This page was moved to the PMIP4 web site on May 4th 2016!\\ Please use the new web page to get up-to-date information!!\\
====== PMIP4-CMIP6 ice-sheet data ======
You will find on this page the boundary condition data that you have to use for the **LGM** and the **Last Deglaciation** experiments
Please make sure to read the [[#how_to_use_the_data|HOWTO]] section in order to use the data correctly!
Get in touch with the following people if you have questions:
| [[|Masa Kageyama]] | LGM |
| [[|Ruza Ivanovic]] | Last Deglaciation |
| [[|Didier Roche]] | LGM, Last Deglaciation |
| [[|Jean-Yves Peterschmitt]] | Technical questions |
===== How to use the data =====
* Choose the type of boundary condition you want to use. Look at the available data below, and at the [[pmip3:cmip6:design:21k:gallery|ice-sheet gallery]] page.
* Do not forget to document what you have chosen!
* blahblah
* After processing the boundary condition data, send a copy the BC data //as seen by your model// to [[|Jean-Yves Peterschmitt]]: netCDF file and plot
===== Ice-sheet data =====
The input data for the boundary conditions is available in **netCDF files** provided by Dick Peltier and Lev Tarasov. You will find below some technical details about the data, and the related publications to cite
==== Data history ====
The data files may change a bit (rename or standardize the data, etc...) and you will find the change list below
==== Peltier ICE-6G-C for PMIP4 ====
=== Grid ===
* nb_lat, nb_lon = 1080, 2160 (regular 10 minutes intervals)
* latitude_values = [ -89.91667175, -89.75, -89.58334351, ... 89.58333588, 89.75 , 89.91666412 ]
* longitude_values = [ 0., 0.16666667, 0.33333334, ... 359.5, 359.66668701, 359.83334351 ]
* NO time axis (1 time step per file)
=== Time steps and data files ===
* 48 time steps in 48 files, from 0k to 26k BP : data every 500 years from 0k to 21k BP, then every 1000 years till 26k BP
* file names = ''''\\ with in [0, 0.5, 1, ..., 20, 20.5, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26]
* all the variables for the same time step are in the same file
=== Variables ===
* **Topo**: Topography (Point-value altitude), meters
* on continents: surface altitude (including grounded ice sheet)
* on ice-free oceans, and where there is floating ice (ice shelves): bathymetry
* **Orog**: Orography (Point-value surface altitude), meters
* on continents: altitude (including grounded ice sheet)
* on ice-free oceans: 0.0 (zero)
* on ice-shelves: surface altitude
* **sftlf**: Point-value Landmask, %
* values are ''0'' (not land) or ''100'' (land)
* does not include floating ice
* **sftgif**: Point-value Icemask, %
* values are ''0'' (not ice) or ''100'' (ice)
* floating ice is included
* Computing the ''sftlf-sftgif'' difference yields:
* 100: where there is land without ice
* -100: where there is floating ice-sheet
* 0: elsewhere
=== References ===
Please cite **all** following papers:
* Describe the new Antarctic component of the model: Argus, D.F., Peltier, W.R., Drummond, R. and Moore, A.W. - **The Antarctica component of postglacial rebound model ICE-6G_C (VM5a) based upon GPS positioning, exposure age dating of ice thicknesses, and relative sea level histories**. Geophys. J. Int., 198, 537-563, 2014, [[|10.1093/gji/ggu140]]
* Describe the complete model: Peltier, W.R., Argus, D.F. and Drummond, R. (2015) **Space geodesy constrains ice-age terminal deglaciation: The global ICE-6G_C (VM5a) model**. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 120, 450-487, [[|doi:10.1002/2014JB011176]]
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==== Tarasov GLAC-1D for PMIP4 ====
=== Grid ===
* nb_lat, nb_lon = 360, 360
* latitude_values = [ -89.75, -89.25, -88.75, ... 88.75, 89.25, 89.75 ]
* longitude_values = [ 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, ... 357.5, 358.5, 359.5 ]
* time axis: see the //Time steps// section below
=== Time steps and data files ===
* 261 time steps in one file, from 0k to 26k : data every 100 years, from 0k to 26k BP
* time_values = [ -26. , -25.9, -25.8, ... -0.2, -0.1, 0. ]
* all the variables and all the time steps are in the same file: ''''
=== Variables ===
* **HDC**: GLAC contemp. elevation(masl), meters
* on continents (including ice sheets) and ice shelves: surface altitude (including ice sheets/shelves)
* on ice-free ocean: bathymetry
* **HDCB**: GLAC contemp. elevation(masl), bathymetry for floating ice, meters
* on continents (including ice sheets) and ice shelves: surface altitude (including ice sheets)
* on ice-shelves: altitude of the bottom of the floating ice
* on ice-free ocean: bathymetry
* **ICEM**: GLAC ice mask, fraction
* ice fraction values between 0.0 (no ice) and 1.0 (100% ice)
* The land-sea mask can be computed with:
* HDCB > 0 : ls_mask = 1 (land)
* HDCB <= 0 : ls_mask = 0 (no land)
* Computing the ''HDC-HDCB'' difference yields:
* ice-shelves thickness where there are ice shelves
* 0.0 everywhere else
=== References ===
Please cite **all** the following papers:
* L. Tarasov and W. Richard Peltier **Greenland glacial history and local geodynamic consequences**, Geophysical Journal International, 150, 198-229, [[|doi:10.1046/j.1365-246X.2002.01702.x]]
* Lev Tarasov, Arthur S. Dyke, Radford M. Neal and W.R. Peltier, **A data-calibrated distribution of deglacial chronologies for the North American ice complex from glaciological modeling**, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volumes 315–316, 15 January 2012, Pages 30–40, [[|doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2011.09.010]]
* Robert D. Briggs , David Pollard , Lev Tarasov, **A data-constrained large ensemble analysis of Antarctic evolution since the Eemian**, Quaternary Science Reviews, Volume 103, 1 November 2014, Pages 91–115, [[|doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2014.09.003]]
* 4th paper to be added here (Eurasian component)
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