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~~DISCUSSION|Discussion on core experiment greenhouse gases~~
====== Last Deglaciation Greenhouse Gases ======
\\ Contacts: [[R.Ivanovic@leeds.ac.uk|Ruža Ivanović]], [[L.J.Gregoire@leeds.ac.uk|Lauren Gregoire]], [[Didier.Roche@lsce.ipsl.fr|Didier Roche]]
[[pmip3:wg:degla:bc:core|Go back]] to the main core experiment design page. \\
[[pmip3:wg:degla:index|Go back]] to the main working group page. \\
Please use the //Discussion// section below to specifically comment on the choice of __greenhouse gases__ for the core experiment. \\
===== Carbon Dioxide =====
The composite record (EPICA Dome C, Vostok and Taylor Dome) from [[http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v453/n7193/full/nature06949.html | Lüthi et al. (2008)]][1] provides CO2 data spanning 800 ka to present.
The data will be provided on the AICC2012 timescale of [[http://www.clim-past.net/9/1733/2013/cp-9-1733-2013.html | Veres et al. (2013)]][2]. \\
**Comparison of CO2 records and the PMIP3 LGM:** ((Plot produced by Lauren Gregoire, Feb 2015)) \\
{{ http://homepages.see.leeds.ac.uk/~earri/pmip_deglac/CO2_comparison.png? | Comparison of CO2 }}
In particular, note how the new AICC2012[2] age model affects the timing of the record and the 'LGM' (21 ka; vertical dashed line) CO2 value; now 188 ppm compared to 185 ppm in PMIP3. There are also differences in timing and in the LGM value compared to the higher resolution [[http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v514/n7524/full/nature13799.html | Marcott et al. (2014)]][3] record.\\
We are proposing to use the composite record of [[http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v453/n7193/full/nature06949.html | Lüthi et al. (2008)]][1]; as per the magenta and red lines. \\
===== Methane =====
The EPICA Dome C record from [[http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v453/n7193/full/nature06950.html | Loulergue et al. (2008)]][4] provides CH4 data also spanning 800 ka to present.
The data will be provided on the AICC2012 timescale of [[http://www.clim-past.net/9/1733/2013/cp-9-1733-2013.html | Veres et al. (2013)]][2]. \\
**EPICA Dome C and the PMIP3 LGM** ((Plot produced by Lauren Gregoire, April 2015)) \\
{{ :pmip3:wg:degla:bc:ch4.png | EPICA Dome C CH4 }} \\
Also note how the new AICC2012[2] age model affects the 'LGM' (21 ka; vertical dashed line) CH4 value.\\
===== Nitrous Oxide =====
The TALDICE record from [[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012821X10006023 | Schilt et al. (2010)]][5] provides N2O data spanning 140 ka to present.
The data will be provided on the AICC2012 timescale of [[http://www.clim-past.net/9/1733/2013/cp-9-1733-2013.html | Veres et al. (2013)]][2].\\
**TALDICE and the PMIP3 LGM** ((Plot produced by Lauren Gregoire, Feb 2015)) \\
{{ http://homepages.see.leeds.ac.uk/~earri/pmip_deglac/N2O.png? | TALDICE N2O }} \\
The old PMIP3 'LGM' (21 ka; vertical dashed line) CH4 value, probably remains representative of the glacial period for the model spin-up, although the 21 ka value for the transient run will be lower, as per the record above. \\
===== Points to discuss =====
Please think about the following points and add any comments on these or any other aspects of the experiment design to the discussion section below: [Topics will be added here as they are raised below or by email.]
* **RESOLVED** With the new AICC2012[2] age model, the LGM values for CO2[1] and CH4[4] are inaccurate, as can be seen from the plots above. Do we need a new PMIP LGM definition for these greenhouse gases in accordance with the records? **DECISION (Oct 2015): We have used the new, up to date CO2 (188 ppm) and CH4 (375 ppb) values for our LGM equilibrium-type 21 ka spinup. We do not know what the LGM group's decision will be.**\\ \\
* **RESOLVED** N2O[1] values take a dive in the lead up to 21 ka. The PMIP3 value of 200 ppb looks fairly representative of the LGM state, even though this is a bit higher than the actual 21 ka value. We recommend that groups spin-up with 200 ppb N2O, and begin the transient simulation from 21 ka in the record (as shown in the plot above). **DECISION (Oct 2015): We have stuck with the old, more representative N2O value of 200 ppb. However, the transient 'spinup' 26-21 ka and the transient run (21-9 ka) should use the chronologically accurate values, as plotted above. We do not know what the LGM group's decision will be.** \\ \\
* **RESOLVED** Should the core experiment use the [[http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v514/n7524/full/nature13799.html | Marcott et al. (2014)]][3] CO2 records? \\ For example, these newer data are higher resolution than [[http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v453/n7193/full/nature06949.html | Lüthi et al. (2008)]][1], but are restricted to 23-9 ka. Therefore more consistency may be be gained from using the older [[http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v453/n7193/full/nature06949.html | Lüthi et al. (2008)]][1] CO2 records, if longer simulations are planned by groups. Also, CH4 and N2O data are not yet available in such high resolution. **DECISION (Oct 2015): We have chosen to use the older data from [[http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v453/n7193/full/nature06949.html | Lüthi et al. (2008)]][1].** \\ \\
- Lüthi, D. et al. High-resolution carbon dioxide concentration record 650,000–800,000 years before present. Nature 453, 379–382 (2008).
- Veres, D. et al. The Antarctic ice core chronology (AICC2012): an optimized multi-parameter and multi-site dating approach for the last 120 thousand years. Clim Past 9, 1733–1748 (2013). 10, 297–317 (1991).
- Marcott, S. A. et al. Centennial-scale changes in the global carbon cycle during the last deglaciation. Nature 514, 616–619 (2014).
- Loulergue, L. et al. Orbital and millennial-scale features of atmospheric CH4 over the past 800,000 years. Nature 453, 383–386 (2008).
- Schilt, A. et al. Atmospheric nitrous oxide during the last 140,000 years. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 300, 33–43 (2010).\\ \\
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