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other:python:starting [2022/08/11 12:36]
jypeter [ipython notebook] Improved
other:python:starting [2024/09/13 14:20] (current)
jypeter Updated the jupyter section
Line 40: Line 40:
       * In a //bash// shell: ''​source ~jypeter/​''​       * In a //bash// shell: ''​source ~jypeter/​''​
       * In a //tcsh// shell: ''​source ~jypeter/​.conda3_jyp.csh''​       * In a //tcsh// shell: ''​source ~jypeter/​.conda3_jyp.csh''​
-    - Choose which //flavor// of Python ​you want by typing the activation command: +    - Choose which environment ​you want by typing the activation command:
-      * Python 2.7.x: ''​conda activate cdatm_py2''​+
       * Python 3.x: ''​conda activate cdatm_py3''​       * Python 3.x: ''​conda activate cdatm_py3''​
 +      * You can use ''​conda env list''​ to find out which environments are available, but the one you most likely want is ''​cdatm_py3''​
 +    - If you need an (older) Python 2.7 environment,​ replace the steps above with:
 +      * ''​source ~jypeter/​''​
 +      * ''​conda activate cdatm_py2''​
     - Type ''​python''​ to start the interpreter     - Type ''​python''​ to start the interpreter
 +    - If you need a list of the installed packages (and their version), use
 +      * ''​conda list''​
 +      * A partial list of what is installed is available in the [[other:​uvcdat:​cdat_conda:​cdat_8_2_1#​extra_packages_list|Extra packages list]]
     - Note: if you will have to use python regularly, you should add the ''​source''​ line above to your ''​.cshrc''​ /''​.login''​ file (//tcsh// users) or ''​.bashrc''/''​.profile''​ (//bash// users)     - Note: if you will have to use python regularly, you should add the ''​source''​ line above to your ''​.cshrc''​ /''​.login''​ file (//tcsh// users) or ''​.bashrc''/''​.profile''​ (//bash// users)
       * **Do not** add the ''​conda activate cdatm_pyN''​ line to the shell config files, because this will create potential side-effects!\\ Only type the activation command in the terminal(s) where you will need to use this specific version of Python       * **Do not** add the ''​conda activate cdatm_pyN''​ line to the shell config files, because this will create potential side-effects!\\ Only type the activation command in the terminal(s) where you will need to use this specific version of Python
Line 50: Line 56:
 <​code>​ >ssh obelix <​code>​ >ssh obelix
-Last login: ​Mon Jun  3 08:49:53 2019 from somewhere+Last login: ​Wed Feb  1 09:56:29 2023 from somewhere 
 bash-4.2$ which python bash-4.2$ which python
 /​usr/​bin/​python /​usr/​bin/​python
 bash-4.2$ source ~jypeter/​ bash-4.2$ source ~jypeter/​
 bash-4.2$ which python bash-4.2$ which python
 /​usr/​bin/​python /​usr/​bin/​python
-bash-4.2$ conda activate ​cdatm_py2 + 
-(cdatm_py2) bash-4.2$ which python +bash-4.2$ conda activate ​cdatm_py3 
-/​home/​share/​unix_files/​cdat/​miniconda3/envs/cdatm_py2/​bin/​python + 
-(cdatm_py2) bash-4.2$ python +(cdatm_py3) bash-4.2$ which python 
-Python ​2.7.15 | packaged by conda-forge | (default, Feb 28 201904:00:11+/​home/​share/​unix_files/​cdat/​miniconda3_21-02/envs/cdatm_py3/bin/python 
-[GCC 7.3.0] on linux2+ 
 +(cdatm_py3) bash-4.2$ python 
 +Python ​3.8.| packaged by conda-forge | (default, Feb 20 202116:22:27
 +[GCC 9.3.0] on linux
 Type "​help",​ "​copyright",​ "​credits"​ or "​license"​ for more information. Type "​help",​ "​copyright",​ "​credits"​ or "​license"​ for more information.
 >>>​ print('​hello!'​) >>>​ print('​hello!'​)
Line 124: Line 136:
-===== Using the LSCE jupyterhub server =====+===== Using JupyterHub servers ===== 
 +==== JupyterHub servers available for LSCE users ==== 
 +  * [[https://​​informatique/​en/​jupyter/​index.php|LSCE JupyterHub server information]] 
 +  * [[https://​​spirit/​jupyterhub/​documentation.html|IPSL JupyterHub ​server ​information]] 
 +  * You will **have to** be on the LSCE wired network, or use the [[https://​​informatique/​en/​intra-cea.php|LSCE VPN]], if you want to use the LSCE or IPSL JupyterHub servers ! 
 +    * Otherwise, check the IPSL server documentation,​ if you want to try **accessing the IPSL server using an ssh tunnel**... 
 +===Notebooks and jupyter servers documentation ​==== 
-The [[https://​​informatique/​en/​jupyter/​index.php|LSCE jupyterhub notebook server]] is available for users with a LSCE Linux account: ​ 
-  * from a computer on the LSCE wired network: https://​​ 
-  * from other computers: start the [[https://​​informatique/​fr/​vpn-forticlient.php#​vpnlsce|LSCE VPN]] before opening https://​​ 
 ==== Using a non-standard kernel ==== ==== Using a non-standard kernel ====
Line 149: Line 169:
 Available kernels: Available kernels:
   python3 ​    /​home/​share/​unix_files/​cdat/​miniconda3_21-02/​envs/​cdatm19_nompi_py3/​share/​jupyter/​kernels/​python3</​code>​   python3 ​    /​home/​share/​unix_files/​cdat/​miniconda3_21-02/​envs/​cdatm19_nompi_py3/​share/​jupyter/​kernels/​python3</​code>​
-  - Copy the existing kernel directory that you have found to your home directory. You can use the existing kernel name, or use a new kernel name (using only ASCII letters, numbers, ​ ''​-''​ hyphen, ''​.''​ period and ''​_''​ underscore)\\ <​code>​ >cp -pr /​home/​share/​unix_files/​cdat/​miniconda3_21-02/​envs/​cdatm19_nompi_py3/​share/​jupyter/​kernels/​python3 ~/​.local/​share/​jupyter/​kernels+  - Copy the existing kernel directory that you have found to your home directory. You can use the existing kernel name, or use a new kernel name (using only ASCII letters, numbers, ​ ''​-''​ hyphen, ''​.''​ period and ''​_''​ underscore)\\ <​code> ​>mkdir -p ~/​.local/​share/​jupyter/​kernels 
 + >cp -pr /​home/​share/​unix_files/​cdat/​miniconda3_21-02/​envs/​cdatm19_nompi_py3/​share/​jupyter/​kernels/​python3 ~/​.local/​share/​jupyter/​kernels
  >​cp -pr /​home/​share/​unix_files/​cdat/​miniconda3_21-02/​envs/​cdatm19_nompi_py3/​share/​jupyter/​kernels/​python3 ~/​.local/​share/​jupyter/​kernels/​my_favorite_kernel  >​cp -pr /​home/​share/​unix_files/​cdat/​miniconda3_21-02/​envs/​cdatm19_nompi_py3/​share/​jupyter/​kernels/​python3 ~/​.local/​share/​jupyter/​kernels/​my_favorite_kernel
Line 185: Line 206:
 ==== LSCE distribution ==== ==== LSCE distribution ====
-  * Contact: the LSCE system administrators ​([[]])+  * Contact: the [[other:​newppl:​starting#​getting_help_from_the_lsce_system_administrators|LSCE system administrators]]
   * Where: //obelix// interactive servers and //obelix// cluster at LSCE   * Where: //obelix// interactive servers and //obelix// cluster at LSCE
   * Initialization type: [[other:​newppl:​starting#​using_module_to_access_optional_programs|module based]] + //conda//   * Initialization type: [[other:​newppl:​starting#​using_module_to_access_optional_programs|module based]] + //conda//
-  * What's installed: type ''​conda list''​ after initializing the LSCE distribution+  * What's installed: type ''​conda list''​ after initializing ​on of the LSCE distributions
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-$ module ​-t avail +$ module avail python 
-[...] +python/​2.7 ​     python/​2-ramces python/​3.9 ​     python/intel 
-python/2.7 +python/2.7.5    ​python/3        python/​4artic
-python/2.7.5 +
-python/​2-ramces +
-python/3 +
-python/3.9 +
-python/4artic +
-python/esmpy +
-python/intel +
 $ module load python/3.9 $ module load python/3.9
Line 209: Line 222:
 $ python $ python
-Python 3.9.(defaultSep 16 202113:09:58+Python 3.9.15 (mainNov 24 202214:31:59
-[GCC 7.5.0] :: Anaconda, Inc. on linux+[GCC 11.2.0] :: Anaconda, Inc. on linux
 Type "​help",​ "​copyright",​ "​credits"​ or "​license"​ for more information. Type "​help",​ "​copyright",​ "​credits"​ or "​license"​ for more information.
 >>>​ >>>​
Line 236: Line 249:
 == Initialization == == Initialization ==
-Read the [[https://​​pmip3/​doku.php/​other:​python:​starting#​ultra_quick-start_on_the_lsce_servers|Ultra quick-start on the LSCE servers]] above+Read the [[https://​​pmip3/​doku.php/​other:​python:​starting#​ultra_quick-start_on_the_interactive_lsce_servers|Ultra quick-start on the LSCE servers]] above
 Note: on the ciclad cluster, use ''​source ~jypmce/​''​ to initialize conda Note: on the ciclad cluster, use ''​source ~jypmce/​''​ to initialize conda
other/python/starting.1660221360.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/08/11 12:36 by jypeter