====== Pollen-based continental climate reconstructions for the mid-Holocene and the Last Glacial Maximum ======
===== Reference =====
\\ \\ **Pollen-based continental climate reconstructions at 6 and 21 ka: a global synthesis**\\ \\ **Bartlein, P. J.**, S. P. Harrison, S. Brewer, S. Connor, B. A. S. Davis, K. Gajewski, J. Guiot, T. I. Harrison-Prentice, A. Henderson, O. Peyron, I. C. Prentice, M. Scholze, H. Seppä, B. Shuman, S. Sugita, R. S. Thompson, A. E. Viau, J. Williams, H. Wu, **2011**. , Climate Dynamics, 37, 775-802.\\ [[http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00382-010-0904-1|DOI 10.1007/s00382-010-0904-1]]\\ \\ \\
===== Data files =====
These data files are not exactly the same as the ones originally used in the //Bartlein et al 2011// paper\\ \\ Please read the [[pmip3:synth:bartlein:index#history_changes|data history]] section to get more information about this!
^ File ^ Description ^
| {{:pmip3:synth:bartlein:qrec_2013-12.tgz}} | \\ All the data files\\ (csv with comma separator, csv with semicolon separator, NetCDF)\\ \\ Archive in tar.gz format\\ \\ |
| {{:pmip3:synth:bartlein:qrec_2013-12.zip}} | \\ All the data files\\ (csv with comma separator, csv with semicolon separator, NetCDF)\\ \\ Archive in zip format\\ \\ |
| {{:pmip3:synth:bartlein:qrec_06ka.pdf}} | \\ Mid-Holocene figure\\ \\ |
| {{:pmip3:synth:bartlein:qrec_21ka.pdf|}} | \\ Last Glacial Maximum figure\\ \\ |
\\ \\ \\
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