====== Indo-Pacific Last Glacial Maximum hydroclimate proxy synthesis ======
===== Reference =====
Main reference:\\ \\ **The effect of sea level on glacial Indo-Pacific climate**\\ \\ **DiNezio, Pedro N.** and J. E. Tierney, **2013**. , Nature Geoscience, 6, 485–491.\\ [[http://www.nature.com/ngeo/journal/v6/n6/abs/ngeo1823.html|DOI: 10.1038/ngeo1823]]
===== Description =====
We created a synthesis of IPWP (Indo-Pacific warm pool) hydroclimate during the LGM using proxy data, to better understand the tropical response to glacial background conditions. See DiNezio and Tierney (2013) for more details.
* **terr_raw** and **marine_raw** files contain the locations and hydroclimate state at the LGM from a collection of proxy records
* **terr_gridded** and **marine_gridded** files are the final "gridded" data as seen in the main text of DiNezio and Tierney (2013), in which proxies were averaged within a search radius of 150 km
The [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values|csv]] text data files contain the following columns (beside the self-explanatory //Location//, //Core ID//, //Proxy// and //Reference// columns):\\ \\
^ Column\\ name ^ Detail ^
| **Longitude** | \\ Longitude of grid-cell center (degrees East)\\ \\ |
| **Latitude** | \\ Latitude of grid-cell center (degrees North)\\ \\ |
| **Category** | \\ Indicates whether the proxy captured:\\ \\ //dry(val=-1)/unchanged(val=0)/wetter(val=1)//\\ \\ //fresh(val=-1)/unchanged(val=0)/salty(val=1)//\\ \\ climate at the LGM\\ \\ |
| **Is_robust** | \\ **_raw files**:\\ \\ //Is_robust=1// indicates when different proxy techniques agree in their estimates of LGM hydroclimate at each location\\ \\ //Is_robust// also takes the value of 1 when only one proxy technique is used\\ \\ **_gridded** files:\\ \\ //is_robust=1// indicates that the observations merged into each "gridded" point agree\\ \\ //is_robust=0// merged observations did not agree\\ \\ |
| **N_obs** | \\ Number of proxy techniques used to estimate LGM hydroclimate from each location\\ \\ |
| **chrono_flag** | \\ **_raw files only**:\\ \\ //chrono_flag=1// indicates whether the proxy record contains one or more radiocarbon U/Th or well-constrained OSL dates near to or during the LGM\\ \\ //chrono_flag=0// indicates that the LGM was dated via wiggle-matching the local benthic d18O to a global stack or another method\\ \\ |
===== References =====
See the proxy references in the //_raw// files
===== Download =====
\\ [[pmip3:synth:dinezio:download|Click here to access the data]]
===== Contact =====
You can get the author(s) contact details on the [[http://www.nature.com/ngeo/journal/v6/n6/abs/ngeo1823.html|Journal page]]
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