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other:ssh [2020/07/08 19:52]
jypeter More details
other:ssh [2020/07/10 07:51]
jypeter Improved the mentions of Putty
Line 27: Line 27:
 <WRAP center round tip 60%> <WRAP center round tip 60%>
-Note: the following will work in a **Linux** terminal, but can also work in a //​terminal//​ on a **Mac** or on a **Windows 10** computer (''​ssh''​ is directly available in ''​Windows Powershell'',​ ''​Windows Terminal''​ or the old ''​cmd'',​ but it is not the best way to use ''​ssh''​ on Windows)+Note: the following will work in a **Linux** terminal, but can also work in a //​terminal//​ on a **Mac** or on a **Windows 10** computer (''​ssh''​ is directly available in ''​Windows Powershell'',​ ''​Windows Terminal''​ or the old ''​cmd'',​ but it is not the most user-friendly ​way to use ''​ssh''​ on Windows) 
 +If you have a Windows computer, it is much easier to use [[#​a_recommended_ssh_client_for_windows|Putty]] for creating an ''​ssh''​ connection 
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
-  * ''​ssh [options] [my_login@]remote_server''​ +  ​* **''​ssh [options] [my_login@]remote_server''​** 
-    * If your login is the same on the local and remote computer, you can omit the optional ''​my_login@'':​ e.g. just use ''​ssh''​+    * If your login is the same on the local and remote computer, you can omit the optional ''​my_login@'' ​part:\\ e.g. just use ''​ssh''​ 
 +    * The **first time** you connect to a **new server**, ''​ssh''​ will ask if you are sure of what you are doing, and then store some unique information about the remote server in the ''​known_hosts''​ file ([[#​configuration_files|details]]). ''​ssh''​ will check this security information (without asking you) each time you connect to the same server, and warn you if something seems wrong\\ <​code>​PS C:​\Users\my_login>​ ssh 
 +The authenticity of host '​ ('​ can't be established. 
 +ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:​vMAvkidEg0EukP/​RZwPAVuo5+TBegQFx1v8WN9pZLXg. 
 +Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes 
 +Warning: Permanently added '​,​'​ (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.'​s password:</​code>​
   * Most common options:   * Most common options:
     * ''​-X'':​ Enable X11 forwarding. This option will allow you to start graphical programs on the remote server     * ''​-X'':​ Enable X11 forwarding. This option will allow you to start graphical programs on the remote server
       * If ''​-X''​ does not work, use ''​-Y''​ instead (Enable //trusted// X11 forwarding)       * If ''​-X''​ does not work, use ''​-Y''​ instead (Enable //trusted// X11 forwarding)
-      * Using the ''​-X''/''​-Y''​ option will automatically define the ''​DISPLAY''​ environment variable that is required by graphical programs on the remote server. Otherwise, ''​DISPLAY''​ will not be defined\\ <​code>​jypeter@lsce5203:​~$ echo $DISPLAY+      * Using the ''​-X''/''​-Y''​ option will automatically define the ''​DISPLAY''​ environment variable that is required by graphical programs on the remote server. Otherwise, ''​DISPLAY''​ will not be defined\\ <​code>​my_login@lsce5203:​~$ echo $DISPLAY
 localhost:​0.0 localhost:​0.0
-jypeter@lsce5203:​~$ ssh​~$ ssh
 Last login: Wed Jul  8 14:45:31 2020 from Last login: Wed Jul  8 14:45:31 2020 from
-[jypeter@ssh1 ~]$ echo $DISPLAY+[my_login@ssh1 ~]$ echo $DISPLAY
 DISPLAY: Undefined variable. DISPLAY: Undefined variable.
-[jypeter@ssh1 ~]$ logout+[my_login@ssh1 ~]$ logout
 Connection to closed. Connection to closed.
-jypeter@lsce5203:​~$ ssh -X +my_login@lsce5203:​~$ ssh -X 
-[jypeter@ssh1 ~]$ echo $DISPLAY+[my_login@ssh1 ~]$ echo $DISPLAY
 localhost:​43.0</​code>​ localhost:​43.0</​code>​
       * In order to display graphical windows, you also need to have a local //X server// running!       * In order to display graphical windows, you also need to have a local //X server// running!
Line 60: Line 69:
 <​code>​ <​code>​
-alias obelix='ssh -A -X -t ssh -A -X obelix'​+# Connecting to LSCE from outside the LSCE network 
 +alias sobelix='ssh -A -X -t ssh -A -X obelix'​
 +# Connecting to LSCE from a computer on the LSCE network
 +alias obelix='​ssh -A -X my_LSCE_login@obelix'​
 +# Connecting to ciclad @ IPSL
 alias ciclad='​ssh -A -X'​ alias ciclad='​ssh -A -X'​
 </​code>​ </​code>​
Line 67: Line 81:
 ==== Configuration files ==== ==== Configuration files ====
-''​ssh''​ will store all its configuration files in the ''​~/​.ssh/''​ directory (''​C:​\Users\your_windows_login\.ssh''​ on Windows 10)+''​ssh''​ will store all its configuration ​text files in the ''​~/​.ssh/''​ directory (''​C:​\Users\your_windows_login\.ssh''​ on Windows 10)
-  * ''​known_hosts'':​ the first time you connect to a new server, ​''​ssh'' ​will ask if you are sure of what you are doing, and then store some unique ​information about the remote server in the ''​known_hosts''​ file. It will check this information (without asking you) the next time you connect ​to the same server, and warn you if something seems wrong+  * ''​known_hosts'':​ the file were ''​ssh'' ​stores security ​information about all the servers ​you have connected ​to (from the local computer)
   * ''​config'':​ an optional configuration file   * ''​config'':​ an optional configuration file
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 ==== A recommended ssh client for Windows ==== ==== A recommended ssh client for Windows ====
 +[[other:​win10apps#​putty_pageant|Putty]] is a convenient and user-friendly //ssh client// for Windows
 ===== Just transferring files ===== ===== Just transferring files =====
 +Sometimes you just need to copy files from one server to the other. The files can be securely copied //over ssh// with the ''​scp''​ command
 +Note: if you work with big data files, you should keep the files were they are instead of duplicating them, and move the data processing (your scripts, etc...) to the server where the files are located (e.g. the ciclad server)
 ===== Using ssh keys ===== ===== Using ssh keys =====
other/ssh.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/18 12:11 by jypeter