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other:newppl:starting [2020/08/20 15:04]
jypeter ssh info moved to the dedicated ssh page
other:newppl:starting [2020/08/24 14:47]
jypeter Removed the "Accessing the LSCE servers from outside the LSCE" section after moving everything to the 'ssh' page
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 ===== Using your own computer at LSCE? ===== ===== Using your own computer at LSCE? =====
-No need to try to connect your laptop to the LSCE wire network, it will not work!+No need to try to connect your personal ​laptop to the LSCE wire network, it will **not** work!
-The best you can do is use the [[https://​​informatique/​wifi/​index.php|eduroam ​or guest wifi]] network, if your office is close enough to one of the access points.+The best you can do is use the [[https://​​informatique/en/​wifi/​index.php|Guest WiFi]] ​or [[https://​​informatique/​en/​wifi/​eduroam.php|eduroam]] network, if your office is close enough to one of the access points.
-**Warning!** You can't connect directly to the //obelix// LSCE servers from the wifi network. You first have to connect to ''​'',​ and then to ''​obelix''​+**Warning!** You **can't** connect directly to the //obelix// LSCE servers from the wifi network. You first have to connect to the ''​'' ​//gateway// server, and then to ''​obelix''​. More details in [[#​accessing_the_lsce_servers_from_outside_the_lsce|Accessing the LSCE servers from outside the LSCE]]
 ===== Accessing the LSCE intranet ===== ===== Accessing the LSCE intranet =====
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 Follow the instructions in the [[https://​​informatique/​en/​winsrv.php|Windows servers]] page. If you need to use a program that is missing on this cluster, see the [[#​getting_help_from_the_lsce_system_administrators|Help]] section Follow the instructions in the [[https://​​informatique/​en/​winsrv.php|Windows servers]] page. If you need to use a program that is missing on this cluster, see the [[#​getting_help_from_the_lsce_system_administrators|Help]] section
-===== Accessing the Linux servers ​from your LSCE deskop ​=====+===== Accessing the LSCE Linux servers =====
-[[other:​ssh|Use ssh to connect to the servers]]+You have to [[other:​ssh|Use ssh to connect to the servers]] 
 +If you are really in a hurry, go directly to the [[other:​ssh#​connecting_to_the_lsce_servers_ipsl_servers_tgcc|Connecting to the LSCE servers, IPSL servers, TGCC, ...]] section, but it is important that you **read the full //ssh documentation//​ page at least once**!
Line 482: Line 484:
 {{ :​other:​newppl:​xnview_capture.jpg?​200 |Click to get a larger version}} {{ :​other:​newppl:​xnview_capture.jpg?​200 |Click to get a larger version}}
-===== Accessing the LSCE servers from outside the LSCE ===== 
-The only way to access the LSCE servers from outside LSCE is to connect first to the **** gateway server. 
-==== Interactive access ==== 
-  - Send a mail to //​help-lsce//,​ and request an access to the //ssh1// server 
-  - Use ''​ssh''​ to **connect** to //ssh1// 
-    * From a terminal on a Linux/​Windows10/​Mac computer: ''​ssh -A -X''​ 
-    * From a Windows computer: 
-      * Text only: use [[other:​win10apps#​putty_pageant|Putty]]. Putty allows you to open text terminals on remote computers 
-      * Text **and graphics**: you need to [[https://​​pmip3/​doku.php/​other:​win10wsl#​using_an_x_server|install an X server]] on your computer in order to display the graphics 
-  - You can access all LSCE disks from //ssh1//, but there is only a limited number of programs that you can run, so you have to go from //ssh1// to //obelix// or //irene// with one of the ''​ssh''​ commands below: 
-    * ''​ssh obelix''​ 
-    * ''​ssh''​ 
-  - It's possible to use only one line to to both ssh commands 
-    * obelix: ''​ssh -A -X -t ssh -A obelix''​ 
-    * TGCC: ''​ssh -A -X -t ssh -A''​ 
-  - You can define an alias in order to connect more easily to the machines: 
-    * //tcsh// users: add the following line to your ''​~/​.cshrc''​ configuration file\\ ''​alias sobelix 'ssh -A -X -t ssh -A obelix'''​ 
-    * //bash// users: add the following line to your ''​~/​.bashrc''​ configuration file\\ ''​alias sobelix='​ssh -A -X -t ssh -A obelix'''​ 
-  - You should create and configure an //ssh key//, if you don't want to type your password each time you use ssh or scp 
-  - If you want more information about ''​ssh''​ 
-    * Linux users: http://​​data/​documents/​ssh-utilisateurs-unix.pdf 
-    * Windows users: http://​​data/​documents/​ssh_putty_v2_2011-1.pdf 
-==== Copying files to/from LSCE ==== 
-If you need to **transfer** files to/from LSCE, use ''​scp''​ (on Linux and Windows 10), or a graphical scp client such as [[other:​win10apps#​winscp|WinSCP]] (on Windows) between your computer and ''​''​ 
-  * Example: 
-    * Sending **one file** from a Linux/​Windows10/​Mac computer to your //scratch// directory at LSCE:\\ ''​scp -p file_on_your_computer_outside_lsce​home/​scratch01/​your_lsce_login/''​ 
-    * Sending recursively **a full directory**:​\\ ''​scp -pr directory_on_your_computer_outside_lsce​home/​scratch01/​your_lsce_login/''​ 
 ===== What next? ===== ===== What next? =====
other/newppl/starting.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/13 14:28 by jypeter