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PMIP3 WG - Pre-Pliocene climates

Group description

  • To carry out coordinated model simulations of pre-Pliocene time periods, to address key scientific questions related to key intervals, and to evaluate the models by comparisons with palaeo data.
  • To leverage funding for pre-Pliocene climate modelling through coordinated projects.
  • To contribute to the IPCC if appropriate.

Questions to be addressed

What are the key scientific questions?\\

  • GF: Efficacy of fast feedbacks in a warm world? What feedbacks that operate in warm climates that done operate in more equitable climes? E.g. are their hidden feedbacks and/or sudden jumps in feedback efficacy that lie in wait as we warm the world toward Eocene conditions? Background climate state dependency of feedbacks etc.

What time periods should we target?\\

  • GF: We need a big signal and lots of data coverage. Time periods that are easy to spot in the record and have lots (ish) of data already are Eocene climatic optimum, middle Eocene climatic optimum, PETM

What is needed for experimental design – paleogeographies and CO2 primarily – what datasets can we use?\\

What are the best datasets for model-data comparisons, and how can these be improved?\\ * GF: More SST and MAT for terrestrial no doubt needed, and CO2 data.

What are the best methodologies for model-data comparisons (close collaboration with the Past2Future working group)\\ * GF: I think a radical way to do this would be to move away from simple difference to modern type studies that have been done to date, instead we could try to look across a number of natural warming events and see whether the models capture the warming the geological record shows. So for instance, pre, peak and post PETM, MECO and EECO - do the models show similar trajectories to the data? CO2 would be much better constrained this way and so will the SSTs (e.g. most of the TEX86 uncertainty in your Eocene paper is due to calibration, for these shorter time periods you could use delta T change which is largely independent of calibration).


Gavin Foster
Dan Lunt
Bette Otto-Bliesner
Chris Poulsen


  • Informal meeting at AGU 2013.
  • Namur, Belgium, 2014

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pmip3/wg/ppc/index.1379470459.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/09/18 02:14 by lunt