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Getting started in CLIM & ESTIMR

Welcome to LSCE! You are probably reading this page because you are a new intern student. This page will help you survive your first steps at LSCE, at least survive the computers…

Accessing the LSCE intranet

There is a lot of information available on the intranet, but you can only access it from a computer connected to the LSCE network:

Everything about LSCE computers:

  • Reading the mails with the webmail or Thunderbird
    • As soon as you have a LSCE e-mail address, make sure it is added to the clim or estimr mailing list

Accessing the CEA saclay intranet

Web site:

You can only access it from the CEA network, and that's where you can get information about:

Setting up your computer

Windows 7 computer

Linux computer


Sorry, you are on your own, but it's so easy to use, right?

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other/newppl/starting.1434471006.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/06/16 16:10 by jypeter