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other:newppl:starting [2020/10/01 07:58]
jypeter [Miscellaneous information] Added LSCE intranet
other:newppl:starting [2022/11/18 17:10]
jypeter [Text editors] Improved
Line 14: Line 14:
   * [[https://​​Phocea/​Page/​index.php?​id=97|Survival kit and other information for CDD and interns]] (LSCE intranet)   * [[https://​​Phocea/​Page/​index.php?​id=97|Survival kit and other information for CDD and interns]] (LSCE intranet)
   * [[http://​​lang=en|CEA Saclay International Office]] //Our multilingual staff is readily available to assist you through immigration procedures and to help you settle in France//   * [[http://​​lang=en|CEA Saclay International Office]] //Our multilingual staff is readily available to assist you through immigration procedures and to help you settle in France//
-  * [[https://​​en/​e-international-welcome-office|e-International ​Welcome Office]] //​Paris-Saclay ​university help to prepare for your arrival in France ​and help you settle down in the best conditions//​+  * [[https://​​en/​campus-life/international-welcome-desk|International ​welcome desk]] //Université ​Paris-Saclay ​provides you with a variety of services and documentation ​to welcome international students ​and researchers under the best conditions//​
   * [[https://​​| Trouver un logement dans une résidence universitaire]] (in French... //Finding a room in a student dorm//)   * [[https://​​| Trouver un logement dans une résidence universitaire]] (in French... //Finding a room in a student dorm//)
   * [[https://​​en/​|Science Accueil]]   * [[https://​​en/​|Science Accueil]]
 +    * [[https://​​en/​request-services/​|Service request page]]
   * {{:​other:​newppl:​uvsq-guide-du-personnel-nov2019.pdf|Guide du Personnel UVSQ}}   * {{:​other:​newppl:​uvsq-guide-du-personnel-nov2019.pdf|Guide du Personnel UVSQ}}
Line 80: Line 81:
 ===== Using your own computer at LSCE? ===== ===== Using your own computer at LSCE? =====
-No need to try to connect your personal laptop to the LSCE wire network, it will **not** work!+<wrap em>You can'​t ​connect your personal laptop to the LSCE wired network</​wrap>​ (aka //​ethernet//​), it will **not** work!
 The best you can do is use the [[https://​​informatique/​en/​wifi/​index.php|Guest WiFi]] or [[https://​​informatique/​en/​wifi/​eduroam.php|eduroam]] network, if your office is close enough to one of the access points. The best you can do is use the [[https://​​informatique/​en/​wifi/​index.php|Guest WiFi]] or [[https://​​informatique/​en/​wifi/​eduroam.php|eduroam]] network, if your office is close enough to one of the access points.
-**Warning!** You **can'​t** connect directly to the //obelix// LSCE servers from the wifi network. You first have to connect to the ''​''​ //gateway// server, and then to ''​obelix''​. More details in [[#accessing_the_lsce_servers_from_outside_the_lsce|Accessing the LSCE servers ​from outside the LSCE]]+**Warning!** You **can'​t** connect directly to the //obelix// LSCE servers from the wifi network. You first have to connect to the ''​''​ //gateway// server, and then to ''​obelix''​. More details in [[other:ssh#lsce_servers|LSCE servers]]
 ===== Accessing the LSCE intranet ===== ===== Accessing the LSCE intranet =====
 <WRAP center round tip 60%> <WRAP center round tip 60%>
-If you try to access the intranet **from outside the LSCE** network (including //​eduroam//​),​ your browser will open a ''​login''/''​password''​ popup window. Use your LSCE login (not your email address!) and password+If you try to access the intranet **from outside the LSCE** network (including //​eduroam//​),​ your browser will open a ''​login''/''​password''​ popup window. 
 +Use your LSCE login (not your email address!) and password\\ e.g. use ''​jdoe''​ and not ''​''​
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
Line 131: Line 134:
 Read the [[other:​index#​windows_10_notes|Windows 10 notes]], especially the //​Configuring Windows 10// section Read the [[other:​index#​windows_10_notes|Windows 10 notes]], especially the //​Configuring Windows 10// section
-Note: there are also some [[other:​index#​windows_7_notes|Windows 7 notes]], but you are supposed to use Windows 10 since January 2020! 
 === Getting administrator'​s rights === === Getting administrator'​s rights ===
Line 158: Line 159:
 ==== Mac ==== ==== Mac ====
-Sorry, you are on your own, but it'​s ​soooo easy to use, right?+Sorry, you are (almost) ​on your own, but a Mac is soooo easy to use, right? ​8-) 
 +Some useful mac links: 
 +  * [[other:​ssh#​a_recommended_terminal_for_mac|A recommended terminal for Mac]] 
 +  * [[other:​x_conf#​using_an_x_server_on_a_mac|Using an X server on a Mac]] 
 +  * [[other:​ssh#​mac_ssh_agent|Mac ssh agent]]
 ===== Accessing the Windows cluster from a Linux computer ===== ===== Accessing the Windows cluster from a Linux computer =====
-Follow ​the instructions in the [[https://​​informatique/​en/​winsrv.php|Windows servers]] page. If you need to use a program that is missing on this cluster, see the [[#​getting_help_from_the_lsce_system_administrators|Help]] section+If you have a Linux computer, but need to use a Windows application,​ follow ​the instructions in the [[https://​​informatique/​en/​winsrv.php|Windows servers]] page. 
 +If you need to use a program that is missing on the Windows ​cluster, see the [[#​getting_help_from_the_lsce_system_administrators|Help]] section.
 ===== Accessing the LSCE Linux servers ===== ===== Accessing the LSCE Linux servers =====
-You have to [[other:​ssh|Use ssh to connect to the servers]]+You have to [[other:​ssh|use ssh]] to connect to the [[other:​ssh#​lsce_servers|LSCE Linux servers]], and [[other:​ssh#​copying_files_with_scp|use scp to copy files between ​servers]]
-If you are really in a hurry, go directly to the [[other:​ssh#​connecting_to_the_lsce_servers_ipsl_servers_tgcc|Connecting to the LSCE servers, IPSL servers, TGCC, ...]] section, but it is important that you **read the full //ssh documentation// page at least once**!+If you are really in a hurry, go directly to the [[other:​ssh#​connecting_to_servers_commonly_used_by_lsce_users|Connecting to servers commonly used by LSCE users]] section, but it is important that you **read the full [[other:​ssh|ssh documentation]] page at least once**!
Line 176: Line 184:
 ==== Working directly on your desktop ==== ==== Working directly on your desktop ====
-Always remember that **your local LSCE desktop can [[#​accessing_remote_disks|access remote disks on the LSCE servers]]**.+Always remember that **your local LSCE desktop/​laptop ​can [[#​accessing_remote_disks|access remote disks on the LSCE servers]]**.
-There are lots of things you can do directly on your **local** ​Windows 10 or Linux desktop ​(displaying pdf, images, using a text editor, ...), rather than on the remote servers. For example, if a script running on the servers generates a pdf file, it is more efficient to open this pdf file using ''​Acrobat''/''​evince''​ on your desktop, than by using ''​evince''​ on the server.+There are **lots** of things you can do directly on your **local** ​computer ​(displaying pdf, images, using a text editor, ...), rather than on the remote servers. For example, if a script running on the servers generates a pdf file, it is **more efficient** to open this pdf file using ''​Acrobat''/''​evince''​ on your local computer, than by using ''​evince''​ on the server.
 ==== Available servers ==== ==== Available servers ====
-  * **The LSCE interactive servers**: ''​obelix//​NN//''​Use ''​ssh obelix''​ to access these servers, and the //load balancing// system will send you to the server that has currently the smallest load.\\ Never forget that you are sharing these servers with other users! Do not use too much CPU and/or memory for a long time. Heavy computation should be done on the obelix ​cluster+  * **The LSCE interactive servers**: ''​obelix//​NN//''​\\ Use ''​ssh obelix''​ to access these servers, and the //load balancing// system will send you to the server that has currently the smallest load. 
 +    * <wrap hi>Never forget that you are sharing these servers with other users!</​wrap>​ 
 +    * <wrap hi>Do not use too much CPU and/or memory for a long time</​wrap>​. Heavy computation should be done on the [[https://​​informatique/​en/​calcul/​batch.php|LSCE ​cluster]] 
 +      * Learn how to [[other:​newppl:​starting#​determining_the_load_of_a_linux_server|use the top command]] to determine the current load of a server and the CPU/memory usage of your processes !
     * <​code>​$ ssh obelix     * <​code>​$ ssh obelix
 Last login: Mon Jun  3 08:49:53 2019 from somewhere Last login: Mon Jun  3 08:49:53 2019 from somewhere
Line 191: Line 202:
 obelix5</​code>​ obelix5</​code>​
-  * **[[https://​​informatique/​en/​calcul/​batch.php|The LSCE cluster]]** (aka the //batch system//)Use this for really heavy duty programs +  * **[[https://​​informatique/​en/​calcul/​batch.php|The LSCE cluster]]** (aka the //batch system//)\\ Use this cluster ​for really heavy duty programs, rather than killing the multi-users interactive servers 
-  * **[[http://​​|The ciclad and climserv ​servers]]**. ​In some cases, you may need an account ​to use the [[|IPSL/ESPRI clusters]], especially if you need to use data files that are already available/​mirrored there (e.g. **''​CMIPn''​ data**), rather than copying the data to LSCE+ 
 +  * **The [[http://​​|IPSL/ESPRI Mesocenter ​servers/clusters]]** (''​ciclad''​ / ''​climserv''​ / etc...)\\ You will need an account ​(different from your //LSCE// account) ​to access these servers and use data files that are already available/​mirrored there (e.g. **''​CMIPn''​ data**). **Do not duplicate** at LSCE data that is already available on IPSL servers and that you can process there!
     * [[http://​​account-opening/​|Requesting a new account]]     * [[http://​​account-opening/​|Requesting a new account]]
-  ​* **The ''​asterix//​N//''​ servers**: some wise LSCE elders may mention these servers, but they don't exist any more!+    * [[https://​​MESO_User/​|IPSL ESPRI Mesocenter documentation]] (//​English//​) 
 +    * [[https://​​quick-start/​|Utilisation du Mésocentre IPSL]] (//​French//,​ the //English// documentation link above has more information) 
 +  ​* **The ''​asterix//​NN//''​ servers**\\ Some wise LSCE elders may mention these servers, but they don't exist any more!
 ==== Which shell are you using? ==== ==== Which shell are you using? ====
Line 268: Line 283:
 ==== Accessing remote disks ==== ==== Accessing remote disks ====
-It is possible to access ​directly all the disks on the LSCE servers from your //local// Linux or Windows computer\\ (//local// = a computer on the LSCE ethernet/​wired network)+It is possible to **directly** ​access ​some disks on the LSCE servers from:
-  * Example path on the LSCE Linux server: ''/​home/​scratch01/​your_lsce_login''​ +  * a Linux or Windows computer connected directly to the LSCE ethernet/​wired network 
-  * Accessing the path above from a //local// computer+  * or a remote computer using the [[https://​​informatique/​fr/​vpn-forticlient.php#​vpnlsce|LSCE VPN]] 
-    * Linux computer: ''/​home/​scratch01/​your_lsce_login''​ + 
-    * Windows computer: ''​\\dfshost\dfs\scratch01\your_lsce_login''​\\ {{ :​other:​newppl:​dfs_on_win.png?​nolink |}}+For security reasons, only backed up disks and ''​scratch01''​ can be accessed from Windows with //dfs// 
 +e.g. if you have a ''/​home/​scratch01/​your_lsce_login''​ path on Linux server, you can access it the following way from your desktop/laptop
 +  ​* Linux computer: ''​cd /​home/​scratch01/​your_lsce_login''​ 
 +  * Windows computer ​explorer: ''​\\dfshost\dfs\scratch01\your_lsce_login''​\\ {{ :​other:​newppl:​dfs_on_win.png?​nolink |}}
 ==== The home directory ==== ==== The home directory ====
Line 419: Line 439:
     - A tutorial     - A tutorial
   * Useful Linux commands for working with (potentially big) text files ({{:​other:​newppl:​houchesa4_updated.pdf}})   * Useful Linux commands for working with (potentially big) text files ({{:​other:​newppl:​houchesa4_updated.pdf}})
-  * Using ssh on [[http://​​data/​documents/​ssh-utilisateurs-unix.pdf|Linux]] and [[|Windows]] +  * Using [[other:ssh|ssh]] and [[other:ssh#​copying_files_with_scp|scp]] 
-  * An annotated reference card of the emacs text editor ​({{:​other:​newppl:​emacs_jyp.pdf}}) + 
-    JYP'.emacs file: {{:other:emacs_linux_150806.tar|for Linux}} - {{:​other:​|for Windows}}, ​with [[other:​win7apps#​gnu_emacs_gnuwin_diffutils|emacs for Windows]]+==== Text editors ==== 
 +<note important>​A ​//jupyter notebook// is **not** a text editor! 
 +You need a correct text editor to efficiently work with scripts and programs<​/note>  
 +There are **lots** of text editors used on Linux computers/​servers (vi, vim, gvim, emacs, nano, ...), that you can use: 
 +  * in basic text terminals (if you know the basic commands and shortcuts) 
 +  * or in graphics mode (you may need to have an [[other:​x_conf|X server configured]]
 +=== emacs === 
 +{{ :​other:​newppl:​real_programmers.png?​direct&​600 |}} 
 +  * Starting emacs: 
 +    * ''​emacs some_text_file &''​ 
 +    * or just ''​emacs &''​ 
 +  * All the basic functions ​of emacs are available from the pull-down menus at the top, but the **real power** comes from knowing (a few of) the keyboard shortcuts! 
 +    * **Bonus!** Many emacs shortcuts can be used in the shell or in Python, and will also make it possible to use emacs in text mode (if you get lost on a remote server without graphics...) 
 +    * Understanding keyboard shortcuts: ''​C-s''​ (means ''​CTRL-s''​) and will //Search forward// and ''​M-f''​ (means ''​Alt-f''​ on a regular keyboard) and will //Move forward a word// 
 +    * The usual Linux copy/paste behavior works: 
 +      * Select and Copy text (at the same time) with the left button 
 +      * Paste text with the middle button 
 +    * **Built-in emacs tutorial, highly recommended!** Spend one hour in the tutorial, and save hundreds of hours in the rest of your life! 
 +      * ''​Help''​=>''​Emacs Tutorial''​ 
 +      * or ''​Help''​=>''​Emacs Tutorial (choose language)...''​ 
 +    * Annotated reference card: {{:​other:​newppl:​emacs_jyp.pdf}} 
 +  Recommended {{:​other:​newppl:​emacs_linux_22-11-18.tar|.emacs configuration file}} 
 +      * Location: ​''~/.emacs'':​ ''​.emacs''​ (//​dot-emacs//​) ​file in your home directory 
 +  * **Editing remote text files** with emacs and the ''​tramp''​ mode 
 +    * If you use the following syntax, emacs will use the ''​tramp''​ mode and ''​scp''​ to transfer remote files to your computer when you open them, and then ''​scp''​ to send the modified files back when you save them: 
 +      * ''/​ssh:​user@server:/​path/​file''​ 
 +      * e.g. ''/​ssh:​​home/​users/​your_login/​''​ 
 +    * Hint: if you use the {{:other:newppl:​emacs_linux_22-11-18.tar|recommended configuration file}} or have activated the ''​ '​(recentf-mode t)''​ mode, you can access recent files in ''​File''​=>''​Open Recent''​ 
 +    * More: [[https://​​emacs/​TrampMode|tramp mode on EmacsWiki]] and [[https://​​software/​tramp/​|tramp user manual]] 
 +  * Use the built-in psyhotherapist to solve your scientific problems (with ''​M-x doctor''​). See also [[https://​​article/​fun-games-in-emacs|Fun and Games in Emacs]]\\ <​code>​I am the psychotherapist. ​ Please, describe your problems. ​ Each time 
 +you are finished talking, type RET twice. 
 +My climate model does not work 
 +Why do you say your climate model does not work? 
 +I get wrong results 
 +Is it because of your plans that you say you get wrong results?</​code>​ 
 +  * Emacs on windows: 
 +    * Install [[other:​win10wsl|WSL]] and emacs 
 +    * Not tested recently: use {{:​other:​|a config file for Windows}}, ​after installing ​[[other:​win7apps#​gnu_emacs_gnuwin_diffutils|an emacs compiled ​for running directly in Windows]] 
 +  * [[https://​​software/​emacs/​manual/​|GNU Emacs Manuals Online]] 
 +=== vi (vim, gvim) === 
 +  * [[https://​​daes/​atmclasses/​atm350/​vi_cheat_sheet.pdf|vi cheat sheet]] 
 +  * [[https://​​merolish/​Public/​vi-ref.pdf|vi reference card]]
-You can also check the [[http://​​FondamentauxpoleModelisationClimat|Les fondamentaux du pôle de modélisation du climat de l'​IPSL]] wiki page+=== Notepad++ ===
 +[[other:​win10apps#​notepad|Notepad++]] seems like a nice and powerful text editor for **Windows**,​ if you don't have  the time and resource to install WSL+emacs
 ==== NetCDF and file formats ==== ==== NetCDF and file formats ====
Line 440: Line 514:
     * Using the [[http://​​netcdf4-python/​|netCDF4]] module     * Using the [[http://​​netcdf4-python/​|netCDF4]] module
-==== Using the Python language ​====+==== Programming languages ​====
-  ​[[other:python:​starting|Working with Python]] +  ​[[other:index#​python_notes|JYP'​s ​Python notes]]
-  - [[other:​python:​jyp_steps|JYP'​s ​recommended steps for learning python]]+
 ===== Getting help (from the LSCE system administrators) ===== ===== Getting help (from the LSCE system administrators) =====
Line 483: Line 556:
 {{ :​other:​newppl:​screenshot_xfce.jpg?​200 |Click to get a larger version}} {{ :​other:​newppl:​screenshot_xfce.jpg?​200 |Click to get a larger version}}
-On Windows, you can use the //Capture screen// option of [[other:win7apps#xnview|XnView]]+On Windows, you can use [[other:​win10apps#​snip_sketch|Snip & Sketch]], or the //Capture screen// option of [[other:win10apps#xnview_classic|XnView]]
 {{ :​other:​newppl:​xnview_capture.jpg?​200 |Click to get a larger version}} {{ :​other:​newppl:​xnview_capture.jpg?​200 |Click to get a larger version}}
 +===== Getting help, when using the IPSL Mesocenter =====
 +Check the [[https://​​contacts//​|Contacts]] page
 ===== What next? ===== ===== What next? =====
other/newppl/starting.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/13 14:28 by jypeter