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Using the RIE Algorithmes web site

Restaurant opening times: 11h45 to 14h00
WE can significantly reduce the waiting time when it's time to pay, by having enough money on our badge and not having to recharge it when there is already a long waiting line

Creating your account

It's very easy to create an account on the following portal and add money online:

You just need to know your badge number. Note that this is NOT the CEA badge number, but the number that is on the printed receipt you get when you pay (so you have to bring this receipt back with you once).

The web site has been completely updated and seems to be at last available in English, if your browser language is set to English!

Adding money

Try to access the English version of the SoHappy site, or ask a French speaking colleague

Managing your account and the notifications

Try to access the English version of the SoHappy site, or ask a French speaking colleague

Try to access the English version of the SoHappy site, or ask a French speaking colleague

Smartphone apps

You can get the same information as the web site on your smartphone

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other/newppl/riealgo.1638888762.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/12/07 14:52 by jypeter