# Conda initialization by JYP, NEW style # # Use this for working with conda and Python environments centrally # managed by JYP # # Execute this file in a TCSH shell with # # source path/this_file # # Then get the list of available python environments with # # conda env list # # Then activate a specific environments with # # conda activate env_name # # More details in: # # https://wiki.lsce.ipsl.fr/pmip3/doku.php/other:uvcdat:cdat_conda:miniconda3_install#conda_in_a_multi-user_linux_installation # # https://wiki.lsce.ipsl.fr/pmip3/doku.php/other:uvcdat:cdat_conda:index # # Jean-Yves Peterschmitt - LSCE - 06/2024 source /home/share/unix_files/cdat/miniconda3_2024-03/etc/profile.d/conda.csh # Use the alias below to easily determine where your conda and current # python interpreter are located alias wconda 'which conda' alias wp 'which python' # Define an alias for activating the recommended environments alias pynit 'conda activate base' # The end