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other:python:jyp_steps [2020/02/04 08:36]
jypeter [Matplotlib]
other:python:jyp_steps [2024/08/27 12:51] (current)
jypeter Moved the PyFormat ref to the "Misc" page
Line 13: Line 13:
 You can start using python by reading the {{:​other:​python:​python_intro_ipsl_oct2013_v2.pdf|Bien démarrer avec python}} tutorial that was used during a 2013 IPSL python class: You can start using python by reading the {{:​other:​python:​python_intro_ipsl_oct2013_v2.pdf|Bien démarrer avec python}} tutorial that was used during a 2013 IPSL python class:
   * this tutorial is in French (my apologies for the lack of translation,​ but it should be easy to understand)   * this tutorial is in French (my apologies for the lack of translation,​ but it should be easy to understand)
-    * If you have too much trouble understanding this French Tutorial, you can read the first 6 chapters of the **Tutorial** in [[#​the_official_python_documentation|the official Python documentation]] and chapters 1.2.1 to 1.2.5 in the [[#scipy_lecture_notes|Scipy Lecture Notes]]. Once you have read these, you can try to read the French tutorial again+    * If you have too much trouble understanding this French Tutorial, you can read the first 6 chapters of the **Tutorial** in [[#​the_official_python_documentation|the official Python documentation]] and chapters 1.2.1 to 1.2.5 in the [[#scientific_python_lectures|Scientific Python Lectures]]. Once you have read these, you can try to read the French tutorial again
   * it's an introduction to python (and programming) for the climate scientist: after reading this tutorial, you should be able to do most of the things you usually do in a shell script   * it's an introduction to python (and programming) for the climate scientist: after reading this tutorial, you should be able to do most of the things you usually do in a shell script
     * python types, tests, loops, reading a text file     * python types, tests, loops, reading a text file
Line 44: Line 44:
 [[https://​​3/​|html]] - [[https://​​3/​download.html|pdf (in a zip file)]] [[https://​​3/​|html]] - [[https://​​3/​download.html|pdf (in a zip file)]]
 +===== Scientific Python Lectures =====
 +Summary: //One document to learn numerics, science, and data with Python//
 +Note: this used to be called //Scipy Lecture Notes//
 +Where: [[https://​​_downloads/​ScientificPythonLectures-simple.pdf|pdf]] - [[https://​​|html]]
 +This is **a really nice and useful document** that is regularly updated and used for the [[https://​​|EuroScipy]] tutorials.
 +This document will teach you lots of things about python, numpy and matplotlib, debugging and optimizing scripts, and about using python for statistics, image processing, machine learning, washing dishes (this is just to check if you have read this page), etc...
 +  * Example: the [[https://​​packages/​statistics/​index.html|Statistics in Python]] tutorial that combines [[other:​python:​jyp_steps#​pandas|Pandas]],​ [[http://​​|Statsmodels]] and [[http://​​|Seaborn]]
Line 55: Line 69:
   - always remember that indices start at ''​0''​ and that the last element of an array is at index ''​-1''​!\\ First learn about //​indexing//​ and //slicing// by manipulating strings, as shown in [[#​part1|Part 1]] above (try '''​This document by JY is awesome!'​[::​-1]''​ and '''​This document by JY is awesome!'​[slice(None,​ None, -1)]''​) 8-)   - always remember that indices start at ''​0''​ and that the last element of an array is at index ''​-1''​!\\ First learn about //​indexing//​ and //slicing// by manipulating strings, as shown in [[#​part1|Part 1]] above (try '''​This document by JY is awesome!'​[::​-1]''​ and '''​This document by JY is awesome!'​[slice(None,​ None, -1)]''​) 8-)
-  - if you are a Matlab user (but the references are interesting for others as well), you can read the following:+  - if you are a **Matlab user** (but the references are interesting for others as well), you can read the following: 
 +    - [[https://​​wp-content/​uploads/​2019/​08/​Enthought-MATLAB-to-Python-White-Paper-1.pdf|Migrating from MATLAB to Python]] on the [[https://​​software-development/​|Enthought Software Development page]]
     - [[https://​​doc/​numpy-dev/​user/​numpy-for-matlab-users.html|Numpy for Matlab users]]     - [[https://​​doc/​numpy-dev/​user/​numpy-for-matlab-users.html|Numpy for Matlab users]]
     - [[http://​​matlab-numpy.html|NumPy for MATLAB users]] (nice, but does not seem to be maintained any more)     - [[http://​​matlab-numpy.html|NumPy for MATLAB users]] (nice, but does not seem to be maintained any more)
Line 63: Line 78:
     - Numpy Reference Guide     - Numpy Reference Guide
     - Scipy Reference Guide     - Scipy Reference Guide
 +  - read [[https://​​rougier/​numpy-100/​blob/​master/​100_Numpy_exercises.ipynb|100 numpy exercises]]
 ==== Beware of the array view side effects ==== ==== Beware of the array view side effects ====
Line 123: Line 139:
 ==== Extra numpy information ==== ==== Extra numpy information ====
-  ​* More information about array indexing:+<WRAP center round tip 60%> 
 +You can also check the [[other:​python:​misc_by_jyp#​numpy_related_stuff|numpy section]] of the //Useful python stuff// page 
 +  ​* More information about **array indexing**:\\ <wrap em>​Always check what you are doing on a simple test case, when you use advanced/​fancy indexing!</​wrap>​
     * Examples:     * Examples:
       * {{ :​other:​python:​ |}}: Take a vertical slice in a 3D zyx array, along a varying y '​path'​       * {{ :​other:​python:​ |}}: Take a vertical slice in a 3D zyx array, along a varying y '​path'​
-    * [[​user/​basics.indexing.html|Indexing]] (//index arrays//, //boolean index arrays//, //​np.newaxis//,​ //​Ellipsis//,​ //variable numbers of indices//, ...) +    * [[​user/​basics.indexing.html|Array indexing basics (user guide)]] (//index arrays//, //boolean index arrays//, //​np.newaxis//,​ //​Ellipsis//,​ //variable numbers of indices//, ...) 
-    * [[​doc/​numpy/​user/​quickstart.html#​fancy-indexing-and-index-tricks|Fancy indexing]] and [[​user/​quickstart.html#​the-ix-function|the ix_() function]] +    * [[​stable/​reference/​arrays.indexing.html|Indexing routines (reference manual)]] 
-    * [[https://​​doc/​numpy/​reference/​arrays.indexing.html|Indexing (in the numpy reference manual)]] +    * [[​doc/​stable/​user/​quickstart.html#​advanced-indexing-and-index-tricks|Advanced ​indexing ​and index tricks]] and [[​user/​quickstart.html#​the-ix-function|the ix_() function]]
-    * [[https://​​doc/​numpy/​reference/​routines.indexing.html#​routines-indexing|Indexing routines]] +
   * More information about arrays:   * More information about arrays:
-    * [[​reference/​routines.array-creation.html#​routines-array-creation|Array creation routines]] +    * [[​reference/​routines.array-creation.html|Array creation routines]] 
-    * [[​reference/​routines.array-manipulation.html|Array manipulation routines]] +    * [[​reference/​routines.array-manipulation.html|Array manipulation routines]] 
-    * [[​doc/​numpy/​reference/​maskedarray.html|Masked arrays]] +    * [[​stable/​reference/​routines.sort.html|Sorting,​ searching, and counting routines]] 
-      * [[​reference/​|Masked array operations]] +    * [[​doc/​stable/​reference/​maskedarray.html|Masked arrays]] 
-  * [[​user/​misc.html#​ieee-754-floating-point-special-values|Dealing with special numerical values]] (//Nan//, //inf//) +      * [[​reference/​|Masked array operations]] 
-    * If you know that your data has missing values, it is cleaner and safer to handle them with [[​reference/​maskedarray.html|masked arrays]]! +  * [[​user/​misc.html#​ieee-754-floating-point-special-values|Dealing with special numerical values]] (//Nan//, //inf//) 
-    * [[​user/​misc.html#​how-numpy-handles-numerical-exceptions|Handling numerical exceptions]] +    * If you know that your data has missing values, it is cleaner and safer to handle them with [[​reference/​maskedarray.html|masked arrays]]! 
-    * [[​reference/​routines.err.html|Floating point error handling]]+    * If you know that some of your data //may// have masked values, play safe by explicitly using ''​''​ rather than just ''​np.some_function()''​ 
 +      * More details in the [[​numpy/​numpy/​issues/​18675|Why/​when does np.something remove the mask of a array ?]] discussion 
 +    * [[https://​​user/​misc.html#​how-numpy-handles-numerical-exceptions|Handling numerical exceptions]] 
 +    * [[​reference/​routines.err.html|Floating point error handling]]
-===== cdms2 and netCDF4 ​=====+===== Using NetCDF files with Python ​=====
-There is a good chance that your input array data will come from a file in the [[other:​newppl:​starting#​netcdf_and_file_formats|NetCDF format]]. 
-Depending on which [[other:​python:​starting#​some_python_distributions|python distribution]] you are using, you can use the //cdms2// or or //netCDF4// modules to read the data.+==== What is NetCDF? ====
-==== cdms2 ====+  * If you are working with climate model output data, there is a good chance that your input array data will be stored in a NetCDF file!
-Summary: cdms2 can read/write netCDF files (and read //grads// dat+ctl files) and provides a higher level interface than netCDF4. cdms2 is available in the [[other:python:starting#uv-cdat|UV-CDAT distribution]], ​and can theoretically be installed independently of UV-CDAT (e.g. it will be installed when you install [[https://​​mydoc_cmor3_conda/​|CMOR in conda)]]. When you can use cdms2, you also have access to //cdtime//, that is very useful ​for handling time axis data.+  * Read the [[other:newppl:starting#netcdf_and_related_conventions|NetCDF ​and related Conventions]] for more information
-How to get started+  * There may be different ways of dealing with NetCDF files, depending on which [[other:​python:​starting#​some_python_distributions|python distribution]] you have access ​to 
-  ​- read [[​file=5/pythonCDAT_jyp_2sur2_070306.pdf|JYP's cdms tutorial]], starting at page 54 + 
-    ​the tutorial is in French (soooorry!) + 
-    - you have to replace ​//cdms// with **cdms2**, and //MV// with **MV2** (sooorry about that, the tutorial was written when CDAT was based on //Numeric// instead of //numpy// to handle array data) +==== CliMAF and C-ESM-EP ==== 
-  ​- read the [[​en/docstanya/index.html|official cdms documentation]] (link may change)+ 
 +People using **//CMIPn// and model data on the IPSL servers** can easily search and process NetCDF files using: 
 +  ​* the [[|Climate Model Assessment Framework (CliMAF)]] environment 
 +  * and the [[​jservonnat/​C-ESM-EP/​wiki|CliMAF Earth System Evaluation Platform (C-ESM-EP)]] 
 +==== xarray ==== 
 +[[|xarray]] makes working with labelled multi-dimensional arrays ​in Python simple, efficient, and fun[...] It is particularly tailored to working with netCDF files 
 +=== Some xarray related resources === 
 +Note: more packages (than listed belowmay be listed in the [[other:​uvcdat:​cdat_conda:​cdat_8_2_1#​extra_packages_list|Extra packages list]] page 
 +  * [[​generated/​xarray.tutorial.load_dataset.html|xarray test datasets]] 
 +  ​* **[[|xCDAT]]: ''​xarray''​ extended ​with Climate Data Analysis Tools** 
 +  ​[[|xoa]]: xarray-based ocean analysis library 
 +  ​[[​|uxarray]]: provide xarray styled functionality for unstructured grid datasets following [[​ugrid-conventions/​|UGRID Conventions]]
 ==== netCDF4 ==== ==== netCDF4 ====
-Summary: //netCDF4 can read/write netCDF files and is available in most python ​distributions/​/+[[|netCDF4]] is a Python interface to the netCDF C library
-Where: [[http://​​netcdf4-python/​]] 
-===== CDAT-related resources =====+==== cdms2 ====
-Some links, in case they can't be found easily on the [[|UV-CDAT]] web site...+<note important>​ 
 +  * ''​cdms2''​ is unfortunately not maintained anymore and is slowly being **phased out in favor of a combination of [[#​xarray|xarray]] and [[|xCDAT]]**
-  * [[|Tutorials in ipython notebooks]] +  * ''​cdms2''​ will [[​cdms/​issues/​449|not be compatible with numpy after numpy 1.23.5]] :-( 
-  ​* ​[[​en/​latest/|VCSVisualization Control System]] +</​note>​ 
-    * [[​issues/​238|Colormaps ​in vcs examples]] + 
-  ​[[|EzTemplate Documentation]]+[[​en/​docstanya/|cdms2]] can read/write netCDF files (and read //grads// dat+ctl files) and provides a higher level interface than netCDF4. ''​cdms2''​ is available in the [[other:python:​starting#​cdat|CDAT distribution]], and can theoretically be installed independently of CDAT (e.g. it will be installed when you install ​[[|CMOR in conda)]]. When you can use cdms2, you also have access to //cdtime//, that is very useful for handling time axis data. 
 +How to get started: 
 +  ​- read [[​file.php?​class=page&​file=5/​pythonCDAT_jyp_2sur2_070306.pdf|JYP'​s cdms tutorial]], starting at page 54 
 +    - the tutorial is in French (soooorry!) 
 +    - you have to replace //cdms// with **cdms2**, and //MV// with **MV2** (sooorry about that, the tutorial was written when CDAT was based on //Numeric// instead of //numpy// to handle array data) 
 +  ​read the [[​docstanya/​index.html|official cdms documentation]] (link may change)
 ===== Matplotlib ===== ===== Matplotlib =====
Line 197: Line 247:
     * [[https://​​tables-other-charts-data-visualization-part-2-cfc582e4712c|Tables & Other Charts — Data Visualization Part 2]]     * [[https://​​tables-other-charts-data-visualization-part-2-cfc582e4712c|Tables & Other Charts — Data Visualization Part 2]]
     * [[https://​​tables-other-charts-data-visualization-part-3-5bfab15ce525|Tables & Other Charts — Data Visualization Part 3]]     * [[https://​​tables-other-charts-data-visualization-part-3-5bfab15ce525|Tables & Other Charts — Data Visualization Part 3]]
-  * Working with colors+  ​* **IPCC**-related //​stuff//​... 
 +    * [[https://​​site/​assets/​uploads/​2019/​04/​IPCC-visual-style-guide.pdf|IPCC Visual Style Guide for Authors]] 
 +    * [[https://​​sites/​default/​files/​documents/​ipcc_visual-identity_guidelines.pdf|A new assessment cycle,A new visual identity]] 
 +    * [[https://​​article/​10.1007/​s10584-019-02537-z|Communication of IPCC visuals: IPCC authors’ views and assessments of visual complexity]] 
 +    * [[https://​​guest-post-the-perils-of-counter-intuitive-design-in-ipcc-graphics|The perils of counter-intuitive design in IPCC graphics]] 
 +  ​* Working with **colors** 
 +    * Choosing specific colors: use [[https://​​colors/​colors_names.asp|HTML color names]], the [[https://​​colors/​colors_picker.asp|HTML color picker]], etc... 
 +    * **Do not use the outdated //rainbow// and //jet// colormaps!** 
 +      * [[https://​​datagraphics/​index.html|The End of the Rainbow? ​ Color Schemes for Improved Data Graphics]] (Light and Bartlein, EOS 2004, including replies and comments) 
 +      * [[http://​​articles/​endrainbow.html|Somewhere over the Rainbow]] 
 +      * [[https://​​articles/​s41467-020-19160-7|The misuse of colour in science communication]]
     * [[https://​​users/​colormaps.html|Choosing colormaps]]     * [[https://​​users/​colormaps.html|Choosing colormaps]]
     * [[https://​​cmocean/​|cmocean:​ Beautiful colormaps for oceanography]]     * [[https://​​cmocean/​|cmocean:​ Beautiful colormaps for oceanography]]
     * [[https://​​palettable/​|Palettable:​ Color palettes for Python]]     * [[https://​​palettable/​|Palettable:​ Color palettes for Python]]
     * [[http://​|ColorBrewer 2.0]] is a tool that can help you understand, and experiment with //​sequential//,​ //​diverging//​ and //​qualitative//​ colormaps     * [[http://​|ColorBrewer 2.0]] is a tool that can help you understand, and experiment with //​sequential//,​ //​diverging//​ and //​qualitative//​ colormaps
 +    * The [[http://​​|hclwizard]] provides tools for manipulating and assessing colors and palettes based on the underlying ''​colorspace''​ software
 +    * NCL (NCAR Command Language) [[https://​​Document/​Graphics/​color_table_gallery.shtml|Color table Gallery]]
 +    * JYP's favorite title: [[https://​​publication/​220943662_The_Which_Blair_Project_A_Quick_Visual_Method_for_Evaluating_Perceptual_Color_Maps|The "Which Blair Project":​ A Quick Visual Method for Evaluating Perceptual Color Maps]]
 ===== Basemap ===== ===== Basemap =====
-<note warning>​Basemap is going to be slowly phased out, in favor of [[#​cartopy]]\\ More information in this:+<note warning>​Basemap is going to be slowly phased out, in favor of [[#cartopy_iris|cartopy]]\\ More information in this:
   * [[https://​​SciTools/​cartopy/​issues/​920|cartopy github issue]]   * [[https://​​SciTools/​cartopy/​issues/​920|cartopy github issue]]
   * [[https://​​matplotlib/​basemap/​issues/​267|basemap github issue]]   * [[https://​​matplotlib/​basemap/​issues/​267|basemap github issue]]
Line 226: Line 289:
 ===== Cartopy + Iris ===== ===== Cartopy + Iris =====
-Summary: ​//Cartopy is a Python package for advanced map generation with a simple matplotlib interface// ​and //Iris is a Python package for analysing and visualising ​meteorological and oceanographic ​data sets//+Summary: 
 +  * **Cartopy** is //matplolib-based ​Python package ​designed ​for geospatial data processing in order to produce maps and other geospatial data analyses// 
 +  * **Iris** is //powerful, format-agnostic,​ community-driven ​Python package for analysing and visualising ​Earth science ​data.//
-Where: [[http://​​cartopy/​docs/​latest/​|Cartopy]] and [[http://​|Iris]] web sites+Where: [[http://​​cartopy/​docs/​latest/​|Cartopy]] and [[|Iris]] web sites
 Examples: Examples:
   * [[other:​python:​maps_by_jyp|Examples provided by JYP]]   * [[other:​python:​maps_by_jyp|Examples provided by JYP]]
-  * [[http://​​cartopy/​docs/​latest/​gallery.html|Gallery on the Cartopy ​web site]] +  * Official gallery pages: ​[[https://​​cartopy/​docs/​latest/​gallery/index.html|Cartopy]] ​[[​gallery/​|Iris]]
-  * [[http://​|Gallery on the Iris web site]] +
-  * [[http://​​iris/​docs/​latest/​examples/​index.html|Examples on the Iris web site]]+
-Help on //stack overflow//: [[https://​​questions/​tagged/​cartopy|cartopy ​help]]+Help on //stack overflow//: [[https://​​questions/​tagged/​cartopy|Cartopy help]] - [[https://​​questions/​tagged/​python-iris|Iris ​help]]
 ===== Maps and projections resources ===== ===== Maps and projections resources =====
Line 252: Line 315:
-===== 3D resources =====+===== 3D plots resources =====
   * [[https://​​en/​latest/​|Ipyvolume]]   * [[https://​​en/​latest/​|Ipyvolume]]
   * [[https://​​2012/​09/​29/​animate-your-3d-plots-with-pythons-matplotlib/​|Animate your 3D plots with Python’s Matplotlib]]   * [[https://​​2012/​09/​29/​animate-your-3d-plots-with-pythons-matplotlib/​|Animate your 3D plots with Python’s Matplotlib]]
   * [[https://​​questions/​26796997/​how-to-get-vertical-z-axis-in-3d-surface-plot-of-matplotlib|How to get vertical Z axis in 3D surface plot of Matplotlib?​]]   * [[https://​​questions/​26796997/​how-to-get-vertical-z-axis-in-3d-surface-plot-of-matplotlib|How to get vertical Z axis in 3D surface plot of Matplotlib?​]]
 +===== Data analysis =====
 +==== EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis) ? ====
 +<note tip>
 +The //EDA concept// seems to apply to **time series** (and tabular data), which is not exactly the case of full climate model output data</​note>​
 +  * [[https://​​what-is-exploratory-data-analysis/​|What is Exploratory Data Analysis ?]]
 +    * //The method of studying and exploring record sets to apprehend their predominant traits, discover patterns, locate outliers, and identify relationships between variables. EDA is normally carried out as a preliminary step before undertaking extra formal statistical analyses or modeling.//
 +  * [[https://​​codex/​automate-the-exploratory-data-analysis-eda-to-understand-the-data-faster-not-better-2ed6ff230eed|Automate the exploratory data analysis (EDA) to understand the data faster and easier]]: a nice comparison of some Python libraries listed below ([[#​ydata_profiling|YData Profiling]],​ [[#​d-tale|D-Tale]],​ [[#​sweetviz|sweetviz]],​ [[#​autoviz|AutoViz]])
 +  * [[https://​​exploratory-data-analysis-in-python/​|EDA in Python]]
 +==== Easy to use datasets ====
 +If you need standard datasets for testing, example, demos, ...
 +  * [[https://​​en/​stable/​generated/​xarray.tutorial.load_dataset.html|Tutorial datasets]] from [[#​xarray|xarray]] (requires internet)
 +    * Example: [[https://​​en/​stable/​examples/​visualization_gallery.html|Using the 'air temperature'​ dataset]]
 +  * [[https://​​stable/​datasets.html|Toy,​ real-world and generated datasets]] from [[#​scikit-learn]]
 +    * Example: [[https://​​packages/​scikit-learn/​index.html#​a-simple-example-the-iris-dataset|using the '​iris'​ dataset]]
 +  * [[https://​​docs/​stable/​api/​|Test images and datasets]] from [[#​scikit-image]]
 +    * Example: [[https://​​packages/​scikit-image/​index.html#​data-types|Using the '​camera'​ dataset]]
 +  * [[https://​​search/​cmip6-ipsl/​|CMIP6 data]] on ESGF
 +    * Example : ''​'':​
 +      * [[http://​​thredds/​fileServer/​cmip6/​CMIP/​IPSL/​IPSL-CM6A-LR/​piControl/​r1i1p1f1/​fx/​orog/​gr/​v20200326/​|HTTP]] download link
 +      * [[http://​​thredds/​dodsC/​cmip6/​CMIP/​IPSL/​IPSL-CM6A-LR/​piControl/​r1i1p1f1/​fx/​orog/​gr/​v20200326/​|OpenDAP]] download link
 +  * [[https://​​xCDAT/​xcdat/​issues/​277|xCDAT test data GH discussion]]
 +==== Pandas ====
 +Summary: //pandas is a fast, powerful, flexible and easy to use open source data analysis and manipulation tool//
 +Where: [[http://​|Pandas web site]]
 +JYP's comment: pandas is supposed to be quite good for loading, processing and plotting time series, without writing custom code. It is **very convenient for processing tables in xlsx files** (or csv, etc...). You should at least have a quick look at:
 +  * Some //Cheat Sheets//:
 +    - Basics: [[https://​​fralfaro/​DS-Cheat-Sheets/​blob/​main/​docs/​files/​pandas_cs.pdf|Pandas Basics Cheat Sheet]] (associated with the [[https://​​cheat-sheet/​pandas-cheat-sheet-for-data-science-in-python#​python-for-data-science-cheat-sheet:​-pandas-basics-useth|Pandas basics]] //​datacamp//​ introduction page)
 +    - Intermediate:​ [[https://​​pandas-dev/​pandas/​blob/​main/​doc/​cheatsheet/​Pandas_Cheat_Sheet.pdf|Data Wrangling with pandas Cheat Sheet]]
 +  * Some tutorials:
 +    * [[http://​​docs/​user_guide/​10min.html|10 minutes to pandas]]
 +    * The [[https://​​packages/​statistics/​index.html|Statistics in Python]] tutorial that combines Pandas, [[#​statsmodels|statsmodels]] and [[http://​​|Seaborn]]
 +    * More [[http://​​docs/​getting_started/​tutorials.html|Community tutorials]]...
 +==== statsmodels ====
 +[[https://​​|statsmodels]] is a Python module that provides classes and functions for the estimation of many different statistical models, as well as for conducting statistical tests, and statistical data exploration.
 +Note: check the example in the [[https://​​packages/​statistics/​index.html|Statistics in Python]] tutorial
 +==== scikit-learn ====
 +[[http://​​|scikit-learn]] is a Python library for machine learning, and is one of the most widely used tools for supervised and unsupervised machine learning. Scikit–learn provides an easy-to-use,​ consistent interface to a large collection of machine learning models, as well as tools for model evaluation and data preparation
 +Note: check the example in [[https://​​packages/​scikit-learn/​index.html|scikit-learn:​ machine learning in Python]]
 +==== scikit-image ====
 +[[https://​​|scikit-image]] is a collection of algorithms for image processing in Python
 +Note: check the example in [[https://​​packages/​scikit-image/​index.html|scikit-image:​ image processing]]
 +==== YData Profiling ====
 +[[https://​​|YData Profiling]]:​ a leading package for data profiling, that automates and standardizes the generation of detailed reports, complete with statistics and visualizations.
 +==== D-Tale ====
 +[[https://​​man-group/​dtale|D-Tale]] brings you an easy way to view & analyze Pandas data structures. It integrates seamlessly with ipython notebooks & python/​ipython terminals.
 +==== Sweetviz ====
 +[[https://​​fbdesignpro/​sweetviz|Sweetviz]] is pandas based Python library that generates beautiful, high-density visualizations to kickstart EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis) with just two lines of code.
 +==== AutoViz ====
 +[[https://​​AutoViML/​AutoViz|AutoViz]]:​ the One-Line Automatic Data Visualization Library. Automatically Visualize any dataset, any size with a single line of code
 =====  Data file formats =====  =====  Data file formats ===== 
-We list here some resources about non-NetCDF data formats that can be useful+  * We list below some resources about **non-NetCDF data formats** that can be useful 
 +  * Check the [[#​using_netcdf_files_with_python|Using NetCDF files with Python]] section otherwise
 ==== The shelve package ==== ==== The shelve package ====
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 //json// files look basically like a **list of (nested) python dictionaries** that would have been dumped to a text file //json// files look basically like a **list of (nested) python dictionaries** that would have been dumped to a text file
-  * [[https://​​2/​library/​json.html|json module]] documentation+  * [[https://​​3/​library/​json.html|json module]] documentation
   * [[https://​​python-json/​|Working With JSON Data in Python]] tutorial   * [[https://​​python-json/​|Working With JSON Data in Python]] tutorial
   * example script: ''/​home/​users/​jypeter/​CDAT/​Progs/​Devel/​beaugendre/​''​   * example script: ''/​home/​users/​jypeter/​CDAT/​Progs/​Devel/​beaugendre/​''​
Line 302: Line 461:
   * [[https://​​LibraryOfCongress/​bagger|Bagger]] (BagIt GUI)   * [[https://​​LibraryOfCongress/​bagger|Bagger]] (BagIt GUI)
   * [[https://​​LibraryOfCongress/​bagit-python|bagit-python]]   * [[https://​​LibraryOfCongress/​bagit-python|bagit-python]]
-===== Pandas ===== 
-Summary: //pandas is a library providing high-performance,​ easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools//+==== Protocol Buffers ====
-Where: [[|Pandas web site]] +//Protocol Buffers are (Google'​s) ​language-neutral, platform-neutral extensible mechanisms ​for serializing structured ​data//
- +
-JYP'​s ​comment: pandas is supposed to be quite good for loading, processing and plotting time series, without writing custom code. It is **very convenient for processing tables in xlsx files** (or csv, etc...). You should at least have a quick look at: +
- +
-  * Some //Cheat Sheets// (in the following order): +
-    ​Basics: [[http://​​dbed353d-2757-4617-8206-8767ab379ab3|Pandas basics]] (associated with the [[https://​​community/​blog/​python-pandas-cheat-sheet|Pandas Cheat Sheet for Data Science in Python]] pandas introduction page) +
-    - Intermediate:​ [[https://​​pandas-dev/​pandas/​tree/​master/​doc/​cheatsheet|github Pandas doc page]] +
-    - Advanced: the cheat sheet on the [[https://​​services/​training/​pandas-mastery-workshop/​|Enthought workshops advertising page]] +
-  * Some tutorials:​ +
-    * [[https://​​community/​blog/​python-pandas-cheat-sheet|Pandas Cheat Sheet for Data Science in Python]] pandas introduction page +
-    * The [[http://​​packages/​statistics/​index.html|Statistics in Python]] tutorial that combines Pandas, [[http://​​|Statsmodels]] and [[http://​​|Seaborn]] +
- +
-===== Scipy Lecture Notes ===== +
- +
-Summary: //One document to learn numerics, science, and data with Python// +
- +
-Where: [[http://​​_downloads/​ScipyLectures-simple.pdf|pdf]] - [[http://​​|html]]+
-This is **a really nice and useful document** that is regularly updated and used for the [[|EuroScipy]] tutorials. You will learn more things about python, numpy and matplotlib, debugging and optimizing scripts, and also learn about using python for statistics, image processing, machine learning, washing dishes (this is just to check if you have read this page), etc...+  ​https://​​ 
 +  ​* [[​getting-started/​pythontutorial/|Protocol Buffer Basics: Python]] 
 +    * ''​mamba install protobuf''​
 ===== Quick Reference and cheat sheets ===== ===== Quick Reference and cheat sheets =====
Line 335: Line 479:
   * [[https://​​weidadeyue/​cheat-sheets/​jupyter-notebook/​pdf_bw/​|Jupyter Notebook Keyboard Shortcuts]]   * [[https://​​weidadeyue/​cheat-sheets/​jupyter-notebook/​pdf_bw/​|Jupyter Notebook Keyboard Shortcuts]]
-===== Misc tutorials =====+===== Miscellaneous Python stuff and tutorials ===== 
 +Check the page about [[other:​python:​misc_by_jyp|useful python stuff that has not been sorted yet]]
-  * [[https://​​|PyFormat]]:​ //With this site we try to show you the most common use-cases covered by the old and new style string formatting API with practical examples// 
 ===== Some good coding tips ===== ===== Some good coding tips =====
Line 365: Line 510:
 Depending on the distribution,​ the editor and the programming environment you use, you may have access to a graphical version of the debugger. UV-CDAT users can use ''​pydebug''​ Depending on the distribution,​ the editor and the programming environment you use, you may have access to a graphical version of the debugger. UV-CDAT users can use ''​pydebug''​
 +===== jupyter and notebook stuff =====
 +FIXME Misc notes, resources and links to organize later
 +  * [[https://​​|jupyter {book}]]: Jupyter Book is an open source project for building beautiful, publication-quality books and documents from computational material.
 ===== Using a Python IDE ===== ===== Using a Python IDE =====
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 ===== Python 2.7 vs Python 3 ===== ===== Python 2.7 vs Python 3 =====
-The official [[https://​​2.7/​howto/​pyporting.html|Porting Python 2 Code to Python 3]] page gives the required information to make the transition from python 2 to python ​3. It is still safe to use Python 2.7, so there is no rush to change to Python ​3.+It is still safe to use Python 2.7, but **you should consider upgrading to Python 3**, unless some key modules you need are not compatible (yet) with Python 3 
 +You should start writing code that will, when possible, work both in Python 2 and Python 3 
 +Some interesting reading: 
 +  * [[https://​​3/​whatsnew/​3.0.html|What’s New In Python 3.0]].\\ Examples: 
 +    * ''​print''​ is now a function. Use ''​print('​Hello'​)''​ 
 +    * You cannot test a difference with ''<>''​ any longer! Use ''​!=''​ 
 +  * The official [[https://​​2.7/​howto/​pyporting.html|Porting Python 2 Code to Python 3]] page gives the required information to make the transition from python 2 to python 3. 
 ===== What now? ===== ===== What now? =====
 You can do a lot more with python! But if you have read at least a part of this page, you should be able to find and use the modules you need. Make sure you do not reinvent the wheel! Use existing packages when possible, and make sure to report bugs or errors in the documentations when you find some You can do a lot more with python! But if you have read at least a part of this page, you should be able to find and use the modules you need. Make sure you do not reinvent the wheel! Use existing packages when possible, and make sure to report bugs or errors in the documentations when you find some
 +===== Out-of-date stuff =====
 +==== CDAT-related resources ====
 +Some links, in case they can't be found easily on the [[https://​|CDAT]] web site...
 +  * [[https://​​tutorials.html|Tutorials in ipython notebooks]]
 +  * [[http://​​en/​latest/​|VCS:​ Visualization Control System]]
 +    * [[https://​​CDAT/​vcs/​issues/​238|Colormaps in vcs examples]]
 +  * [[https://​​CDAT/​cdat-site/​blob/​master/​|EzTemplate Documentation]]
 /* standard page footer */ /* standard page footer */
other/python/jyp_steps.1580805418.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/04 08:36 by jypeter