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pmip3:wg:ppc:index [2013/09/18 02:25]
lunt [Meetings]
pmip3:wg:ppc:index [2013/11/11 11:21]
lunt [Members]
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    the content of the page    the content of the page
    More info here: http://​​plugin:​discussion */    More info here: http://​​plugin:​discussion */
-/* ~~DISCUSSION~~ ​*/+    
 ====== PMIP3 WG - Pre-Pliocene climates ====== ====== PMIP3 WG - Pre-Pliocene climates ======
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 __What are the key scientific questions?​__ __What are the key scientific questions?​__
   * //GF: Efficacy of fast feedbacks in a warm world? What feedbacks that operate in warm climates that done operate in more equitable climes? E.g. are their hidden feedbacks and/or sudden jumps in feedback efficacy that lie in wait as we warm the world toward Eocene conditions? ​ Background climate state dependency of feedbacks etc.//   * //GF: Efficacy of fast feedbacks in a warm world? What feedbacks that operate in warm climates that done operate in more equitable climes? E.g. are their hidden feedbacks and/or sudden jumps in feedback efficacy that lie in wait as we warm the world toward Eocene conditions? ​ Background climate state dependency of feedbacks etc.//
 +  * //YD: It looks like we are unable to melt the Antarctic ice-sheet with reasonable CO2 levels during the Pliocene (unless tuning all the parameters to get it).  Conversely, CO2 is sometimes very low before the E-O transition, what does it mean ? Why do we not see changes in d180, I am not convinced that the small geographical changes characterizing the early Cenozoic could explain a lower Earth sensitivity to glaciation.//​
 __What time periods should we target?__ __What time periods should we target?__
   * //GF: We need a big signal and lots of data coverage. ​ Time periods that are easy to spot in the record and have lots (ish) of data already are Eocene climatic optimum, middle Eocene climatic optimum, PETM.//   * //GF: We need a big signal and lots of data coverage. ​ Time periods that are easy to spot in the record and have lots (ish) of data already are Eocene climatic optimum, middle Eocene climatic optimum, PETM.//
 +  * //GL: As a focus, I suggest two time intervals: Eocene and Miocene.//
 +  * //BB:  Oligocene and Miocene evolution of climate, ice sheets and the carbon cycle.// ​
 __What is needed for experimental design – paleogeographies and CO2 primarily – what datasets can we use?__ __What is needed for experimental design – paleogeographies and CO2 primarily – what datasets can we use?__
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 ===== Members ===== ===== Members =====
 +Paul Baker\\
 +Bas de Boer\\
 +Catherine Bradshaw\\
 +Philippe Claeys\\
 +Michel Crucifix\\
 +Rob DeConto\\
 +Yannick Donnadieu\\
 +Tom Dunkley Jones\\
 Alex Farnsworth\\ Alex Farnsworth\\
 Gavin Foster\\ Gavin Foster\\
 +Sheri Fritz\\
 +Ed Gasson\\
 Julia Hargreaves\\ Julia Hargreaves\\
 +Alan Haywood\\
 +Nicholas Herold\\
 +Dan Hill\\
 +Chris Hollis\\
 +Matt Huber\\
 +Nick Hulton\\
 Petra Langebroek\\ Petra Langebroek\\
 David Lea\\ David Lea\\
 +Carrie Lear\\
 +Gerrit Lohmann\\
 Dan Lunt\\ Dan Lunt\\
 +Uwe Mikolajewicz\\
 +David Naafs\\
 +Tim Naish\\
 +Kerim Nisancioglu\\
 Bette Otto-Bliesner\\ Bette Otto-Bliesner\\
 Rich Pancost\\ Rich Pancost\\
 +Wonsun Park\\
 +Paul Pearson\\
 Chris Poulsen\\ Chris Poulsen\\
 +Matthias Prange\\
 +Stuart Robinson\\
 +Francesca Sangiorgi\\
 +Dani Schmidt\\
 +Birgit Schneider\\
 +Lori Sentman\\
 +Appy Sluijs\\
 +Jozef Syktus\\
 +Ellen Thomas\\
 +Jess Tierney\\
 +Martin Tranter\\
 +Aradhna Tripati\\
 +Paul Valdes\\
 +David De Vleeschouwer\\
 +Jonny Williams\\
 Arne Winguth\\ Arne Winguth\\
 +Jim Zachos\\ 
 +Richard Zeebe\\
 ===== Meetings ===== ===== Meetings =====
   * Informal meeting at AGU 2013.   * Informal meeting at AGU 2013.
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 ===== Name suggestions ===== ===== Name suggestions =====
-Tertiary PMIP "(TerMIP)"\\ +Tertiary PMIP "​TerMIP"​\\ 
 +Deep Time PMIP Working Group "​DeepMIP"​\\ 
 +5Ma+ PMIP Working Group? "​5MaMIP"​ or "​5Ma+MIP"​\\ 
 +"​CenoMIP"​ \\ 
 +Phanerozoic MIP "​PhanMIP"​\\
 \\ \\ \\  \\ \\ \\ 
pmip3/wg/ppc/index.txt · Last modified: 2016/09/28 14:50 by lunt