editors listed above (especially [[other:win10apps#xnview_classic|XnView]]) should be enough for your needs
===== Image (vector) editors =====
==== Inkscape ====
[[https://inkscape.org/release/0.92.4/windows/64-bit/|Inkscape]] is a Free and open source vector graphics editor for GNU/Linux, Windows and macOS.
It offers a rich set of features and is widely used for both artistic and technical illustrations such as cartoons, clip art, logos, typography, diagramming and flowcharting. It uses vector graphics to allow for sharp printouts and renderings at unlimited resolution and is not bound to a fixed number of pixels like raster graphics.
* Inkscape can theoretically be used as a replacement for //Adobe Illustrator//
* **SVG** (**not** ps/pdf) is the native format of Inkscape. If you know that you may have to alter/update a vector image later (using Inkscape), you may want to save it in ''.svg'' format as well as ''.pdf'', when possible.
===== Other media =====
==== VLC media player ====
[[http://www.videolan.org/index.en_GB.html|VLC]] VLC is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player and framework that plays most multimedia files as well as DVDs, Audio CDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols.
===== Data visualization =====
The following applications allow you to visualize NetCDF files without using a programming language (and probably more). You can of course also use [[https://wiki.lsce.ipsl.fr/pmip3/doku.php/other:index#python_notes|Python]]
==== Panoply ====
NASA GISS [[https://www.giss.nasa.gov/tools/panoply/|Panoply]] plots geo-referenced and other arrays from netCDF, HDF, GRIB, and other datasets. Panoply is a cross-platform application that runs on Macintosh, Windows, Linux and other desktop computers.
=== Suggested installation steps ===
* [[other:win10apps#java_se_development_kit_jdk|Install Java SE Development Kit]] if it is not already installed
* Download the [[https://www.giss.nasa.gov/tools/panoply/download/|latest Panoply zip file for Windows]]
* Create a ''C:\Utils'' directory (if it does not exist yet), and extract the ''PanoplyWin-version'' directory there
* Execute ''Panoply.exe'' and try to open an existing NetCDF file
==== Vapor ====
[[https://www.vapor.ucar.edu/|NCAR Vapor]] is the Visualization and Analysis Platform for Ocean, Atmosphere, and Solar Researchers. It provides an interactive 3D visualization environment that can produce animations and still frame images, and runs on Windows, OSX, Ubuntu, and CentOS.
==== Paraview ====
[[https://www.paraview.org/|ParaView]] is an open-source, multi-platform data analysis and visualization application.
ParaView users can quickly build visualizations to analyze their data using qualitative and quantitative techniques. The data exploration can be done interactively in 3D or programmatically using ParaView’s batch processing capabilities.
===== Backup software =====
You probably think that just copying a folder from time to time with a drag 'n drop is enough, but this becomes difficult to manage when the folder size grows and you have several folders to manage
There are several types of backup (**mirror**, incremental or differential imaging, cloning, 2 way synchronization, etc...) of different sources (full disks, partitions, **directories**, ...) to/from different destinations (**external disk**, cloud, ...)
Our basic need is to **//mirror// one //source directory// on a local disk to a //destination directory// on an external disk** (check the users' manuals if you need more features). This can be easily done with [[#syncback|SyncBack]]
A short definition of //mirroring//:
* Copy all the files of the //source// to the //destination//. All the files are copied on the **first run**, only the new/changed files are copied on **subsequent runs**.
* Warning! if a file is not on the source anymore, //mirroring// will automatically remove it from the destination! The idea is that the destination should be an exact copy of the source! If that's not what you want, check the //backup// (rather than //mirror//) options.
Note: [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_backup_software|List of backup software]] (wikipedia)
==== ownCloud ====
* ''ownCloud'' (combined with LSCE //sharebox//) is **very useful** and you should **read the [[other:lsce_cloud|dedicated page]]**!
* ''ownCloud'' can be used on **Windows**, **Linux** and **Mac**!
[[https://owncloud.com/desktop-app/|ownCloud Desktop Client]] enables you to connect folders on your desktop to your corporate ownCloud Server. With it you can create folders, organize your local ownCloud directory, and keep the contents of your local directory synced with your ownCloud server. Anything shared with you will also appear in your home directory on your desktop, and changes will be automatically synced.
ownCloud is compatible with:
* the [[https://mycore.core-cloud.net/|CNRS "mycore"]] cloud
* the [[https://sharebox.lsce.ipsl.fr/|LSCE "sharebox"]] cloud
==== SyncBack ====
You can use the [[https://www.2brightsparks.com/|SyncBack]] family of products to **backup, synchronize, and restore data files**.
The //SyncBack**Free**// version should be enough for **easily mirroring directories, or groups of directory to an external disk**, but you can compare the features available in SyncBack**Pro**, SyncBack**SE** and SyncBack**Free**: [[https://www.2brightsparks.com/syncback/compare-simple.html|summary comparison]] and [[https://www.2brightsparks.com/syncback/compare.html|full comparison]].
It is very important to backup your work regularly. Check the [[other:win10_syncback|Using SyncBack]] page for more details.
==== Macrium Reflect ====
Note: JYP has **not** really tested the //Macrium// option...
[[https://www.macrium.com/|Macrium Reflect]] is **image based backup and cloning software**. Macrium Reflect creates an accurate and reliable image of a hard disk or the partitions on the disk. In the event of a partial or complete system loss, you can use this image to restore the entire disk, one or more partitions, or even individual files and folders.
The [[https://www.macrium.com/reflectfree|Free Edition]] can be used for imaging or cloning a full disk
* Check the [[https://www.macrium.com/product-comparison|Product Comparison]] to determine the available features
* [[https://www.windowscentral.com/how-clone-your-pcs-hard-drive-macrium-reflect|Tutorial]] on //Windows Central//
==== rsync (Linux !) ====
''rsync'' is a convenient **Linux** command that can be used for //mirroring// a directory hierarchy to another location on the same computer (e.g. a removable disk) or a remote server. It can also be used on a Windows 10 computer where [[other:win10wsl|WSL + Ubuntu is installed]]!
On Windows, it is easier to use the //mirroring// option of [[other:win10_syncback|SyncBack]].
Read the [[other:ssh#mirroring_directories_with_rsync|Mirroring directories with rsync]] on the ''ssh'' page
===== Conferencing software =====
==== Zoom ====
=== Installation ===
* [[https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/XP99J3KP4XZ4VV|Microsoft Store]]
* [[https://zoom.us/download|Zoom web site]]
=== Configuration ===
Sign in with **SSO** and ''cnrs.zoom.us'' if you have CNRS credentials
===== Terminals =====
==== Windows cmd command interpreter ====
There is nothing to install, [[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands|cmd]] is the basic Windows //command interpreter//
* **Starting**: you can just type ''cmd''+''Enter'' in the Windows search field (or use [[https://www.howtogeek.com/235101/10-ways-to-open-the-command-prompt-in-windows-10/|another way]])
* Several ways to **Copy/Paste text**:
* Right-click on the //cmd// windows bar:
* ''Change''=>''Copy'' or ''Paste''
* ''Properties''=>''Options'' to check the options, including the useful //QuickEdit mode// and //Use Ctrl+Shift+C/V as Copy/Paste// option mentioned below
* Follow the steps in [[https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/commandline/2018/04/13/copy-and-paste-arrives-for-linuxwsl-consoles/|Copy and Paste arrives for Linux/WSL Consoles]] and you will then be able to **copy/paste by using ''Shift+Ctrl+C/V''**
* The //QuickEdit mode// should already be selected by default and you can also:
* **select** text with the left mouse button
* **paste** the selected text with the right mouse button (click **twice** after a new selection)
* **Misc**:
* Use ''Alt''+''Enter'' to toggle the terminal to full screen
* [[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/terminal/selection|More shortcuts]]
==== Windows PowerShell ====
There is nothing to install, the [[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/|PowerShell]] is directly available in Windows
* **Starting**: right-click on the //Windows// icon (or ''Win''+''X'') and select ''Windows PowerShell''
* **Copy/pasting text**: same as in a [[other:win10apps#windows_cmd_command_interpreter|cmd interpreter]]
* **Misc**:
* [[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/|PowerShell documentation]]
==== Windows Terminal ====
[[https://aka.ms/terminal|Windows Terminal]] is a [[https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/terminal/|powerful and configurable]] interface that can be used to open ''Powershell'',''cmd'' and ''WSL'' windows
* After installation, the ''Terminal'' can be found in ''Start''=>''Terminal''
* Once installed, it is recommended to **make Windows ''Terminal'' the default //terminal// application**
* ''Settings'' => ''Startup'' => ''Default terminal application''
* {{ :other:windows_terminal_settings_note.jpg?direct&400 |}}
* {{ :other:windows_terminal_settings_newdefault.jpg?direct |}}
* When a ''Terminal'' is started, new //terminals// can be opened from the pull-down menu
* {{ :other:windows_terminal_new_nl.png?direct&400 |}}
* The ''Ubuntu'' terminal will appear only after installing [[other:win10wsl|WSL+Ubuntu]]
* Hold the ''CTRL'' key when clicking on //Windows PowerShell//, if you need a PowerShell in //admin// mode
* Installing //Windows Terminal// will make the nice [[hhttps://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/terminal/cascadia-code|Cascadia Code font]] available on the system.\\ //This font is most recommended to be used with terminal applications and text editors//, and can be [[other:putty_conf#changing_some_useful_settings|used in PuTTY]] and other applications that can benefit from a good //monospaced// font!
* **Copy/pasting text**: more or less the same as in a [[other:win10apps#windows_cmd_command_interpreter|cmd interpreter]]
* See also [[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/terminal/selection|Selecting/Copying/Pasting text in Windows Terminal]] and the additional options you get when right-clicking on a Windows Terminal bar
* Terminal [[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/terminal/|Documentation]] and [[https://github.com/microsoft/terminal|GitHub page]]
* See also [[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/setup/environment#set-up-windows-terminal|Set up Windows Terminal]] in the [[other:win10wsl|WSL documentation]]
* The ''Terminal'' can also be used to open a local Linux terminal, when //Windows Subsystem for Linux// (WSL) is installed and configured
* It will be possible to use the //Windows Terminal// as a replacement for ''PuTTY'', once we can configure the mouse buttons to replicate selection/copy/paste ([[https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/issues/7646|Feature request: add xterm-style select/copy/paste options]])
* [[https://devblogs.microsoft.com/commandline/category/windows-terminal/|Windows Terminal development blog]]: new features appear in //Windows Terminal Preview// and are then included in the regular //Windows Terminal//
==== PuTTY & Pageant ====
[[https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/|PuTTY]] is a free implementation of SSH and Telnet for Windows and Unix platforms, along with an xterm terminal emulator.
In other words, **PuTTY is an easy to use //ssh client// for Windows** that will allow you to connect to the LSCE servers with a very efficient text terminal
If you are in a hurry and PuTTY is not installed yet, you can directly use the ''ssh'' provided with Windows 10!
* Right click on the ''Start'' menu and select ''Powershell'', or use [[other:win10apps#windows_terminal|Start => Terminal]]
* Type ''ssh user@server''
* It is still very useful to install PuTTY, because this will allow you to configure/save sessions, and then connect very easily to other computers later. You will also be able to do Linux-like //copy//-//paste// with your mouse!
* If you have installed [[other:win10wsl|WSL+Ubuntu]] on Windows 10, you can just open a terminal and type ''ssh user@server'' to connect to the server
Read the [[other:putty_conf|Installing and configuring PuTTY]] page to learn the best way to use PuTTY (and [[other:win10apps#vcxsrv_windows_x_server|VcXsrv]] if you have to display remote graphical windows)
You should probably also have a look at the [[other:ssh|understanding and using ssh correctly]] page, if you want to understand basic ssh options, and how PuTTY and VcXsrv interact
===== Linux related tools =====
==== WinSCP ====
The latest versions of WinSCP will install some parts of [[other:win10apps#putty_pageant|PuTTY]] by default, which **we don't want** because we prefer to install PuTTY ourselves
\\ If you have not installed [[other:win10apps#putty_pageant|PuTTY]] yet, do it before installing WinSCP
\\ When the installer asks which //Installation type// you want, **select the //Custom// Installation and unselect //Pageant// and //PuTTYgen// in the //Components// options screen**
[[https://winscp.net/eng/|WinSCP]] is a popular SFTP client and FTP client for Microsoft Windows! Copy file between a local computer and remote servers using FTP, FTPS, SCP, SFTP, WebDAV or S3 file transfer protocols.
* ''WinSCP'' will automatically use the private ssh key stored in ''Pageant'' (installed with ''PuTTY'') for authentication, if ''Pageant'' is running and [[other:putty_conf#using_the_private_key_in_pageant|configured properly]]
* You can use ''WinSCP'' to transfer files between your computer and [[other:newppl:starting#accessing_the_lsce_servers_from_outside_the_lsce|ssh1]] when you are **outside LSCE**.
* When you are **on the LSCE network**, you should directly use [[other:win10config#creating_folder_shortcuts_on_the_desktop|local folders on the LSCE servers]]
* If you have installed [[other:win10wsl|WSL+Ubuntu]], you can directly use [[other:ssh#copying_files_with_scp|scp]] from a terminal!
==== Windows X Server ====
Check the [[other:x_conf#using_an_x_server_on_windows|Using an X server on Windows]] section of the [[other:x_conf|Installing and configuring an X server]] page. You should probably read the full page, or at least the table of content
==== Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) ====
Check the [[other:win10wsl|WSL]] page if you want to **run Ubuntu** (or another Linux) **on your Win10 computer**!!
===== Citation management tools =====
==== Overview ====
* [[https://guides.library.pdx.edu/managecitations|Manage Citations with Zotero, Mendeley, and EndNote]]
==== Zotero ====
[[https://www.zotero.org/|Zotero]] is a free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share research
''Zotero'' is a great tool but, for obvious security reasons, **you should not store your data in the ''Zotero'' cloud** (free or paying)\\ You can perfectly use ''Zotero'' without creating an account! More details below
* [[https://www.zotero.org/download/|Download]] and install ''Zotero''
* You should **avoid creating a ''Zotero'' account** and synchronizing your research data to an unknown cloud!\\ Zotero will work perfectly without creating an account
* [[https://www.zotero.org/download/|Download]] and install the ''Zotero Connector'' extension in the current browser (and possibly all the other browsers you regularly use)
* //Zotero Connectors automatically sense content as you browse the web and allow you to save it to Zotero with a single click//
* Note: ''Zotero'' must be running when you click on the connector button in your browser (but you will be reminded by a popup, if that's not the case)
* Start ''Zotero'' for the first time, and update some basic preferences (''Edit'' => ''Preferences'')
* Language: ''Advanced'' => ''Language'' => ''English''
* Main ''Zotero'' folder:
* This is the **local folder** where all of the ''Zotero'' data (except the settings) will be stored: database, documents (pdf, ...)
* ''Zotero'' only needs a //local// folder in order to work on a given computer. You do not need a //Zotero cloud account//
* Default //local folder// location (on Windows): ''C:\Users\\Zotero''
* Moving the //local folder// to a known location (preferably outside of the ''C:\'' drive on Windows) will make it easier to create a backup of ''Zotero'' data (and restore/move the data to another computer), and synchronize ''Zotero'' data between computers without having to use a ''Zotero'' account
* Recommended new locations for the //local folder//:
* A sub-directory of your [[other:win10config#the_most_important_folders|Local OWNCLOUD FOLDER]], if you have [[other:lsce_cloud|configured LSCE sharebox and ownCloud]]\\ '':\Users\_owncloud\Zotero''
* If you use ownCloud+sharebox to synchronize ''Zotero'' data between different computers, you should have only one version of Zotero running, in order to avoid synchronization conflicts!\\ i.e. **be sure to close ''Zotero'' on a computer before shutting down the computer and using Zotero on your other computer**
* Or a sub-directory of your [[other:win10config#the_most_important_folders|Local HOME FOLDER]]\\ '':\Users\\Zotero''
* Change the ''Zotero'' local folder location in ''Advanced'' => ''Files and Folders'' => ''Data Directory Location'':
* Specify the new location (ideally one of the folders in the //Recommended locations// above) in the ''Custom'' field
* **Quit ''Zotero''**
* Move data to the new location
* New ''Zotero'' user: move the full content of the default ''Zotero'' folder (''C:\Users\\Zotero'' on Windows) to the new location
* Existing user: move the existing ''Zotero'' content (coming from another computer or a backup) to the selected //Custom// location
* Restart ''Zotero''
* More details in [[https://www.zotero.org/support/zotero_data|The Zotero Data Directory]] page
* Use ''Zotero'' to easily add bibliographies to your documents!
* Supported word processors: [[https://www.zotero.org/support/word_processor_integration|Microsoft Word, LibreOffice, and Google Docs]]
* If your favorite word processor is not supported, you can still [[https://www.zotero.org/support/creating_bibliographies#right-click_to_create_citationbibliography|copy a bibliography to the clipboard]] and paste it in a document
* ''Zotero'' must be running when you use the plugin in the supported processors!
* The word processor should display a warning popup if you have forgotten to start ''Zotero''
* Follow the [[https://www.instart-learning.eu/Catalog/training/3380|Zotero (gestion des références bibliographiques)]] (French) online training class
===== Publish or Perish =====
[[https://harzing.com/resources/publish-or-perish|Publish or Perish]] is designed to help individual academics to present their case for research impact to its best advantage, even if you have very few citations
===== 7-Zip =====
[[https://www.7-zip.org/|7-Zip]] is a file archiver with a high compression ratio
Supported formats:
* Packing / unpacking: 7z, XZ, BZIP2, GZIP, TAR, ZIP and WIM
===== Python =====
Depending on which kind of data you work with, you can install a **local Python distribution**:
* Directly in Windows
* Or in the [[other:win10wsl|WSL + Ubuntu]] virtual machine, if you have installed one on your Windows computer
Remember that it is always better to move the computation where the original (an possibly huge) data files are, and **you should probably use a remote Python distribution** (e.g. [[other:python:starting#python_distributions_available_for_lsce_users|if your data is located at LSCE]])
==== CDAT ====
[[https://cdat.llnl.gov/|CDAT]] is a Python distribution for the climate scientist. It can only be installed in the //WSL+Ubuntu part// of a Win10 computer. Check the installation instructions for [[https://wiki.lsce.ipsl.fr/pmip3/doku.php/other:uvcdat:cdat_conda:index|8.1 (or later)]]
==== Anaconda ====
This is the recommended (by JYP) Python distribution/environment. It is **available for Windows, Mac and Linux**
The [[https://www.anaconda.com/products/distribution|Anaconda distribution]] is provided by the [[https://www.anaconda.com/about-us|Anaconda]] company (that was [[https://www.anaconda.com/blog/continuum-analytics-officially-becomes-anaconda|previously called Continuum Analytics]]). It is similar to [[#enthought_deployment_manager_edm|EDM]], but probably more widely used than EDM
Note: Anaconda provides and uses ''conda'' for its installation. Since [[#cdat|CDAT]] is also installed and maintained with ''conda'', you can read the [[other:uvcdat:conda_notes|Installing and maintaining UV-CDAT with conda]] page for more information, even if you are not going to use CDAT
==== Enthought Deployment Manager (EDM) ====
This was previously called //Enthought Python Distribution (EPD)// and then //Enthought Canopy//
[[https://www.enthought.com/enthought-deployment-manager/|Enthought Deployment Manager (EDM)]] is Enthought’s mechanism to deliver scientific software applications and development environments
There are native installers for Windows (.msi), Mac OS X (.pkg), RHEL/Fedora (.rpm), and Debian/Ubuntu (.deb)
===== Java SE Development Kit (JDK) =====
You only need to install the ''JDK'' if other applications (e.g [[other:win10apps#panoply|Panoply]], [[other:win10apps#imagej|ImageJ]]) need it
* There are [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_version_history|many versions of Java]]
* **Determine** which one is the **latest //LTS//** (//Long Time Support//) version of Java (e.g ''Java SE 17'' in May 2023)
* [[https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/|Download the x64 Installer]] of the latest LTS (e.g. ''JDK Development Kit 17.0.7'' in May 2023) for your computer and install it
* For Windows, get the ''x64 MSI Installer''
===== Some technical packages =====
There is a good chance **you don't need** these programs!
==== nmap / zenmap / nping ====
[[https://nmap.org/|nmap]] for Windows can be installed when we need to install [[https://nmap.org/nping/|nping ]] to check if a network connection is stable, instead of using the ''ping'' command directly available in Windows
* ping ssh1 every minutes (''--delay 1m'') during 1 hour (''-c 60''), without displaying the sent packets (''-H'')
* ''nping --delay 1m -c 60 -H ssh1''
===== More applications =====
==== Samsung phone users ====
=== Smart Switch ===
Samsung [[https://www.samsung.com/us/support/owners/app/smart-switch|Smart Switch]] seamlessly transfers contacts, photos, music, videos, messages, notes, calendars and more to virtually any Samsung Galaxy device.
* Can be used for backing up your phone
===== TODO =====
==== Using Microsoft PowerToys ====
Check what could be useful in [[https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/powertoys/|Microsoft PowerToys: Utilities to customize Windows]]
==== Using Dev Home ====
Check what could be useful in [[https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/dev-home/|Dev Home]]
==== Using Visual Studio Code ====
Check what could be useful in [[https://code.visualstudio.com/docs|Visual Studio Code]]
==== Installing applications with winget ====
=== winget documentation ===
* Windows Package Manager [[https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/package-manager/|main documentation]]
* [[https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/package-manager/winget/#use-winget|Use the winget tool to install and manage applications]] (a list of the available ''winget'' commands and their options)
* [[https://github.com/microsoft/winget-cli/issues|winget issues @ GitHub]]
=== Some quick upgrade examples ===
* [[#xnview_classic|XnView Classic]]: ''winget upgrade --id XnSoft.XnView.Classic''
* [[#winscp|WinSCP]]: ''winget upgrade --id WinSCP.WinSCP''
=== winget 'problems' ===
* [[https://github.com/microsoft/winget-cli/issues/964|The sorting order of 'winget list' does not make sense]]
* Workaround **A**: use ''winget list | sort''
* Workaround **B**:
* Install extra PowerShell modules with
Install-Module Microsoft.WinGet.Client
Import-Module Microsoft.WinGet.Client
* Get a sorted list with ''Get-WinGetPackage | sort name'' or ''Get-WinGetPackage | sort id''
=== emacs example ===
PS C:\Users\your_login> winget search --name emacs
Nom ID Version Source
GNU Emacs GNU.Emacs 29.1 winget
PS C:\Users\your_login> winget show --id GNU.Emacs
Trouvé GNU Emacs [GNU.Emacs]
Version : 29.1
Publisher : GNU Project
ID de l’Editeur https://www.gnu.org
Moniker : emacs
Description : An extensible, customizable, free/libre text editor - and more.
Page d’accueil : https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/
Licence : GPL
Copyright : Copyright (C) 2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Mots-clés :
Programme d'installation :
Type du programme d’installation : nullsoft
URL du programme d’installation : https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/emacs/windows/emacs-29/emacs-29.1_2-installer.exe
SHA256 du programme d’installation : c6f43de2b51afc6dcdf1391708dcf1e2f3c4132b4cf9bb7de6611f2432bbcbf5
PS C:\Users\your_login> winget show --id GNU.Emacs --versions
Trouvé GNU Emacs [GNU.Emacs]
PS C:\Users\your_login> winget install --id GNU.Emacs
Trouvé GNU Emacs [GNU.Emacs] Version 28.2
La licence d’utilisation de cette application vous est octroyée par son propriétaire.
Microsoft n’est pas responsable des paquets tiers et n’accorde pas de licences à ceux-ci.
Downloading https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/emacs/windows/emacs-28/emacs-28.2-installer.exe
██████████████████████████████ 46.2 MB / 46.2 MB
Le code de hachage de l’installation a été vérifié avec succès
Démarrage du package d’installation... Merci de patienter.
Installé correctement
PS C:\Users\your_login> winget list --id GNU.Emacs
Aucun package installé ne correspond aux critères saisis.
=== WinSCP example ===
PS C:\Users\your_login> winget list --id WinSCP.WinSCP
Nom ID Version Disponible Source
WinSCP 5.21.5 WinSCP.WinSCP 5.21.5 5.21.6 winget
PS C:\Users\your_login> winget show --id WinSCP.WinSCP
Trouvé WinSCP [WinSCP.WinSCP]
Version : 5.21.6
PS C:\Users\your_login> winget upgrade
Nom ID Version Disponible Source
Zotero DigitalScholar.Zotero 6.0.15 6.0.18 winget
WinSCP 5.21.5 WinSCP.WinSCP 5.21.5 5.21.6 winget
Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x64) - 12.0.30501 Microsoft.VCRedist.2013.x64 12.0.30501.0 12.0.40664.0 winget
PS C:\Users\your_login> winget upgrade --id WinSCP.WinSCP
Trouvé WinSCP [WinSCP.WinSCP] Version 5.21.6
La licence d’utilisation de cette application vous est octroyée par son propriétaire.
Microsoft n’est pas responsable des paquets tiers et n’accorde pas de licences à ceux-ci.
Downloading https://sourceforge.net/projects/winscp/files/WinSCP/5.21.6/WinSCP-5.21.6-Setup.exe/download
██████████████████████████████ 10.9 MB / 10.9 MB
Le code de hachage de l’installation a été vérifié avec succès
Démarrage du package d’installation... Merci de patienter.
Installé correctement
PS C:\Users\your_login> winget list --id WinSCP.WinSCP
Nom ID Version Source
WinSCP 5.21.6 WinSCP.WinSCP 5.21.6 winget
=== PuTTY example ===
There are several versions of PuTTY available, but **you want to use the official version** (maintained **and free**).\\ \\ The **official version** is available with 2 different winget IDs:
* ''XPFNZKSKLBP7RJ'' for the version available directly from Microsoft Store. More details in [[https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/faq.html#faq-windowsstore|Is the version of PuTTY in the Microsoft Store legit?]]
* ''PuTTY.PuTTY'' if you download an installer from the [[https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html|official PuTTY download page]]
PS C:\Users\> winget search putty
Nom ID Version Correspondance Source
PuTTY XPFNZKSKLBP7RJ Unknown msstore
SSH & SFTP Client: Terminal, Telnet & Secure Putty 9PKGBV7S35T0 Unknown msstore
PuTTY PuTTY.PuTTY winget
NETworkManager BornToBeRoot.NETworkManager 2024.6.15.0 Tag: putty winget
PortX NetSarangComputer.PortX 2.2.10 Tag: putty winget
PuTTY CAC NoMoreFood.PuTTY-CAC Tag: putty winget
MTPuTTY TTYPlus.MTPutty 1.8 Tag: putty winget
SuperPuTTY JimRadford.SuperPuTTY 1.5.0 winget
PS C:\Users\> winget list --id XPFNZKSKLBP7RJ
Nom ID Version Disponible Source
PuTTY release 0.77 (64-bit) XPFNZKSKLBP7RJ msstore
PS C:\Users\> winget list --id PuTTY.PuTTY
Nom ID Version Source
PuTTY release 0.81 (64-bit) PuTTY.PuTTY winget
PS C:\Users\jypeter> winget upgrade --id XPFNZKSKLBP7RJ
L’éditeur exige que vous consultiez les informations ci-dessus et acceptiez les contrats avant de procéder à l’installation.
Acceptez-vous les conditions ?
[Y] Oui [N] Non: Y
Téléchargement en cours https://cdn.storeedgefd.dsx.mp.microsoft.com/wus2/cachedpackages/ee66263e-95da-4735-a5ff-6d154a347979_858399ee9ee49e15a78c7018dbf0dd73dba8337d6f0adb841896ba553c9a646c
██████████████████████████████ 3.53 MB / 3.53 MB
Le code de hachage de l’installation a été vérifié avec succès
Démarrage du package d’installation... Merci de patienter.
Installé correctement
PS C:\Users\jypeter> winget list --id XPFNZKSKLBP7RJ
Nom ID Version Source
PuTTY release 0.80 (64-bit) XPFNZKSKLBP7RJ msstore