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other:uvcdat:cdat_conda:cdat_8_2_1 [2021/09/13 12:22]
jypeter [Extra packages list] Added pygrib (and indirectly eccodes)
other:uvcdat:cdat_conda:cdat_8_2_1 [2021/12/07 12:32]
jypeter [Extra packages list] Added tensorflow-mkl
Line 346: Line 346:
     * ''​python-cdo''​ will install the ''​cdo''​ package (providing the ''​cdo ''​executable) as a dependency     * ''​python-cdo''​ will install the ''​cdo''​ package (providing the ''​cdo ''​executable) as a dependency
     * see also [[https://​​projects/​cdo/​wiki/​Cdo%7Brbpy%7D|Using CDO from python or ruby]]     * see also [[https://​​projects/​cdo/​wiki/​Cdo%7Brbpy%7D|Using CDO from python or ruby]]
 +  * [[https://​​ecmwf/​cfgrib|cfgrib]]:​ Python interface to map GRIB files to the Unidata'​s Common Data Model v4 following the CF Conventions
 +    * see also ''​eccodes''​ and ''​pygrib''​
   * [[https://​​colourmaps/​|cmcrameri]]:​ Crameri'​s Scientific colour maps ''​[color]''​   * [[https://​​colourmaps/​|cmcrameri]]:​ Crameri'​s Scientific colour maps ''​[color]''​
     * the colormaps are also available in [[https://​​palettable/​scientific/​|palettable.scientific]]     * the colormaps are also available in [[https://​​palettable/​scientific/​|palettable.scientific]]
   * [[http://​​cmocean/​|cmocean]]:​ beautiful colormaps for oceanography ''​[color]''​   * [[http://​​cmocean/​|cmocean]]:​ beautiful colormaps for oceanography ''​[color]''​
 +  * [[https://​​display/​ECC/​|ecCodes]]:​ ecCodes is a package developed by ECMWF which provides an application programming interface and a set of tools for decoding and encoding GRIB and BUFR messages
 +    * need to install ''​eccodes''​ and ''​python-eccodes''​ ([[https://​​ecmwf/​eccodes-python/​issues/​56|details]])
 +    * see also ''​cfgrib''​ and ''​pygrib''​
   * [[http://​​Ferret/​documentation/​pyferret|pyferret]] and ''​ferret_datasets'':​ Ferret encapsulated in Python   * [[http://​​Ferret/​documentation/​pyferret|pyferret]] and ''​ferret_datasets'':​ Ferret encapsulated in Python
-  * [[https://​​jswhit/​pygrib|pygrib]]:​ high-level interface to the ECWMF ECCODES C library for reading GRIB files 
   * OSGeo/​[[http://​​|gdal]]:​ Geospatial Data Abstraction Library. GDAL is a translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats   * OSGeo/​[[http://​​|gdal]]:​ Geospatial Data Abstraction Library. GDAL is a translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats
     * [[https://​​py-gdalogr-cookbook/​|Python GDAL/OGR Cookbook]]     * [[https://​​py-gdalogr-cookbook/​|Python GDAL/OGR Cookbook]]
Line 366: Line 370:
   * [[https://​​|pillow]]:​ the friendly PIL (//Python Imaging Library//) fork   * [[https://​​|pillow]]:​ the friendly PIL (//Python Imaging Library//) fork
   * [[https://​​en/​latest/​|proplot]]:​ a lightweight **matplotlib wrapper** for making beautiful, publication-quality graphics   * [[https://​​en/​latest/​|proplot]]:​ a lightweight **matplotlib wrapper** for making beautiful, publication-quality graphics
 +  * [[https://​​jswhit/​pygrib|pygrib]]:​ high-level interface to the ECWMF ECCODES C library for reading GRIB files
 +    * see also ''​eccodes''​ and ''​cfgrib''​
   * [[https://​​|rpy2]]:​ an interface to R running embedded in a Python process   * [[https://​​|rpy2]]:​ an interface to R running embedded in a Python process
-  * [[http://​​|scikit-image]]:​ image processing in Python +  * [[http://​​|scikit-image]]: ​a collection of algorithms for image processing in Python 
-  * [[https://​​stable/​index.html|scikit-learn]]: ​Machine Learning in Python+  * [[https://​​|scikit-learn]]: ​an open source machine learning library that supports supervised and unsupervised learning. It also provides various tools for model fitting, data preprocessing,​ model selection and evaluation, and many other utilities.
   * [[https://​​|seaborn]]:​ statistical data visualization   * [[https://​​|seaborn]]:​ statistical data visualization
   * [[http://​​seawater/​|seawater]]:​ Python re-write of the CSIRO seawater toolbox   * [[http://​​seawater/​|seawater]]:​ Python re-write of the CSIRO seawater toolbox
     * see also //gsw//     * see also //gsw//
-  * [[​|statsmodels]]:​ a Python module that allows users to explore data, estimate ​statistical models, ​and perform ​statistical tests+  * [[​|statsmodels]]:​ a Python module that provides classes and functions for the estimation of many different ​statistical models, ​as well as for conducting ​statistical tests, and statistical data exploration. 
 +  * [[https://​​|tensorflow-mkl]]:​ an end-to-end open source machine learning platform  
 +    * [[https://​​anaconda/​tensorflow-mkl|tensorflow-mkl]] will install the **CPU**-based (**not GPU**) version 
 +  * [[https://​​|xcdat]]:​ Xarray Extended with Climate Data Analysis Tools
   * [[https://​​en/​latest/​|xoa]]:​ xarray-based ocean analysis library   * [[https://​​en/​latest/​|xoa]]:​ xarray-based ocean analysis library
     * ''​xoa''​ is the successor of [[http://​​vacumm/​|vacumm]] (vacumm does **not** support Python3)     * ''​xoa''​ is the successor of [[http://​​vacumm/​|vacumm]] (vacumm does **not** support Python3)
other/uvcdat/cdat_conda/cdat_8_2_1.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/02 10:44 by jypeter