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pmip3:design:6k:index [2009/02/06 20:34]
pmip3:design:6k:index [2009/02/12 14:30]
jypeter Link to Plio, shortcuts to discussion, link to biome4, cosmetic changes
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-//Go to =>// [ [[pmip3:​design:​pi:​index|PI]] ] - [ [[pmip3:​design:​21k:​index|21ka]] ] - [ [[pmip3:​design:​lm:​index|LM]] ] +<​html><​a name="​page_top_tag">&​nbsp</​a></​html>​ 
-====== 6ka Experimental Design ======+//Go to =>// [ [[pmip3:​design:​pi:​index|PI]] ] - [ [[pmip3:​design:​21k:​index|21ka]] ] - [ [[pmip3:​design:​lm:​index|LM]] ] - [ [[pmip3:​design:​plio:​index|Plio]] ]
-<note warning>%%  ​Page in progress : this is not the final versionUse the discussion ​pannel below for comments%%</​note>​+====== 6ka Experimental Design ====== 
 +<note warning>**Page in progress**: this is not the final version!\\ \\ Use the [[index#​page_bottom_tag|discussion]] panel add the end of the page for comments </​note>​
 ===== Boundary conditions ===== ===== Boundary conditions =====
-**Summary of 6ka boundary conditions ​**+==== Summary of 6ka boundary conditions ​====
-^      ^   ​PMIP3 ​ ^  Alternative solution ^ + 
-|  Orbital parameters ​ |  **ecc**=0.018682,   **obl**=24.105 °,   **peri-180°**= 0.87 °  | | +^      ^   ​PMIP3 ​ ^  Alternative solution ​ 
-|  ​date of the Vernal ​equinox ​ |  March 21 at Noon  | | +|  Orbital parameters ​ |  ​**ecc** = 0.018682 ​] - [ **obl** = 24.105° ] - [ **peri-180°** = 0.87° ]  | | 
-|  Trace Gazes  ​| ​ **CO<​sub>​2</​sub>​** = 280 ppm**CH<​sub>​4</​sub>​** = 650 ppb**N<​sub>​2</​sub>​O** = 270 ppb**CFC** = 0**O<​sub>​3</​sub>​** = same as PI  | |+|  ​Date of vernal ​equinox ​ |  March 21 at noon  | | 
 +|  Trace gases  ​|  ​**CO<​sub>​2</​sub>​** = 280 ppm ] - [ **CH<​sub>​4</​sub>​** = 650 ppb ] - [ **N<​sub>​2</​sub>​O** = 270 ppb ] - [ **CFC** = 0 ] - [ **O<​sub>​3</​sub>​** = same as PI  | |
 |  Aerosols ​ |  Same as PI  | | |  Aerosols ​ |  Same as PI  | |
 |    | |  | |    | |  |
 |  Solar constant ​ |  1365W/​m<​sup>​2</​sup> ​ |  As in PI  | |  Solar constant ​ |  1365W/​m<​sup>​2</​sup> ​ |  As in PI  |
-|  Vegetation ​    ​| ​ Interactive ​ |  See specific note below | +|  Vegetation ​    ​| ​ Interactive ​ |  See specific note below  
-|  Ice sheet      ​|  ​remnant ​Laurentide ice-sheet (provided) ​ |  Same as PI  | +|  Ice sheets ​     ​|  ​Remnant ​Laurentide ice-sheet (provided) ​ |  Same as PI  | 
-|  Topography and coastline ​ ​| ​ Modification of the Hudson Bay (provided) ​ |  Same as PI  |+|  Topography and coastlines ​ ​| ​ Modification of Hudson Bay coastlines ​(provided) ​ |  Same as PI  |
 +Please use the [[index#​page_bottom_tag|discussion]] panel to **comment** this table!
 +==== Vegetation ====
-** Vegetation ​ ** 
 Depending on the complexity of the model used the vegetation will be either \\ Depending on the complexity of the model used the vegetation will be either \\
 - computed by the model \\ - computed by the model \\
 - prescribed to PI (some ESM may only compute vegetation phenology and carbon cycle)\\ - prescribed to PI (some ESM may only compute vegetation phenology and carbon cycle)\\
 - prescribed to 6ka vegetation reconstructed from a combination of model output and data analyses (please use the map provided here) \\ - prescribed to 6ka vegetation reconstructed from a combination of model output and data analyses (please use the map provided here) \\
-- Obtained from asynschonous ​coupling with a DVGM (Biome 4 model provided ) +- Obtained from asynchronous ​coupling with a DVGM ([[http://​​synth/​biome4.shtml|Biome 4 model]] provided) ​
-** For Earth System ​Model with interactive carbone cycle ** +==== For Earth System ​Models ​with interactive carbone cycle ====
-The simlations are force by the CO2 concentrations. Please use the same protocal as in CMIP5 to store the carbone fluxes and the variables needed for PCMIP (see list here) +
-** Insolation ** +The simulations are forced by CO2 concentrations. Please ​use the same protocol as in CMIP5 to store the carbone fluxes and the variables needed for PCMIP (see list here) 
-Note that insolation should follows PMIP requirements. Please ​check it carefuly using the following tables ​+
 +==== Insolation ====
 +Note that insolation should follows PMIP requirements. Please check it carefully using the following tables ([[http://​​design/​tables/​inso_tables_6k.shtml|6ka BP insolation tables]])
-===== Initial conditions ===== 
-^  ^ PMIP3 ^ Alternative solution ^ 
-| Initial conditions |  branch off PI after adjustement | Same as in PI | 
-| Model spin up      |  Same as in PI |  | 
 +===== Initial conditions =====
 +^  ^  PMIP3  ^  Alternative solution ​ ^
 +| Initial conditions |  Branch off PI after adjustement ​ |  Same as in PI  |
 +| Model spin up      |  Same as in PI  |  |
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pmip3/design/6k/index.txt · Last modified: 2010/09/16 12:35 by jypeter