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BIOS, diagnostics and other start-up notes

Crashed computer


Determining the BIOS version

The BIOS version is usually displayed quickly when a computer is booting, and when you are in the BIOS options screen

You can also get the BIOS version when your operating system is running!

From Windows

Use the msinfo32 command and check the BIOS version line in the system summary screen

From Linux

Use the dmidecode command: dmidecode -s bios-version

$ sudo dmidecode -s bios-version
[sudo] Password for your_login:

Entering the BIOS

Power off the machine, then power it on again and press repeatedly the appropriate key several times while the computer is starting, until you see the BIOS options screen. This should take place before you have to type the Windows bitlocker password, or the Linux (de)crypting password

Dell F2

Enabling boot on a USB drive


Settings ⇒ General ⇒ Boot Sequence: USB Storage Device must be selected, and in the first place of the Boot Order

Updating the BIOS

If the BIOS update does not seem to work (no update takes place), check this HP BIOS update section


There are lots of HP BIOS details in HP PC Commercial BIOS (UEFI) Setup - Administration Guide (pdf document)

Choosing the boot media or the diagnostics

Dell F12 (enter the One-time Boot Menu)
HP ESC and then F2

Booting in safe mode

Safe mode ⇔ Mode sans échec

Windows 10

Windows 7

Power off the machine, then power it and press the appropriate key at the same time

Dell F8

See also Performing a safe clean boot

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other/bios.1642082968.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/01/13 14:09 by jypeter