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other:python:misc_by_jyp [2023/04/28 14:11]
jypeter [Numerical values] Added low level array addressing
other:python:misc_by_jyp [2024/09/25 13:37] (current)
jypeter [Extra tutorials] Multithreading and Multiprocessing tuto
Line 5: Line 5:
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 +===== Extra tutorials =====
 +Only **when you have already read all the content of this page several times**, and you are looking for new ideas
 +  * [[https://​​@yaduvanshineelam09/​ultimate-python-cheat-sheet-practical-python-for-everyday-tasks-8a33abc0892f|Ultimate Python Cheat Sheet: Practical Python For Everyday Tasks]]
 +  * [[https://​​pythoneers/​16-hacks-that-will-take-your-python-skills-to-the-next-level-12e7a9b97421|16 Hacks That Will Take Your Python Skills to the Next Level]]
 +  * [[https://​​modular-coding-in-python-finally-solve-your-import-errors-af2fd172fcf7|Modular Coding in Python: Finally Solve your Import Errors]] (understanding and fixing ModuleNotFoundError and ImportError)
 +  * [[https://​​@moraneus/​understanding-multithreading-and-multiprocessing-in-python-1ed39bb078d5|Understanding Multithreading and Multiprocessing in Python]]
 ===== Reading/​setting environments variables ===== ===== Reading/​setting environments variables =====
Line 26: Line 33:
 +===== Using log files (aka logging) =====
 +It is always possible to display information messages using the ''​print()''​ command, but it is more efficient to use //logging// tools when you want to **display correctly a lot of information about a script progress
 +  * [[https://​​|Loguru]] is a library which aims to bring enjoyable logging in Python
 +    * See also [[https://​​community/​guides/​logging/​loguru/​|A Complete Guide to Logging in Python with Loguru]]
 +  * More on [[https://​​community/​guides/​logging/#​python|logging with python]]
 +  * The default (but not easy to use) Python ''​[[https://​​3/​library/​logging.html|logging]]''​ module
 ===== Stopping a script ===== ===== Stopping a script =====
Line 31: Line 46:
 <​code>​sys.exit('​Some optional message about why we are stopping'​)</​code>​ <​code>​sys.exit('​Some optional message about why we are stopping'​)</​code>​
 +===== Checking if a file/​directory is writable by the current user =====
-===== Data representation =====+<​code>>>>​ os.access('/',​ os.W_OK) 
 +>>>​ os.access('/​home/​jypmce/​.bashrc',​ os.W_OK) 
-A few notes for a future section or page about about //data representation//​ (bits and bytes) on disk and in memory, vs //data format// 
 +===== Playing with strings =====
-==== Numerical values ​====+==== String formatting ​====
-  * Binary data representation of some numbers: +  * Knowing how to display/print string correctly ​is always useful for information ​and debugging purpose 
-    * [[https://​​wiki/​Integer_(computer_science)|Integers]] +  There are lots of different ways to display strings
-      * Range: +
-        * 4-byte integers (''​numpy.int32''​):​ −2,​147,​483,​648 ​to 2,​147,​483,​647 +
-        * 8-byte integers (''​numpy.int64''​):​ −9,​223,​372,​036,​854,​775,​808 to 9,​223,​372,​036,​854,​775,​807 +
-      * Tech note: signed integers use [[https://​​wiki/​Two%27s_complement|two'​s complement]] for coding negative integers +
-    * [[https://​​wiki/​IEEE_754|Floating point numbers]] (//IEEE 754// standard aka //IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point for Arithmetic//​) +
-      * Range: +
-        * 4-byte float (''​numpy.float32''​):​ ~8 significant digits * 10E±38 +
-          * See also [[https://​​wiki/​Single-precision_floating-point_format|Single-precision floating-point format]] +
-        * 8-byte float (''​numpy.float64''​):​ ~15 significant digits * 10E±308 +
-      * Special values: +
-        * [[https://​​wiki/​NaN|NaN]] (''​numpy.nan''​):​ //Not Number// +
-        * Infinity (''​-numpy.inf''​ and ''​numpy.inf''​) +
-        * Note: it is cleaner to use masks (and [[https://​​doc/​stable/​reference/​maskedarray.generic.html|Numpy masked arrays]]) than NaNs, when you have to deal with missing values ! +
-    [[https://​​wiki/​Bit_numbering|Bit numbering]] +
-    * [[https://​​wiki/​Endianness|Endianness]] +
-    * A rather technical example: we //play// with a numpy 4-byte integer scalar +
-      * <​code>>>>​ one_int32 = np.int32(1) +
->>>​ one_int32 +
->>>​ type(one_int32) +
-<class '​numpy.int32'>​ +
->>>​ one_int32.dtype +
-dtype('​int32'​) +
->>>​ one_int32.shape # A numpy SCALAR, is an ARRAY WITH NO SHAPE ! +
-() +
->>>​ one_int32[0] +
-Traceback (most recent call last): +
-  File "<​stdin>",​ line 1, in <​module>​ +
-IndexError: invalid index to scalar variable. +
->>>​ one_int32[()] # Note how to access the single element, when there is NO SHAPE +
->>>​ one_int32.ndim # NO SHAPE means no dimensions, but there is ONE element +
->>>​ one_int32.size +
->>>​ one_int32.nbytes # The element requires 4 bytes of storage +
->>>​ hex(one_int32) # We can print the hexadecimal representation for INTEGERS scalars and arrays +
-'​0x1'​ +
->>>​ hex(one_int32 * 15) +
-'​0xf'​ +
->>>​ hex(one_int32 * 16) +
-# '​Serialize'​ the data (i.e. change the data to a series of bytes) +=== String formatting examples ===
-# Note: the serialized data seems to be printed in the reverse order of '​hex(one_int32)'​ +
->>>​ one_int32_serialized ​one_int32.tobytes() +
->>>​ type(one_int32_serialized) +
-<class '​bytes'>​ +
->>>​ len(one_int32_serialized) +
->>>​ one_int32_serialized  +
-b'​\x01\x00\x00\x00'​ +
->>>​ one_int32_serialized.hex('​ ') # Another way to print the hexadecimal values +
-'01 00 00 00'+
-# Use the following in the unlikely case where you need to change the endianness (bytes ordering) +You will find below some examples ​of //quick printing//, as well as using //old style formatting//​//formatted string literals ​(f-strings)// and the //​String ​''​format()'' ​Method//. More details in the next section
->>>​ one_int32_reversed_endian = one_int32.byteswap() +
->>>​ one_int32_reversed_endian # Same bytes in a different order represent a different number (of course) +
-16777216 +
->>>​ hex(one_int32_reversed_endian) # Compare to the output of hex(one_int32) above +
-'​0x1000000'​ +
->>>​ one_int32_reversed_endian.tobytes() +
-b'​\x00\x00\x00\x01'<​/code> +
-    * Another technical example: we use an array of 2 integers\\ When using ''​byteswap()''​notice how bytes are swapped by groups of 4 bytes, because int32 use 4 bytes +
-      * <​code>>>>​ array_example = np.asarray((3, 17), dtype=np.int32) +
->>>​ array_example +
-array([ 3, 17], dtype=int32) +
->>>​ array_example.shape,​ array_example.ndim,​ array_example.size,​ array_example.nbytes +
-((2,), 1, 2, 8) +
->>>​ array_example.tobytes().hex(' ', 4) +
-'​03000000 11000000'​ +
->>>​ array_example.byteswap().tobytes().hex('​ ', 4) +
-'00000003 00000011' +
-  * Manipulating binary data with [[https://​​3/​library/​stdtypes.html#binary-sequence-types-bytes-bytearray-memoryview|bytes,​ bytearray, memoryview]]+<​code ​python
 +>>> ​Basic (but quick and efficient) printing
-  * Array addressing +>>>​ year = 1984 
-    ​* ​[[https://​​calculation-of-address-of-element-of-1-d-2-d-and-3-d-using-row-major-and-column-major-order/​|Calculation of address of element of 1-D2-Dand 3-D using row-major and column-major order]+>>>​ print(year) 
-      * In other words: //using indices to go from 1-D to n-Dimnensions data// ​ +1984 
-    * The [[https://​​wiki/​Array_(data_structure)|array]] structure +>>>​ print('​['year'is a famous book ]') 
-    * python/C vs Fortran...+1984 is a famous book ]
-  * disk and ram usage: how to check the usage (available ram and disk), best practice on multi-user systems (how much allowed?) +>>>​ # Old style formatting
-    * ''​du'',​ ''​df'',​ ''​cat /​proc/​meminfo'',​ ''​top''​+
-  * understanding and reverse-engineering //binary// format +>>>​ print('[ %i is a famous book ]' ​% (year,)) 
-    * ''​od'',​ ''​strings''​+[ 1984 is a famous book ] 
 +>>>​ print('[ %10i is a famous book ]' ​% (year,)) 
 +[       1984 is a famous book ] 
 +>>>​ print('[ %-10i is a famous book ]' ​% (year,)) 
 +[ 1984       is a famous book ] 
 +>>>​ print('[ %010i is a famous book ]' ​% (year,)) 
 +[ 0000001984 is a famous book ]
-  * binary vs text format: ascii, utf, raw +>>>​ # Formatted string literals (f-strings)
-    * text related functions in python: ''​str'',​ ''​int'',​ ''​float'',​ ''​ord'',​ ... +
-      * lists conversion with ''​map''​ and ''​join''​+
-  * Misc : ''​md5sum''​+>>>​ print(f'​[ {year} is a famous book ]')  
 +[ 1984 is a famous book ] 
 +>>>​ print(f'​[ {year=} is a famous book ]') 
 +[ year=1984 is a famous book ] 
 +>>>​ print(f'​[ {year:10} is a famous book ]'
 +[       1984 is a famous book ] 
 +>>>​ print(f'[ {year:<​10} is a famous book ]'
 +[ 1984       is a famous book ] 
 +>>>​ print(f'​[ {year:010} is a famous book ]') 
 +[ 0000001984 is a famous book ] 
 +>>>​ print(f'​[ {year:​10.2f} is a famous book (yes, {year}!) ]'
 +[    1984.00 is a famous book (yes, 1984!) ]
-==== Strings ====+>>>​ # The String format() Method
-  * Encoding, ​[[​wiki/​ASCII|ASCII]][[https://​​wiki/​Unicode|unicode]], [[​wiki/​UTF-8|UTF-8]], ...+>>>​ print('​{} is a famous book ]'​.format(year)) 
 +1984 is a famous book ] 
 +>>>​ print('​[ {:10} is a famous book ]'.format(year)) 
 +[       1984 is a famous book ] 
 +>>>​ print('​[ {:<10} is a famous book ]'.format(year)) 
 +[ 1984       is a famous book ] 
 +>>>​ print('​[ {:010} is a famous book ]'​.format(year)) 
 +0000001984 is a famous book ] 
 +>>>​ print('​{:10.2f} is a famous book  (yes, {}!) ]'​.format(yearyear)) 
 +   ​1984.00 is a famous book  (yes, 1984!) ] 
 +>>>​ print('​{title:10.2f} is a famous book  (yes, {title}!) ]'.format(title=year)) 
 +[    1984.00 is a famous book  (yes, 1984!) ​] 
 +>>>​ print('​[ {title:​10.2e} is a famous book ]'.format(title=year)) 
 +[   1.98e+03 is a famous book ]</​code>​
-  * Getting the binary representation of a string +=== String formatting references ===
-    * <​code>>>>​ test_string ​'A B 0 1 à µ' +
->>>​ type(test_string) +
-<class '​str'>​ +
->>>​ len(test_string) +
-11 +
->>>​ test_string_bin ​test_string.encode('​utf-8'​) +
->>>​ test_string_bin +
-b'A B 0 1 \xc3\xa0 \xc2\xb5'​ +
->>>​ type(test_string_bin) +
-<class '​bytes'>​ +
->>>​ len(test_string_bin) +
-13 +
->>>​ test_string_bin.hex('​-'​) +
-'​41-20-42-20-30-20-31-20-c3-a0-20-c2-b5'​ +
-===== Checking if a file/directory is writable by the current user =====+  * [[https://​​3/​tutorial/​inputoutput.html#​formatted-string-literals|Formatted String Literals]] (//​f-strings//​) 
 +    * Available in Python >3.6 
 +    * [[https://​​3/​reference/​lexical_analysis.html#​f-strings|More documentation]] 
 +    * [[https://​​3/​library/​string.html#​formatspec|Format Specification Mini-Language]] 
 +      * See also the [[https://​​|PyFormat site]]
-<​code>>>>​ os.access('​/', os.W_OK+  * [[https://​​tutorial/​inputoutput.html#​the-string-format-method|The String format(Method]] 
-False +    * [[https://​​formatspec|Format Specification Mini-Language]] 
->>>​ os.access('​/home/jypmce/.bashrc',​ os.W_OK) +      * See also the [[https://​​|PyFormat site]]
-True</code> +
- +
- +
-===== Playing with strings =====+
 +  * [[https://​​|PyFormat site]]: string formatting using the //old style// and the //String ''​format()''​ method//
 +    * <wrap hi>​Hint</​wrap>:​ this can also be used as an **easy documentation for //​f-strings//​ format**!
 +  * [[https://​​3/​tutorial/​inputoutput.html#​the-string-format-method|Old string formatting]]
 ==== Splitting (complex) strings ==== ==== Splitting (complex) strings ====
Line 192: Line 156:
 ==== Working with paths and filenames ==== ==== Working with paths and filenames ====
-If you are in a hurry, you can just use string functions to work with path and file names. ​But you will need some specific functions to check if a file exists, and similar operations. All these are available in 2 libraries that have similar functions. Both of these libraries can deal with Unix-type paths on Linux computers, and Windows-type paths on Windows computers+If you are in a hurry, you can just use string functions to work with paths and file names.
-  ​* [[https://​​3/​library/​os.path.html|os.path]] //Common ​pathname manipulations//​+ 
 +You will need some specific objects and functions to check if a file exists, and similar operations. Check the libraries listed below, that can automatically deal with Unix-type paths on Linux and MacOS computers, and Windows-type paths on Windows computers 
 +  ​* [[https://​​3/​library/​os.path.html|os.path]]//common ​pathname manipulations//​
     * Available since... a long time! Use this if you want to avoid backward compatibility problems     * Available since... a long time! Use this if you want to avoid backward compatibility problems
     * Some functions are directly in [[https://​​3/​library/​os.html|os]] //​Miscellaneous operating system interfaces//​\\ e.g. [[https://​​3/​library/​os.html#​os.remove|os.remove]] and [[https://​​3/​library/​os.html#​os.rmdir|os.rmdir]]     * Some functions are directly in [[https://​​3/​library/​os.html|os]] //​Miscellaneous operating system interfaces//​\\ e.g. [[https://​​3/​library/​os.html#​os.remove|os.remove]] and [[https://​​3/​library/​os.html#​os.rmdir|os.rmdir]]
-  * [[https://​​3/​library/​pathlib.html|pathlib]] //Object-oriented filesystem paths//+  * [[https://​​3/​library/​pathlib.html|pathlib]]: a **more recent** ​//object-oriented// way to deal with //filesystem paths//
     * Available since Python version 3.4     * Available since Python version 3.4
     * [[https://​​3/​library/​pathlib.html#​correspondence-to-tools-in-the-os-module|Matching pathlib, and os or os.path functions]]     * [[https://​​3/​library/​pathlib.html#​correspondence-to-tools-in-the-os-module|Matching pathlib, and os or os.path functions]]
-  * [[https://​​3/​library/​shutil.html|High-level file operations]]+  * [[https://​​3/​library/​shutil.html|shutil]]: ​High-level file operations, e.g copy/move a file or directory tree
-=== Example: getting the full path of the Python used ===+=== Example: getting the full path of the Python ​executable ​used ===
 Note: the actual python may be different from the default python! Note: the actual python may be different from the default python!
Line 210: Line 177:
 /​usr/​bin/​python /​usr/​bin/​python
-$ /modfs/modtools/miniconda3//envs/analyse_3.6_test/bin/python+$ /home/share/unix_files/cdat/​miniconda3_21-02/envs/cdatm_py3/bin/python
 >>>​ import sys, shutil >>>​ import sys, shutil
 >>>​ shutil.which('​python'​) >>>​ shutil.which('​python'​)
 '/​usr/​bin/​python'​ '/​usr/​bin/​python'​
 >>>​ sys.executable >>>​ sys.executable
Line 231: Line 198:
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 +=== Example: system independent paths with pathlib ===
 +Note: the following example was generated on a Linux server and uses a <wrap em>/</​wrap>​ character as a path separator
 +<​code>>>>​ my_home = Path.home()
 +>>>​ my_home
 +>>>​ my_conf = my_home / '​.config'​ / '​evince'​
 +>>>​ my_conf
 +>>>​ my_conf.is_dir()
 +>>>​ my_conf.is_file()
 +>>>​ list(my_conf.glob('​*'​))
 +[PosixPath('/​home/​users/​my_login/​.config/​evince/​evince_toolbar.xml'​),​ PosixPath('​ /​home/​users/​my_login/​.config/​evince/​accels'​)]
 +>>>​ [ for ff in my_conf.glob('​*'​) ]
 +['​evince_toolbar.xml',​ '​accels'​]
 === Example: getting the size(s) of all the files in a directory === === Example: getting the size(s) of all the files in a directory ===
Line 417: Line 404:
 ['​c',​ '​d',​ '​b',​ '​a'​]</​code>​ ['​c',​ '​d',​ '​b',​ '​a'​]</​code>​
 +===== Efficient looping with numpy, map, itertools and list comprehension =====
 +<wrap hi>Big, nested, explicit ''​for''​ loops should be avoided at all cost</​wrap>,​ in order to reduce a script execution time!
 +  * **''​numpy''​ arrays** should be used when dealing with //numerical data//
 +    * **Masked arrays** can be used to deal with //special cases// and remove tests from loops
 +  * The built-in [[https://​​3/​library/​functions.html?​highlight=map#​map|map]] function (and similar functions like [[https://​​3/​library/​functions.html?​highlight=zip#​zip|zip]],​ [[https://​​3/​library/​functions.html?​highlight=filter#​filter|filter]],​ ...) can be used to efficiently apply a function (possibly a //simple// [[https://​​3/​tutorial/​controlflow.html#​lambda-expressions|lambda]] function) to all the elements of a list
 +    * <​code>>>>​ my_ints = [1, 2, 3]
 +>>>​ map(str, my_ints)
 +['​1',​ '​2',​ '​3'​]
 +>>>​ map(lambda ii: str(10*ii + 5), my_ints)
 +['​15',​ '​25',​ '​35'​]</​code>​
 +  * The [[https://​​3/​library/​itertools.html|itertools]] module defines many more fancy iterators that can be used for efficient looping
 +    * Example: replacing nested loops with [[https://​​3/​library/​itertools.html#​itertools.product|product]]
 +      * <​code>>>>​ it.product('​AB',​ '​01'​)
 +<​itertools.product object at 0x2b35a7b5f100>​
 +>>>​ list(it.product('​AB',​ '​01'​))
 +[('​A',​ '​0'​),​ ('​A',​ '​1'​),​ ('​B',​ '​0'​),​ ('​B',​ '​1'​)]
 +>>>​ for c1, c2 in it.product('​AB',​ '​01'​):​
 +...   ​print(c1 + c2)
 +>>>​ for c1, c2 in it.product(['​A',​ '​B'​],​ ['​0',​ '​1'​]):​
 +...   ​print(c1 + c2)
 +>>>​ for c1, c2, c3 in it.product('​AB',​ '​01',​ '​$!'​):​
 +...   ​print(c1 + c2 + c3, end=', ')
 +A0$, A0!, A1$, A1!, B0$, B0!, B1$, B1!,</​code>​
 +  * The [[https://​​3/​tutorial/​datastructures.html?​highlight=comprehension#​list-comprehensions|list comprehension]] (aka //implicit loops//) can also be used to generate lists from lists
 +    * Example: converting a list of integers to a list of strings\\ Note: in that case, you should rather use the ''​map''​ function detailed above
 +      * <​code>>>>​ my_ints = [1, 2, 3]
 +>>>​ [ str(ii) for ii in my_ints ]
 +['​1',​ '​2',​ '​3'​]</​code>​
 ===== numpy related stuff ===== ===== numpy related stuff =====
Line 579: Line 618:
 array([3. , 4.5, 8. ])</​code>​ array([3. , 4.5, 8. ])</​code>​
 +==== Exercise your brain with numpy ====
 +Have a look at [[https://​​rougier/​numpy-100/​blob/​master/​100_Numpy_exercises.ipynb|100 numpy exercises]]
 ===== matplotlib related stuff ===== ===== matplotlib related stuff =====
Line 587: Line 629:
   * [[https://​​stable/​gallery/​index.html#​ticks|Ticks examples'​ gallery]]   * [[https://​​stable/​gallery/​index.html#​ticks|Ticks examples'​ gallery]]
   * [[https://​​stable/​gallery/​text_labels_and_annotations/​date.html|Date tick labels example]]   * [[https://​​stable/​gallery/​text_labels_and_annotations/​date.html|Date tick labels example]]
 +===== Data representation =====
 +A few notes for a future section or page about about //data representation//​ (bits and bytes) on disk and in memory, vs //data format//
 +FIXME Add parts (pages 28 to 37) of this [[http://​​Phocea/​file.php?​class=page&​file=5/​pythonCDAT_jyp_2sur2_070306.pdf|old tutorial]] to this section
 +==== Base notions ====
 +  * **Never forget** that all the bits and pieces of information we use are coded in [[https://​​wiki/​Binary_number#​Counting_in_binary|base 2]] (''​0''​s and ''​1''​s ...), grouped in bytes!
 +    * Some things can be stored exactly (integers, characters, ...)
 +    * In other cases (**//real// numbers** that we work with all the time, compressed images/​videos/​music) we only store **//good enough approximation//​**
 +  * 1 byte <=> 8 bits
 +    * ''​REAL*4''​ <=> 4 bytes <=> 32 bits
 +    * For easier written/​displayed representation,​ 1 byte is usually split into 2 groups of 4 bits, and displayed using base 16 and [[https://​​wiki/​Hexadecimal|hexadecimal representation]] (characters ''​0'',​ ''​1'',​ ..., ''​A'',​ ''​B'',​ ..., ''​F''​)
 +      * ''​0000''​ <=> ''​0'',​\\ ''​0010''​ <=> ''​1'',​ ...,\\ ''​1111''​ <=> ''​F''​
 +      * ''​1101''​ <=> ''​D''​ in hexadecimal <=> ''​13''​ in decimal (''​**1** * 8 + **1** * 4 + **0** * 2 + **1** * 1''​)
 +      * ''​11111101''​ in //base 2// <=> ''​1111 1101''​ <=> ''​FD''​ in //​hexadecimal//​ <=> ''​253''​ (''​15 * 16 + 13''​) in //decimal//
 +  * Base conversion with Python
 +    * <​code>>>>​ hex(13) # Decimal to Hexadecimal conversion
 +>>>​ hex(253)
 +>>>​ hex(256)
 +>>>​ int('​0x100',​ 16) # Hexadecimal to Decimal conversion
 +>>>​ int('​1111',​ 2) # Binary to Decimal conversion
 +>>>​ int('​11111101',​ 2) # '​11111101'​ <=> '1111 1101' <=> '​FD'​ <=> 15 * 16 + 13 = 253
 +>>>​ 013 # DANGER! Python considers an integer to be in OCTAL base if it starts with a 0
 +>>>​ int('​13',​ 8) # 1*8 + 3
 +  * More technical topics
 +    * [[https://​​wiki/​Bit_numbering|Bit numbering]]:​ the art of ordering bits, everything about MSB (Most Significant Byte) and LSB (Least Significant Byte)
 +    * [[https://​​wiki/​Endianness|Endianness]]:​ the art of ordering bytes
 +==== Numerical values ====
 +  * Binary data representation of some numbers (only some common types are listed here):
 +    * Languages and packages **references** used below:
 +      * Python: [[https://​​doc/​stable/​reference/​arrays.scalars.html#​sized-aliases|NumPy Sized aliases]]
 +      * NetCDF: [[https://​​nug/​current/​md_types.html|Data Types]], [[https://​​netcdf-fortran/​current/​f90-variables.html#​f90-language-types-corresponding-to-netcdf-external-data-types|Fortran related Data Types]], [[https://​​nug/​current/​_c_d_l.html#​cdl_data_types|CDL Data Types]]
 +      * Fortran: Intel Fortran Compiler [[https://​​content/​www/​us/​en/​docs/​fortran-compiler/​developer-guide-reference/​2023-1/​intrinsic-data-types.html|Intrinsic Data Types]]
 +    * [[https://​​wiki/​Integer_(computer_science)|Integers]]
 +      * Range:
 +        * 4-byte //signed// integers: ''​−2,​147,​483,​648''​ to ''​2,​147,​483,​647''​
 +          * Python: ''​numpy.int32''​
 +          * NetCDF: ''​int'',​ ''​NC_INT''​ or ''​NC_LONG'',​ ''​NF90_INT''​
 +          * Fortran: ''​INTEGER*4''​
 +        * 8-byte //signed// integers: ''​−9,​223,​372,​036,​854,​775,​808''​ to ''​9,​223,​372,​036,​854,​775,​807''​
 +          * Python: ''​numpy.int64''​
 +          * NetCDF: ''​int64'',​ ''​NC_INT64''​
 +          * Fortran: ''​INTEGER*8''​
 +      * Tech note: signed integers use [[https://​​wiki/​Two%27s_complement|two'​s complement]] for coding negative integers
 +    * [[https://​​wiki/​IEEE_754|Floating point numbers]] (//IEEE 754// standard aka //IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point for Arithmetic//​)
 +      * Range:
 +        * 4-byte float: ''​~8 significant digits * 10E±38''​
 +          * Python: ''​numpy.float32''​
 +          * NetCDF: ''​float'',​ ''​NC-FLOAT'',​ ''​NF90_FLOAT''​
 +          * Fortran:''​REAL*4''​
 +          * See also [[https://​​wiki/​Single-precision_floating-point_format|Single-precision floating-point format]]
 +        * 8-byte float: ''​~15 significant digits * 10E±308''​
 +          * Python: ''​numpy.float64''​
 +          * NetCDF: ''​double'',​ ''​NC_DOUBLE'',​ ''​NF90_DOUBLE''​
 +          * Fortran: ''​REAL*8''​
 +      * **Special values**:
 +        * [[https://​​wiki/​NaN|NaN]]:​ //Not a Number//
 +          * Python: ''​numpy.nan''​
 +        * Infinity
 +          * Python: ''​-numpy.inf''​ and ''​numpy.inf''​
 +        * Note: it is cleaner to use masks (and [[https://​​doc/​stable/​reference/​maskedarray.generic.html|Numpy masked arrays]]) rather than ''​NaN''​s,​ when you have to deal with missing values !
 +      * <wrap hi>The RISKS of working with (the wrong) floats</​wrap>:​
 +        * [[https://​​wiki/​Round-off_error|Round-off error]]
 +        * [[https://​​wiki/​Catastrophic_cancellation|Catastrophic cancellation]]
 +          * [[https://​​cd/​E19957-01/​806-3568/​ncg_goldberg.html|What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic]]
 +    * A rather technical example: we //play// with a numpy 4-byte integer scalar
 +      * <​code>>>>​ one_int32 = np.int32(1)
 +>>>​ one_int32
 +>>>​ type(one_int32)
 +<class '​numpy.int32'>​
 +>>>​ one_int32.dtype
 +>>>​ one_int32.shape # A numpy SCALAR, is an ARRAY WITH NO SHAPE !
 +>>>​ one_int32[0]
 +Traceback (most recent call last):
 +  File "<​stdin>",​ line 1, in <​module>​
 +IndexError: invalid index to scalar variable.
 +>>>​ one_int32[()] # Note how to access the single element, when there is NO SHAPE
 +>>>​ one_int32.ndim # NO SHAPE means no dimensions, but there is ONE element
 +>>>​ one_int32.size
 +>>>​ one_int32.nbytes # The element requires 4 bytes of storage
 +>>>​ hex(one_int32) # We can print the hexadecimal representation for INTEGERS scalars and arrays
 +>>>​ hex(one_int32 * 15)
 +>>>​ hex(one_int32 * 16)
 +# '​Serialize'​ the data (i.e. change the data to a series of bytes)
 +# Note: the serialized data seems to be printed in the reverse order of '​hex(one_int32)'​
 +>>>​ one_int32_serialized = one_int32.tobytes()
 +>>>​ type(one_int32_serialized)
 +<class '​bytes'>​
 +>>>​ len(one_int32_serialized)
 +>>>​ one_int32_serialized ​
 +>>>​ one_int32_serialized.hex('​ ') # Another way to print the hexadecimal values
 +'01 00 00 00'
 +# Use the following in the unlikely case where you need to change the endianness (bytes ordering)
 +>>>​ one_int32_reversed_endian = one_int32.byteswap()
 +>>>​ one_int32_reversed_endian # Same bytes in a different order represent a different number (of course)
 +>>>​ hex(one_int32_reversed_endian) # Compare to the output of hex(one_int32) above
 +>>>​ one_int32_reversed_endian.tobytes()
 +    * Another technical example: we use an array of 2 integers\\ When using ''​byteswap()'',​ notice how bytes are swapped by groups of 4 bytes, because int32 use 4 bytes
 +      * <​code>>>>​ array_example = np.asarray((3,​ 17), dtype=np.int32)
 +>>>​ array_example
 +array([ 3, 17], dtype=int32)
 +>>>​ array_example.shape,​ array_example.ndim,​ array_example.size,​ array_example.nbytes
 +((2,), 1, 2, 8)
 +>>>​ array_example.tobytes().hex('​ ', 4)
 +'​03000000 11000000'​
 +>>>​ array_example.byteswap().tobytes().hex('​ ', 4)
 +'​00000003 00000011'​
 +  * Manipulating binary data with [[https://​​3/​library/​stdtypes.html#​binary-sequence-types-bytes-bytearray-memoryview|bytes,​ bytearray, memoryview]]
 +  * Array addressing
 +    * [[https://​​calculation-of-address-of-element-of-1-d-2-d-and-3-d-using-row-major-and-column-major-order/​|Calculation of address of element of 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D using row-major and column-major order]]
 +      * In other words: //using indices to go from 1-D to n-Dimnensions data// ​
 +    * The [[https://​​wiki/​Array_(data_structure)|array]] structure
 +    * python/C vs Fortran...
 +  * disk and ram usage: how to check the usage (available ram and disk), best practice on multi-user systems (how much allowed?)
 +    * ''​du'',​ ''​df'',​ ''​cat /​proc/​meminfo'',​ ''​top''​
 +  * understanding and reverse-engineering //binary// format
 +    * ''​od'',​ ''​strings''​
 +  * binary vs text format: ascii, utf, raw
 +    * text related functions in python: ''​str'',​ ''​int'',​ ''​float'',​ ''​ord'',​ ...
 +      * lists conversion with ''​map''​ and ''​join''​
 +  * Misc : ''​md5sum''​
 +==== Strings ====
 +  * Encoding, [[https://​​wiki/​ASCII|ASCII]],​ [[https://​​wiki/​Unicode|unicode]],​ [[https://​​wiki/​UTF-8|UTF-8]],​ ...
 +  * Getting the binary representation of a string
 +    * <​code>>>>​ test_string = 'A B 0 1 à µ'
 +>>>​ type(test_string)
 +<class '​str'>​
 +>>>​ len(test_string)
 +>>>​ test_string_bin = test_string.encode('​utf-8'​)
 +>>>​ test_string_bin
 +b'A B 0 1 \xc3\xa0 \xc2\xb5'​
 +>>>​ type(test_string_bin)
 +<class '​bytes'>​
 +>>>​ len(test_string_bin)
 +>>>​ test_string_bin.hex('​-'​)
other/python/misc_by_jyp.1682691109.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/28 14:11 by jypeter