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meetings [2015/10/22 02:38]
meetings [2015/10/22 04:56]
fzhou [September 21-25 2015 Shenzhen Summer School]
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 ====== Summer School ====== ====== Summer School ======
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-===== September 21-25 2015 Shenzhen Summer School ===== 
-The SOFIE Summer School was held in Shenzhen, China. 
-Proposed topics included: 
-  - Emissions inventories and urban areas 
-  - Vegetation modeling 
-  - Hydrology & Atmospheric composition 
-  - Integration & Climate feedbacks 
-  - Nitrogen and Phosphorus interactions in the Earth System 
-Agenda : 
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 First elements for an international master on climate sciences (Pr. P. Bousquet): First elements for an international master on climate sciences (Pr. P. Bousquet):
meetings.txt · Last modified: 2015/10/22 04:56 by fzhou