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other:emacs_doc [2023/08/24 13:09]
jypeter [TODO] Improved the "Frame" description
other:emacs_doc [2024/05/06 08:40]
jypeter [Example configuration file] Improved MS Win related stuff
Line 33: Line 33:
 ==== Linux installation ==== ==== Linux installation ====
-Install the ''​emacs'' ​packageif it is not already available+  * Check **if ''​emacs'' ​is already installed** on the Linux computer or servers you are usinge.g with the ''​[[other:​newppl:​starting#​which_program_am_i_using|which]]''​ command. There is a good chance that ''​emacs'' ​is already available ​on shared servers! 
 +    * <​code>​$ which \emacs 
-<​code>​$ sudo apt install emacs+  * **If ''​emacs''​ is not available**:​ 
 +    * On shared server: ask your local system administrators 
 +    *  On your Linux desktop/​laptop:​ install the ''​emacs''​ package the following way 
 +      * <​code>​$ sudo apt install emacs
 [sudo] password for your_login: [sudo] password for your_login:
 Reading package lists... Done Reading package lists... Done
Line 51: Line 56:
 ==== Windows installation ==== ==== Windows installation ====
-=== emacs for Windows === 
-This is the //light and easy// option!+=== emacs binaries for Windows ===
-  ​Use [[other:win10apps#installing_applications_with_winget|winget]] to install ''​emacs''​ for Windows: +<note warning>​When installing emacs, you will need an account that can get **//​elevated//​ (i.e. //​administrator//​) permissions** 
-    * Just type the folllowing, in a windows ''​cmd'',​ ''​PowerShell''​ or ''​Terminal''​ **with //​elevated//​ (i.e. //​administrator//​) permissions**:\\ ''​%%winget install ​--id GNU.Emacs%%''​ + 
-    Note: if the automated installation with ''​winget''​ does not work, download the Windows installer from the most recent ''​windows/gnu-XX'' ​directory ​of a [[​emacs/​|gnu ftp mirror]]+\\ On a computer configured at LSCE, use your ''​[[https://​​pmip3/​doku.php/​other:win10config#the_available_accounts|.\admin]]''​ account</​note>​ 
 +  * Use ''​winget'' ​to install ''​emacs''​ for Windows ​(optional [[other:​win10apps#​installing_applications_with_winget|winget]] details, for people who want to learn more)
 +    * Just type the folllowing, in a windows ''​cmd'',​ ''​PowerShell''​ or ''​Terminal''​ 
 +      ​''​%%winget install --id GNU.Emacs%%''​ 
 +      ​if your Windows terminal does not have //​elevated//​ (i.e. //​administrator//​) permissions, a pop-up window will open and ask for confirmation 
 +  IF the automated installation with ''​winget''​ does not work, download the most recent ​Windows installer from a gnu //ftp// mirror 
 +    * Go to a [[https://​​emacs/​windows/​|gnu emacs for windows ftp mirror]] 
 +    * Go to the most recent ''​emacs-XX/''​ folder (e.g. ''​emacs-29/''​ as of February 2024) 
 +    * Download the most recent ''​emacs-XX.YY-installer.exe'' ​file (e.g. ''​emacs-29.2_1-installer.exe''​ as of February 2024) and execute it 
 +  * If everything went well, you should have new ''​Start''​=>''​Emacs-XX''​ menu that you can use to start ''​emacs''​ 
 +    * If the menu shortcuts have **not** been installed:​ 
 +      * Go to the emacs binaries directory: ''​C:​\\Program Files\\Emacs\\emacs-XX.YY\\bin''​ 
 +      * Click on the ''​addpm.exe''​ program to (re-)run the program that will create the shortcuts ([[​html_node/​efaq-w32/​Installing-binaries.html|official page]])
   * You can work with the default ''​emacs''​ settings, but it is highly recommended to start with a nice existing emacs configuration file (if available)   * You can work with the default ''​emacs''​ settings, but it is highly recommended to start with a nice existing emacs configuration file (if available)
-    * Example configuration file FIXME+    * [[other:​emacs_doc#​example_configuration_file|Example configuration file]]
-  ​* **If** you need to **work with remote files**, ''​emacs''​ can automatically transfer files from your computer and remote servers, if configured properly\\ <wrap hi>​**Extremely** useful</​wrap>​+=== Recommended EXTRA binaries for Windows === 
 +  ​* **If** you need to **work with remote files**, ''​emacs''​ can automatically transfer files between ​your local computer and remote servers, if configured properly\\ <wrap hi>​**Extremely** useful</​wrap>​
     * [[https://​​pmip3/​doku.php/​other:​putty_conf|Install PuTTY]], and configure a PuTTY //profile// for the desired //host **and** user// combination,​ so that emacs can use the [[https://​​~sgtatham/​putty/​0.78/​htmldoc/​Chapter7.html#​plink|PuTTY plink]] command to connect to remote servers (and transfer files)     * [[https://​​pmip3/​doku.php/​other:​putty_conf|Install PuTTY]], and configure a PuTTY //profile// for the desired //host **and** user// combination,​ so that emacs can use the [[https://​​~sgtatham/​putty/​0.78/​htmldoc/​Chapter7.html#​plink|PuTTY plink]] command to connect to remote servers (and transfer files)
-      * Do not use //space// characters in the predefined PuTTY profile name! +      ​* **Do not use //space// characters in the predefined PuTTY profile name**
-        * ''​mylogin_server''​ (e.g. ''​jyp_ssh1''​) is OK+        * ''​mylogin_server''​ (e.g. ''​me_ssh1''​) is OK
         * but ''​mylogin server''​ will **not** work         * but ''​mylogin server''​ will **not** work
     * Use the [[https://​​software/​tramp/#​Inline-methods|plinkx]] //method// when opening a remote file with emacs: ''/​plinkx:​mylogin_server:/​path/​to/​file''​     * Use the [[https://​​software/​tramp/#​Inline-methods|plinkx]] //method// when opening a remote file with emacs: ''/​plinkx:​mylogin_server:/​path/​to/​file''​
-      * Use **exactly** the same profile name as an existing PuTTY profile!+      * Use **exactly the same profile name** as an existing PuTTY profile!
       * More details in FIXME       * More details in FIXME
   * **If** you need to use the **emacs //ediff// mode to compare text files**\\ <wrap hi>Very useful</​wrap>​   * **If** you need to use the **emacs //ediff// mode to compare text files**\\ <wrap hi>Very useful</​wrap>​
     * Install the Windows version of [[https://​​software/​diffutils/​diffutils.html|Gnu diffutils]]     * Install the Windows version of [[https://​​software/​diffutils/​diffutils.html|Gnu diffutils]]
-      * Download ​and execute ​the //Complete package, except sources installer// (''​diffutils-2.8.7-1.exe''​ as of August 2023) from [[https://​​packages/​diffutils.htm|]] +      * Download the //Complete package, except sources installer// (''​diffutils-2.8.7-1.exe''​ as of February 2024) from [[https://​​packages/​diffutils.htm|]] ​and execute the installer 
-      Be sure to uncomment ​the following line in your ''​.emacs''​ configuration file (and restart ​emacs). Otherwise emacs will not be able to find the ''​diffutils''​ binaries it needs for comparing text files +        This will install ​the required binaries and reources ​in ''​C:​\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\''​ 
-        * ''(setq exec-path (append exec-path '​("​C:​\\Program Files (x86)\\GnuWin32\\bin"​)))''​ +      * If you use the recommended ​''​.emacs''​ configuration file, it should already have a section telling ​emacs where to find the ''​diffutils''​ binaries it needs for comparing text files 
-    * FIXME Find a recent //compiled for Windows// version of ''​diffutils''​\\ As of July 2023...+        * <​code>​(when (eq window-system ​'w32) 
 +  ​(setq exec-path (append exec-path '​("​C:​\\Program Files (x86)\\GnuWin32\\bin"​))) 
 +  )</​code>​ 
 +    * FIXME Check if there is a recent //compiled for Windows// version of ''​diffutils''​\\ As of February 2024...
       * [[https://​​news/?​id=10368|diffutils-3.10]] is available (released in May 2023)       * [[https://​​news/?​id=10368|diffutils-3.10]] is available (released in May 2023)
       * The ''​2.8.7-1''​ Win32 binaries are dated //May 2004//, but **work perfectly fine**!       * The ''​2.8.7-1''​ Win32 binaries are dated //May 2004//, but **work perfectly fine**!
-  * Extra Windows specific information (optional, read only if you need it): [[https://​​software/​emacs/​manual/​html_mono/​efaq-w32.html|GNU Emacs FAQ for MS Windows]]+=== emacs for Windows ​technical notes ===
-=== emacs for Linuxinside WSL ===+<note tip>​These notes are only here for finding them easilybut **you probably don't need them**.\\ Just follow exactly the windows related instructions on this page!</​note>​
-This is the //overkill// option... Useful only if you really need WSL! But you should also install the [[#emacs_for_windows|emacs Windows ​version]]!+  * [[​manual/​html_mono/​emacs.html#Microsoft-Windows|Emacs and Microsoft ​Windows/MS-DOS]] (//Appendix H// of the //The Emacs Editor manual//)
-  * Install ​[[other:win10wsl|Windows Subsystem ​for Linux]] +  * [[https://​​software/​emacs/​manual/​html_mono/​efaq-w32.html|GNU Emacs FAQ for MS Windows]] 
-  * Install emacs for Linux (check [[#​linux_installation|Linux installation]] above)+ 
 +  * Extra Windows specific information ​(optional, read only if you need it): [[https://​​software/​emacs/​manual/​html_mono/​efaq-w32.html|GNU Emacs FAQ for MS Windows]]
 ===== Launching emacs ===== ===== Launching emacs =====
Line 99: Line 123:
 ==== Windows launch ==== ==== Windows launch ====
-  * ''​Start''​ => ''​E''​ => ''​Emacs''​+  * ''​Start''​ => ''​E''​ => ''​Emacs-XX.Y''​ => ''​Emacs''​
 ==== Mac launch ==== ==== Mac launch ====
Line 179: Line 203:
 ==== Example configuration file ==== ==== Example configuration file ====
-  * Recommended {{ :​other:​emacs_jyp_2023-08-11.txt |emacs configuration file}}+  * Recommended {{ :​other:​emacs_jyp_2023-09-12.txt |emacs configuration file}}
     * Download this ''​emacs_jyp_yyyy-mm-dd.txt''​ file to the [[other:​emacs_doc#​location_of_the_configuration_file|appropriate configuration directory (for your system)]]     * Download this ''​emacs_jyp_yyyy-mm-dd.txt''​ file to the [[other:​emacs_doc#​location_of_the_configuration_file|appropriate configuration directory (for your system)]]
     * Rename the file to ''​.emacs''​     * Rename the file to ''​.emacs''​
-    * Edit the file (with ''​emacs''​ or another editor) ​and search ​//Microsoft// to (un)comment ​MS Windows specific ​sections of the configuration file+    * You can possibly edit the ''​.emacs'' ​file (with ''​emacs''​ or another editor) ​to make some changes, but it should theoretically work //as is// 
 +      * MS Windows specific ​section should automatically be executed only on Windows computer, and you don't have to comment them out by hand. You can find them by looking for the following strings: ''​Microsoft'',​ ''​MS'',​ ''​w32''​
     * (re)start ''​emacs''​ to take this configuration file into account     * (re)start ''​emacs''​ to take this configuration file into account
 +      * On MS Windows: if ''​emacs''​ displays the following error message, just create the ''​server''​ directory (''​c:/​Users/​your_login/​AppData/​Roaming/​.emacs.d/​server''​) by hand and restart ''​emacs''​\\ <​code>​Warning (initialization):​ An error occurred while loading ‘c:/​Users/​your_login/​AppData/​Roaming/​.emacs’:​
-  ​* Keyboard shortcuts defined by the example configuration file+File is missing: Opening output file, No such file or directory, c:/​Users/​your_login/​AppData/​Roaming/​.emacs.d/​server/​server</​code>​ 
 +  * **Keyboard shortcuts** defined by the example configuration file
     * ''​C-x C-g'':​ go to a specific line     * ''​C-x C-g'':​ go to a specific line
     * ''​Shift Left_Arrow''​ and ''​Shift Right_Arrow'':​ go to the beginning/​end of a line\\ Same behavior as ''​C-a''​ and ''​C-e'',​ and the ''​Home''​ and ''​End''​ keyboard keys     * ''​Shift Left_Arrow''​ and ''​Shift Right_Arrow'':​ go to the beginning/​end of a line\\ Same behavior as ''​C-a''​ and ''​C-e'',​ and the ''​Home''​ and ''​End''​ keyboard keys
Line 197: Line 225:
       * ''​F4'':​ indent the selected region (if indenting makes sense for the current buffer mode)       * ''​F4'':​ indent the selected region (if indenting makes sense for the current buffer mode)
       * ''​F5'':​ comment out the selected region (comment style depends on the current buffer mode)       * ''​F5'':​ comment out the selected region (comment style depends on the current buffer mode)
 +        * ''​M-;''​ can be used for commenting **and un-commenting**
       * ''​F12'':​ Repeat complex command (e.g. restart a previous query-replace operation)       * ''​F12'':​ Repeat complex command (e.g. restart a previous query-replace operation)
Line 255: Line 284:
     * Other official related [[https://​​software/​emacs/​manual/​|GNU Emacs Manuals]]     * Other official related [[https://​​software/​emacs/​manual/​|GNU Emacs Manuals]]
-===== Upgrading ​emacs =====+  * [[https://​​rougier#​emacs-hacking|Emacs hacking]] by Nicolas Rougier 
 +===== Updating ​emacs ===== 
 +==== Linux ==== 
 +==== Mac ==== 
 +==== Windows ==== 
 +Using ''​winget upgrade''​ for updating emacs on Windows unfortunately [[https://​​microsoft/​winget-pkgs/​issues/​88443#​issuecomment-1688257680|does not work yet (August 2023)]]. The easiest way to update Emacs is:
-FIXME Add a section about //​Upgrading//​Note: [[https://​​issues/​88443#issuecomment-1688257680|winget upgrade does not work yet (August 2023)]]+  * Check the version of the installed Emacs 
 +    * In the ''​Start''​ menu: ''​Start''​ => ''​E''​ => ''​Emacs-**version**''​ (e.g. ''​Emacs 28.2''​) 
 +    * In a running Emacs''​Help''​ menu => ''​About Emacs''​ 
 +  * Use ''​winget show''​ in a PowerShell to determine (all) the available versions 
 +    * <​code>​PS C:> winget show --id GNU.Emacs --versions 
 +Found GNU Emacs [GNU.Emacs] 
 +  * If you want/need to update Emacs (after making sure it is not running) 
 +    * Uninstall it with: ''​Start''​ => ''​E''​ => ''​Emacs-**version**''​ => ''​Uninstall''​\\ Your emacs configuration file and other files you have installed will **not** be removed! 
 +    * Perform a new [[other:​emacs_doc#windows_installation|Emacs for Windows installation]]
 /* standard page footer */ /* standard page footer */
other/emacs_doc.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/30 15:03 by jypeter