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other:python:starting [2022/01/04 22:06]
jypeter [Using the LSCE jupyterhub server] Added user kernel definition
other:python:starting [2022/08/11 12:26]
jypeter Added jupyter server section
Line 191: Line 191:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
- > ​module avail+module ​-t avail
 [...] [...]
-4ARTIC/3.6         ​grib_api/​1.14 ​     netcdf/​3 ​          python/​2.7.5 +python/2.
-batch_env ​         grib_api/1.14.0 ​   netcdf/​4 ​          python/3.6 +python/​2.7.5 
-[...] +python/2-ramces 
-glost/0.3.1        ncview/2.1.7       python/2.7+python/3 
 [...] [...]
- > ​module load python/2.7+module load python/3.9
- > ​which python +which python 
- > ​python +python 
-Python ​2.7.15 |Anaconda, Inc.| (default, ​Oct 10 201821:32:13+Python ​3.9.(default, ​Sep 16 202113:09:58
-[GCC 7.3.0] on linux2+[GCC 7.5.0] :: Anaconda, Inc. on linux
 Type "​help",​ "​copyright",​ "​credits"​ or "​license"​ for more information. Type "​help",​ "​copyright",​ "​credits"​ or "​license"​ for more information.
 >>>​ >>>​
Line 219: Line 223:
   * Contact: Jean-Yves Peterschmitt (//JYP//) @ LSCE   * Contact: Jean-Yves Peterschmitt (//JYP//) @ LSCE
   * Where: //obelix// interactive servers and cluster at LSCE, //ciclad// interactive servers and cluster at IPSL, irene @ TGCC   * Where: //obelix// interactive servers and cluster at LSCE, //ciclad// interactive servers and cluster at IPSL, irene @ TGCC
-  * Initialization type: conda based or [[other:​newppl:​starting#​using_module_to_access_optional_programs|module based]]+  * Initialization type: conda based
   * What's installed: type ''​conda list''​ after initializing a specific CDAT distribution   * What's installed: type ''​conda list''​ after initializing a specific CDAT distribution
Line 290: Line 294:
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-==== Anaconda ==== 
-<note tip>This is the recommended Python distribution/​environment. It is **available for Windows, Mac and Linux**</​note>​ 
-[[https://​​why-anaconda|Anaconda]] is a distribution provided by [[https://​​|Continuum Analytics]]. It is similar to [[#​enthought_deployment_manager_edm|EDM]] 
-Note: Anaconda provides and uses ''​conda''​ for its installation. Since [[#​cdat|CDAT]] is also installed and maintained with ''​conda'',​ you can read the [[other:​uvcdat:​conda_notes|Installing and maintaining UV-CDAT with conda]] page for more information,​ even if you are not going to use CDAT 
-==== Enthought Deployment Manager (EDM) ==== 
-<note tip>This was previously called //Enthought Python Distribution (EPD)// and then  //Enthought Canopy//</​note>​ 
-[[https://​​enthought-deployment-manager/​|Enthought Deployment Manager (EDM)]] is Enthought’s mechanism to deliver scientific software applications and development environments 
-There are native installers for Windows (.msi), Mac OS X (.pkg), RHEL/Fedora (.rpm), and Debian/​Ubuntu (.deb) 
 ===== ipython ===== ===== ipython =====
Line 319: Line 306:
   * [[https://​​IPython-quick-ref-sheets/​|Ipython-quick-ref-sheets]]   * [[https://​​IPython-quick-ref-sheets/​|Ipython-quick-ref-sheets]]
 +==== LSCE jupyter notebook server ====
 +The different Python distributions available on the LSCE servers (interactive servers and cluster) can also be used on the [[https://​​informatique/​en/​jupyter/​index.php|LSCE jupyter notebook server]]:
 +  * If your computer is on the LSCE wired network
 +  * Or if you are using the [[https://​​informatique/​fr/​vpn-forticlient.php|LSCE VPN]]
 ==== ipython notebook ==== ==== ipython notebook ====
other/python/starting.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/13 14:20 by jypeter