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Contact — Julia Hargreaves 2013/04/26 06:53 to contribute to this page, or leave a comment in the discussion box.

How to find actual data to compare to model output

I am sure there is more than indicated below. Ask the authors of the Experimental description papers!

Last one or two millennia

mid-Holocene - 6ka

Land, pollen data. Continental climate reconstructions for mid-Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum
(Bartlein et al, 2011)

8.5kyear event (?)

The last deglaciation/termination

Continental climate reconstructions for mid-Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum
(Bartlein et al, 2011)

The Last Glacial Maximum

Indo-Pacific Last Glacial Maximum hydroclimate proxy synthesis
(DiNezio and Tierney, 2013)

SST, multi proxy. Multiproxy Approach for the Reconstruction of the Glacial Ocean surface

Land, pollen data. Continental climate reconstructions for mid-Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum
(Bartlein et al, 2011)

The Eemian

There is some SST data and terrestrial temperature data in digital form in the Supp Info of this paper:
BUT, it is as a pdf and a pain to get into a useful format. Dan Lunt has a digital version if you are interested.
The citation for the SST and land temperature data is “Turney and Jones, 2010”

Other glacial cycles?

The Pliocene

Harry Dowsett is working on the new Prism4 SST synthesis for the PlioMIP2 project. It will be published in a USGS publication - currently still in progress (as of February 2017).

There is also SST from PRISM3 (2010). The data for PRISM3 were drawn from various warm periods about 3Ma. Thus they do not present a single consistent climate snapshot of the kind that may be produced by a climate model. These data were used in PlioMIP1. See, for example, this paper comparing PRISM3 and the model HadCM3 and references therein.

The Eocene

There is some SST data and terrestrial temperature data in digital form in the Supp Info of this paper:
The citation for the SST data is “Lunt et al, Climate of the Past, 2012”.
The citation for the terrestrial data is “Huber and Caballero, Climate of the Past, 2011”.

The very very old who knows what ocene

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