====== Installing Windows 7 Pro ======
If you have a brand new PC with a pre-installed Win 7, you may want to [[other:clonezilla|create a disk image]] of the PC before the installation, just in case things go wrong and you have to start over.
Making a disk image is also useful if you don't have a Win 7 installation DVD, and the drivers of the machine
====== Prerequisites ======
* A machine with a pre-installed Win 7 that has never been booted
* ... or a Win 7 installation DVD, a licence number
* if possible, a DVD with the specific drivers of the machine
====== Basic installation steps ======
Switch on the machine! If the machine did not have a pre-installed Windows 7, make sure that there is Windows 7 DVD in the the reader.
- Choose //France// (or whatever is most appropriate) for the different localization settings. Warning, it will not be possible to change the language after that
- User name: your LSCE login\\ Computer name: -Dell or -HP (or anything)
- Password: anything you can remember
- License agreement: accept it...
- Security setting: only install important updates
- Time zone, etc...: choose the appropriate settings
- Wait, wait, wait (the computer may reboot)
- Done!!!
====== Changing the partitions ======
Use [[other:gparted|gparted]] to change the default partitions of the disk
====== Getting a network address ======
* Determine the MAC address of the PC
* Start Menu -> "type 'cmd' then press Enter in the Search field"
* Type "getmac" in the Command Prompt window and write down the MAC address
* Type "exit" to close the Command Prompt window
* Ask the LSCE sysadmins to add the MAC address to the DHCP, and get a static IP address for the PC
====== Dell Digital Delivery ======
The first time a new Dell computer is put on the network, it will start the Dell Digital Delivery program. Accept the options and download the extra software (Download "My Dell - Help, Support and Updates" but you probably don't need "Dell Data Protection Security Tools").
====== Installing the drivers ======
If the machine did not have a pre-installed Windows 7, you will have to install additional Dell or HP (or whatever) drivers...
====== Updating Windows ======
===== Configuring the update =====
Control panel =>
===== Manually starting the update =====
====== Removing some pre-installed applications ======
Some machines with a pre-installed Windows system, may have some pre-installed applications that need to be uninstalled:
* MacAfee: this antivirus must be removed before the installation of Symantec Endpoint Protection
* DEMO version of Microsoft Office: remove this before installing Office 2010 supplied by CEA
* ...
====== Getting the LSCE standard Win 7 installation ======
Ask the LSCE sysadmins to make the standard installation
* Giving the machine its final name (''LSCEnnnn'', where nnnn are the last 4 digits of the static IP address)
* Configuration of the local LSCE time server
* Kerberos configuration
* Symantec Endpoint Protection
* OCS inventory
* FortiClient
* cygwin/X
* LSCE printers
* Winzip or 7zip
* Acrobat
* Acrobat Reader
* Microsoft Office Professionnel Plus 2010
* Firefox
* Thunderbird
* Putty
* WinSCP
* java
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