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other:ssh [2023/03/16 15:03]
jypeter [Generating ssh keys]
other:ssh [2023/03/24 16:42]
jypeter [Connecting to servers commonly used by LSCE users] Updated IPSL servers info
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 === IPSL servers === === IPSL servers ===
-If you want to connect to the **IPSL servers** (only possible with [[other:​ssh#​using_ssh_keys|ssh keys]]!): +If you want to connect to the [[https://​​spirit/​spirit_clusters/​head_nodes.html|IPSL servers]] (only possible with [[other:​ssh#​using_ssh_keys|ssh keys]]!): 
-  * Connecting to ''​ciclad'':​\\ ''​ssh -A -X''​ +  * Connecting to ''​spirit1'':​ 
-  * [[https://​​MESO_User/Quick_start.html|More details]]+    * ''​ssh -A -X''​ 
 +    * Depending on what you need to do, you can also use ''​spirit2'',​ ''​spiritx1''​ or ''​spiritx2''​ 
 +  * [[https://​​spirit/spirit_clusters/​head_nodes.html|More details]] 
 +  * Note: the ''​ciclad''​ server may still be accessible when you read this page, but its usage has been deprecated in favor of the ''​spirit''​ servers
 === TGCC (super)computers === === TGCC (super)computers ===
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 ==== What are ssh keys and why use them? ==== ==== What are ssh keys and why use them? ====
-//ssh keys// are a combination of two specific (and unique) **text files**, **the private key** file and **the public key** file, linked by a special kind of password called **the passphrase**,​ that can be used instead of a standard password to connect securely from one server to another server+//ssh keys// are a combination of two specific (and unique) **text files**, **the //private// key** file and **the //public// key** file, linked by a special kind of password called **the passphrase**,​ that can be used instead of a standard password to connect securely from one server to another server
 ssh keys have to be configured properly (a few easy steps), and are **very convenient** because: ssh keys have to be configured properly (a few easy steps), and are **very convenient** because:
-  * **They** ​usually ​**don't expire!**\\ You don't have to change ​them (except in some extra secure computing centers like TGCC) and you can keep them for years+  * Contrary to passwords, ​**they usually don't expire!**\\ You don't have to change ​ssh keys (except in some extra secure computing centers like TGCC) and you can keep them for years 
   * **They don't depend on the accounts and the passwords of the servers where you use them**   * **They don't depend on the accounts and the passwords of the servers where you use them**
-    * You can (and should!) use the same set of ssh keys on several servers: you can then use the same passphrase to access these servers, rather than having to memorize different passwords\\ e.g. if you have your private key on ''​account_A''​ of ''​server_A''​ and install the matching public key on ''​account_B''​ of ''​server_B'',​ etc... you can then use ''​ssh''​ on ''​account_A@server_A''​ to access ''​account_B@server_B'',​ ''​account_C@server_C'',​ ... with the same passphrase ! +    * You can (and should!) use the same set of ssh keys on several servers: you can then use the **same** passphrase to access ​all these servers, rather than having to memorize different passwords\\ e.g. if you have your //private// key on ''​account_A''​ of ''​server_A''​ and install the matching ​//public// key on ''​account_B''​ of ''​server_B'',​ etc... you can then use ''​ssh''​ on ''​account_A@server_A''​ to access ''​account_B@server_B'',​ ''​account_C@server_C'',​ ... with the **same** passphrase ! 
-    * You can give your public key to somebody and then access their account using your own passphrase (no need to know the password of the other person)+    ​* **You can give your public key** to somebody and then access their account using your own passphrase (no need to know the password of the other person) 
   * The [[https://​​|IPSL Mésocentre ESPRI]] servers can **only** be accessed with a public key and passphrase (the password is not used)   * The [[https://​​|IPSL Mésocentre ESPRI]] servers can **only** be accessed with a public key and passphrase (the password is not used)
-  ​* By default, ''​ssh''​ will ask you to type your passphrase each time you connect to a server, but **you can use an //ssh agent// to securely store your passphrase for you**\\ Once you have typed your passphrase in the //ssh agent//, you can connect to all the servers that have your public key without having to type your passphrase! + 
-    * ''​scp''​ (and [[other:​win10apps#​winscp|WinSCP]]) and the tools using ''​ssh''​ on your local computer will not ask your passphrase, if they find the passphrase in a running //ssh agent// on the local computer+  ​* By default, ''​ssh''​ will ask you to type your passphrase each time you connect to a server, but **you can [[other:​ssh#​using_an_ssh_agent|use an ssh agent]] to securely store your passphrase for you**\\ Once you have typed your passphrase in the //ssh agent//, you can connect to all the servers that have your public key without having to type your passphrase! 
 +    * ''​scp''​ (and [[other:​win10apps#​winscp|WinSCP]] ​on Windows) and the tools using ''​ssh''​ on your local computer will not ask your passphrase, if they find the passphrase in a running //ssh agent// on the local computer
       * if you use the ''​-A''​ option ([[other:​ssh#​most_common_options|agent forwarding]]),​ the remote server will also //know// (securely) your passphrase, and you will not have to type the passphrase when using ''​ssh'',​ ''​scp''​ and tools running //over ssh// on the remote server(s)       * if you use the ''​-A''​ option ([[other:​ssh#​most_common_options|agent forwarding]]),​ the remote server will also //know// (securely) your passphrase, and you will not have to type the passphrase when using ''​ssh'',​ ''​scp''​ and tools running //over ssh// on the remote server(s)
-    * the local //ssh agent// is terminated when you log out of your local computer (or reboot ​it)+    * the local //ssh agent// is terminated when you log out of your local computer (or reboot ​the computer)
 ==== Generating ssh keys ==== ==== Generating ssh keys ====
other/ssh.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/18 12:11 by jypeter