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taylor_cmip5_dec31.pdf A Summary of the CMIP5 Experiment Design
Lead authors: Karl E. Taylor, Ronald J. Stouffer, and Gerald A. Meehl
CMIP5 list of model output (May 2009)
Karl E. Taylor
(Old Versions: March 2009)
cmip5_filenames_may_09_v0-17.pdf CMIP5 and AR5 Data Reference Syntax (DRS)
Karl E. Taylor, V.Balaji, Steve Hankin, Martin Juckes, Bryan Lawrence

Misc PMIP documents

File Details…
pmip_flier_view.pdf PMIP flier ( by the PMIP2 committee)

Note: the flier is also available in the PMIP2 web site Overview section

Estes Park PMIP workshop reports

PMIP2 Workshop (Pages News)
Bette L. Otto-Bliesner, S. Joussaume, S.P. Harrison, A. Abe-Ouchi and P. Braconnot

Modeling and Data Syntheses of Past Climates (EOS)
Bette L. Otto-Bliesner


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pmip3/docs/index.1242652000.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/05/18 13:06 by jypeter