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other:uvcdat:cdat_conda:cdat_8_2_1 [2022/03/25 09:01]
jypeter [Extra packages list] Added nccmp
other:uvcdat:cdat_conda:cdat_8_2_1 [2022/08/02 09:12]
jypeter [Extra packages list] Added pooch and requests
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 dreqPy version 01.00.29 [Version 01.00.29]</​code>​ dreqPy version 01.00.29 [Version 01.00.29]</​code>​
-  * [[https://​​PBrockmann/​ipython_ferretmagic|ipython_ferretmagic]]: IPython notebook extension for ferret +  * ''​ipython_ferretmagic'':​ more details in the [[#​extra_packages_list|Extra packages list section]]
-    * ''​conda activate cdatm19_py3''​\\ ''​pip install ferretmagic''​+
 === Packages with no dependency problems and were added (or updated) later === === Packages with no dependency problems and were added (or updated) later ===
Line 322: Line 321:
   * [[http://​​netcdf4-python/​|netcdf4]]:​ a Python interface to the netCDF C library   * [[http://​​netcdf4-python/​|netcdf4]]:​ a Python interface to the netCDF C library
-  * [[https://​​PBrockmann/​ipython_ferretmagic|ipython_ferretmagic]]:​ IPython notebook extension for ferret 
   * [[https://​​PCMDI/​pcmdi_metrics|PCMDI metrics package]] (PMP): objectively compare results from climate models with observations using well-established statistical tests   * [[https://​​PCMDI/​pcmdi_metrics|PCMDI metrics package]] (PMP): objectively compare results from climate models with observations using well-established statistical tests
   * [[https://​​|XlsxWriter]]:​ a Python module for creating Excel XLSX files   * [[https://​​|XlsxWriter]]:​ a Python module for creating Excel XLSX files
Line 352: Line 350:
     * the colormaps are also available in [[https://​​palettable/​scientific/​|palettable.scientific]]     * the colormaps are also available in [[https://​​palettable/​scientific/​|palettable.scientific]]
   * [[http://​​cmocean/​|cmocean]]:​ beautiful colormaps for oceanography ''​[color]''​   * [[http://​​cmocean/​|cmocean]]:​ beautiful colormaps for oceanography ''​[color]''​
 +  * [[https://​​|dash]] and [[https://​​plotly/​jupyter-dash|jupyter-dash]]:​ the original low-code framework for rapidly building data apps in Python, R, Julia, and F#
 +    * see also ''​plotly''​
   * [[https://​​|python-dtw]]:​ implementation of Dynamic Time Warping-type (DTW)   * [[https://​​|python-dtw]]:​ implementation of Dynamic Time Warping-type (DTW)
     * Note: older installations provided [[https://​​pierre-rouanet/​dtw|dtw]]:​ DTW (Dynamic Time Warping) python module     * Note: older installations provided [[https://​​pierre-rouanet/​dtw|dtw]]:​ DTW (Dynamic Time Warping) python module
Line 360: Line 360:
     * not installed yet (March 2022) because it required download of 302 Mb extra packages and a downgrade of gdal     * not installed yet (March 2022) because it required download of 302 Mb extra packages and a downgrade of gdal
   * [[http://​​Ferret/​documentation/​pyferret|pyferret]] and ''​ferret_datasets'':​ Ferret encapsulated in Python   * [[http://​​Ferret/​documentation/​pyferret|pyferret]] and ''​ferret_datasets'':​ Ferret encapsulated in Python
 +    * [[https://​​PBrockmann/​ipython_ferretmagic|ipython_ferretmagic]]:​ IPython notebook extension for ferret
 +      * Install with: ''​pip install ferretmagic''​
   * OSGeo/​[[http://​​|gdal]]:​ Geospatial Data Abstraction Library. GDAL is a translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats   * OSGeo/​[[http://​​|gdal]]:​ Geospatial Data Abstraction Library. GDAL is a translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats
     * [[https://​​py-gdalogr-cookbook/​|Python GDAL/OGR Cookbook]]     * [[https://​​py-gdalogr-cookbook/​|Python GDAL/OGR Cookbook]]
Line 366: Line 368:
   * [[https://​​|intake]]:​ a lightweight package for finding, investigating,​ loading and disseminating data   * [[https://​​|intake]]:​ a lightweight package for finding, investigating,​ loading and disseminating data
     * [[https://​​|intake-esm]]:​ data cataloging utility built on top of intake, pandas, and xarray     * [[https://​​|intake-esm]]:​ data cataloging utility built on top of intake, pandas, and xarray
 +  * [[https://​​|ipywidgets]]:​ ipywidgets, also known as jupyter-widgets or simply widgets, are interactive HTML widgets for Jupyter notebooks and the IPython kernel
   * [[https://​​en/​stable/​|iris]]:​ a powerful, format-agnostic,​ community-driven Python package for analysing and visualising Earth science data   * [[https://​​en/​stable/​|iris]]:​ a powerful, format-agnostic,​ community-driven Python package for analysing and visualising Earth science data
     * see also ''​cartopy''​     * see also ''​cartopy''​
     * install sample data with ''​conda install -c conda-forge iris-sample-data''​     * install sample data with ''​conda install -c conda-forge iris-sample-data''​
   * [[https://​​en/​latest/​|joblib]]:​ running Python functions as pipeline jobs   * [[https://​​en/​latest/​|joblib]]:​ running Python functions as pipeline jobs
 +  * [[https://​​|jupyterlab]]:​ the next-generation web-based user interface for Project Jupyter
 +  * [[https://​​plotly/​Kaleido|python-kaleido]]:​ a cross-platform library for generating static images (e.g. png, svg, pdf, etc.) for web-based visualization libraries,
   * [[https://​​remikz/​nccmp|nccmp]]:​ compare two NetCDF files bitwise, semantically or with a user defined tolerance (absolute or relative percentage)   * [[https://​​remikz/​nccmp|nccmp]]:​ compare two NetCDF files bitwise, semantically or with a user defined tolerance (absolute or relative percentage)
-    * can probably also be done with [[https://​​projects/​cdo/​embedded/​index.html#​x1-580002.1.3|cdo ​diff]]+    * can probably also be done with [[https://​​projects/​cdo/​embedded/​index.html#​x1-580002.1.3|cdo ​-v diffn]]
   * [[https://​​|OpenCV]]:​ OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is an open-source library that includes several hundreds of computer vision algorithms. See also [[https://​​opencv-python-tutorial/​|OpenCV Python Tutorial]] and **scikit-image**   * [[https://​​|OpenCV]]:​ OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is an open-source library that includes several hundreds of computer vision algorithms. See also [[https://​​opencv-python-tutorial/​|OpenCV Python Tutorial]] and **scikit-image**
   * [[https://​​palettable/​|Palettable]]:​ Color palettes for Python ''​[color]''​   * [[https://​​palettable/​|Palettable]]:​ Color palettes for Python ''​[color]''​
Line 378: Line 383:
   * [[https://​​|PeakUtils]]:​ utilities related to the detection of peaks on 1D data   * [[https://​​|PeakUtils]]:​ utilities related to the detection of peaks on 1D data
   * [[https://​​|pillow]]:​ the friendly PIL (//Python Imaging Library//) fork   * [[https://​​|pillow]]:​ the friendly PIL (//Python Imaging Library//) fork
 +  * [[https://​​python/​|plotly]]:​ Plotly'​s Python graphing library (sometimes referred to as //​​) makes interactive,​ publication-quality graphs
 +    * see also ''​python-kaleido''​ and ''​dash''​
 +  * [[https://​​pooch/​|pooch]]:​ a friend to fetch your data files (makes it easy to download a file, without messing with ''​requests''​ and ''​urllib''​)
   * [[https://​​en/​latest/​|proplot]]:​ a lightweight **matplotlib wrapper** for making beautiful, publication-quality graphics   * [[https://​​en/​latest/​|proplot]]:​ a lightweight **matplotlib wrapper** for making beautiful, publication-quality graphics
   * [[https://​​jswhit/​pygrib|pygrib]]:​ high-level interface to the ECWMF ECCODES C library for reading GRIB files   * [[https://​​jswhit/​pygrib|pygrib]]:​ high-level interface to the ECWMF ECCODES C library for reading GRIB files
Line 383: Line 391:
   * [[https://​​|pyleoclim]]:​ a Python package designed for the analysis of paleoclimate data   * [[https://​​|pyleoclim]]:​ a Python package designed for the analysis of paleoclimate data
     * **Wait** till it can be installed with ''​conda''​ ([[https://​​LinkedEarth/​Pyleoclim_util/​discussions/​205|Why I'm not installing Pyleoclim yet]])     * **Wait** till it can be installed with ''​conda''​ ([[https://​​LinkedEarth/​Pyleoclim_util/​discussions/​205|Why I'm not installing Pyleoclim yet]])
 +  * [[https://​​|requests]]:​ is an elegant and simple HTTP library for Python, built for human beings
 +    * See also ''​pooch''​
   * [[https://​​|rpy2]]:​ an interface to R running embedded in a Python process   * [[https://​​|rpy2]]:​ an interface to R running embedded in a Python process
   * [[http://​​|scikit-image]]:​ a collection of algorithms for image processing in Python   * [[http://​​|scikit-image]]:​ a collection of algorithms for image processing in Python
Line 388: Line 398:
   * [[https://​​|seaborn]]:​ statistical data visualization   * [[https://​​|seaborn]]:​ statistical data visualization
   * [[http://​​seawater/​|seawater]]:​ Python re-write of the CSIRO seawater toolbox   * [[http://​​seawater/​|seawater]]:​ Python re-write of the CSIRO seawater toolbox
-    * see also //gsw//+    * see also ''​gsw''​
   * [[https://​​|statsmodels]]:​ a Python module that provides classes and functions for the estimation of many different statistical models, as well as for conducting statistical tests, and statistical data exploration.   * [[https://​​|statsmodels]]:​ a Python module that provides classes and functions for the estimation of many different statistical models, as well as for conducting statistical tests, and statistical data exploration.
   * [[https://​​SatAgro/​suntime|suntime]]:​ simple sunset and sunrise time calculation python library   * [[https://​​SatAgro/​suntime|suntime]]:​ simple sunset and sunrise time calculation python library
other/uvcdat/cdat_conda/cdat_8_2_1.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/02 10:44 by jypeter