====== PMIP-CMIP6 Experimental Design Discussion ======
The content of most discussion pages below has been **superseded** by the experimental design detailed on the [[https://pmip4.lsce.ipsl.fr/doku.php/exp_design|PMIP4 web site]]
\\ The pages below are used for //discussing// the PMIP-CMIP6 experimental design
PMIP has proposed five experiments for CMIP6. These experiments constitute reference experiments for further projects and sensitivity analyses to be run within PMIP. These pages are open to specifically discuss about the PMIP-CMIP6 experiments.
The main document describing the **PMIP experiments proposed for CMIP6** is here: {{:pmip3:cmip6:design:cmip6-endorsedmips_pmip.pdf|PMIP Application for CMIP6-Endorsed MIPs}}
The following sections summarize the general considerations for all experiments and the experimental set-up for each experiment. Please use the "discussion" box at the end of each section to give your comments about the experimental design.
* [[pmip3:cmip6:design:general:index|General remarks]]
* [[pmip3:wg:p2k:bcdisc|Last millennium]]
* [[pmip3:cmip6:design:6k:index|Mid-Holocene]]
* [[pmip3:cmip6:design:21k:index|Last Glacial Maximum]]
* [[pmip3:wg:qi:bc:lidisc|Last Interglacial]]
* [[pmip3:cmip6:design:plio:index|Pliocene]]
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