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other:uvcdat:cdat_conda:cdat_8_2_1 [2023/04/13 12:08]
jypeter [Extra packages list] added icclim and xclim
other:uvcdat:cdat_conda:cdat_8_2_1 [2024/07/02 10:44] (current)
jypeter [Extra packages list] Added nco
Line 266: Line 266:
   * [[https://​​|CMOR]]:​ CMOR (//Climate Model Output Rewriter//) is used to produce CF-compliant netCDF files   * [[https://​​|CMOR]]:​ CMOR (//Climate Model Output Rewriter//) is used to produce CF-compliant netCDF files
     * ''​conda install -n cdatm19_py3 -c conda-forge cmor''​     * ''​conda install -n cdatm19_py3 -c conda-forge cmor''​
-    * Get version number with: ''​python -c 'from cmor import *; print( (CMOR_VERSION_MAJOR,​ CMOR_VERSION_MINOR,​ CMOR_VERSION_PATCH) )' ''​ 
-    * <wrap hi>​Warning!</​wrap>​ [[https://​​PCMDI/​cmor/​issues/​449|CMOR currently requires Python 2.7]] 
   * [[http://​​cartopy/​|cartopy]]:​ a Python package designed for geospatial data processing in order to produce maps and other geospatial data analyses   * [[http://​​cartopy/​|cartopy]]:​ a Python package designed for geospatial data processing in order to produce maps and other geospatial data analyses
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 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 +  * [[https://​​AutoViML/​AutoViz|AutoViz]]:​ the One-Line Automatic Data Visualization Library. Automatically Visualize any dataset, any size with a single line of code
   * [[https://​​basemap/​|basemap]]:​ a library for plotting 2D data on maps in Python   * [[https://​​basemap/​|basemap]]:​ a library for plotting 2D data on maps in Python
     * [[missing|basemap-data]] and [[https://​​conda-forge/​basemap-data-hires-feedstock|basemap-data-hires]]:​ (high resolution) data for ''​basemap''​     * [[missing|basemap-data]] and [[https://​​conda-forge/​basemap-data-hires-feedstock|basemap-data-hires]]:​ (high resolution) data for ''​basemap''​
Line 341: Line 339:
     * ''​python-cdo''​ will install the ''​cdo''​ package (providing the ''​cdo ''​executable) as a dependency     * ''​python-cdo''​ will install the ''​cdo''​ package (providing the ''​cdo ''​executable) as a dependency
     * see also [[https://​​projects/​cdo/​wiki/​Cdo%7Brbpy%7D|Using CDO from python or ruby]]     * see also [[https://​​projects/​cdo/​wiki/​Cdo%7Brbpy%7D|Using CDO from python or ruby]]
 +    * See also ''​nco''​
   * [[https://​​api-how-to|cdsapi]]:​ The Climate Data Store (CDS) Application Program Interface (API) is a service providing programmatic access to CDS data   * [[https://​​api-how-to|cdsapi]]:​ The Climate Data Store (CDS) Application Program Interface (API) is a service providing programmatic access to CDS data
     * CDS = Copernicus [[https://​​|Climate Data Store]]     * CDS = Copernicus [[https://​​|Climate Data Store]]
Line 356: Line 355:
   * [[https://​​|dash]] and [[https://​​plotly/​jupyter-dash|jupyter-dash]]:​ the original low-code framework for rapidly building data apps in Python, R, Julia, and F#   * [[https://​​|dash]] and [[https://​​plotly/​jupyter-dash|jupyter-dash]]:​ the original low-code framework for rapidly building data apps in Python, R, Julia, and F#
     * see also ''​plotly''​     * see also ''​plotly''​
 +  * [[https://​​|dask]]:​ a Python library for parallel and distributed computing
 +    * dask.[[https://​​|distributed]]:​ lightweight library for distributed computing in Python
 +    * See also: flox
 +  * [[https://​​man-group/​dtale|D-Tale]] brings you an easy way to view & analyze Pandas data structures. It integrates seamlessly with ipython notebooks & python/​ipython terminals.
 +    * Install with: ''​conda install dtale -c conda-forge''​
   * [[https://​​|python-dtw]]:​ implementation of Dynamic Time Warping-type (DTW)   * [[https://​​|python-dtw]]:​ implementation of Dynamic Time Warping-type (DTW)
     * Note: older installations provided [[https://​​pierre-rouanet/​dtw|dtw]]:​ DTW (Dynamic Time Warping) python module     * Note: older installations provided [[https://​​pierre-rouanet/​dtw|dtw]]:​ DTW (Dynamic Time Warping) python module
Line 361: Line 365:
     * need to install ''​eccodes''​ and ''​python-eccodes''​ ([[https://​​ecmwf/​eccodes-python/​issues/​56|details]])     * need to install ''​eccodes''​ and ''​python-eccodes''​ ([[https://​​ecmwf/​eccodes-python/​issues/​56|details]])
     * see also ''​cfgrib''​ and ''​pygrib''​     * see also ''​cfgrib''​ and ''​pygrib''​
 +  * [[https://​​|eigen]]:​ a C++ template library for linear algebra: matrices, vectors, numerical solvers, and related algorithms
 +  * [[https://​​eofs/​|eofs]]:​ a Python package for EOF analysis of spatial-temporal data
   * [[https://​​en/​latest/​|ESMValTool]]:​ Earth System Model Evaluation Tool   * [[https://​​en/​latest/​|ESMValTool]]:​ Earth System Model Evaluation Tool
-    * not installed yet (March 2022) because it required download of 302 Mb extra packages ​and a downgrade of gdal+    * should install ''​esmvaltool-python''​ in order to reduce the size/number of dependencies,​ after checking that it does not require downgrading important ​packages 
 +  * [[https://​​|flox]]:​ fast & furious //GroupBy// reductions for dask.array 
 +    * See also 
 +      * [[https://​​blog/​flox|flox:​ Faster GroupBy reductions with Xarray]] 
 +      * [[https://​​en/​latest/​implementation.html|Parallel Algorithms]]
   * [[http://​​Ferret/​documentation/​pyferret|pyferret]] and ''​ferret_datasets'':​ Ferret encapsulated in Python   * [[http://​​Ferret/​documentation/​pyferret|pyferret]] and ''​ferret_datasets'':​ Ferret encapsulated in Python
     * [[https://​​PBrockmann/​ipython_ferretmagic|ipython_ferretmagic]]:​ IPython notebook extension for ferret     * [[https://​​PBrockmann/​ipython_ferretmagic|ipython_ferretmagic]]:​ IPython notebook extension for ferret
Line 368: Line 378:
   * OSGeo/​[[http://​​|gdal]]:​ Geospatial Data Abstraction Library. GDAL is a translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats   * OSGeo/​[[http://​​|gdal]]:​ Geospatial Data Abstraction Library. GDAL is a translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats
     * [[https://​​py-gdalogr-cookbook/​|Python GDAL/OGR Cookbook]]     * [[https://​​py-gdalogr-cookbook/​|Python GDAL/OGR Cookbook]]
 +  * [[https://​​|GeoPy]]:​ a Python client for several popular geocoding web services
 +    * ''​GeoPy''​ makes it easy for Python developers to locate the coordinates of addresses, cities, countries, and landmarks across the globe using third-party geocoders and other data sources.
 +  * [[https://​​piskvorky/​gensim?​tab=readme-ov-file|gensim]]:​ a Python library for topic modelling, document indexing and similarity retrieval with large corpora
 +    * See also //​scikit-learn//​
   * [[https://​​TEOS-10/​GSW-python|gsw]]:​ Python implementation of the Thermodynamic Equation Of Seawater   * [[https://​​TEOS-10/​GSW-python|gsw]]:​ Python implementation of the Thermodynamic Equation Of Seawater
     * see also //​seawater//​     * see also //​seawater//​
   * [[https://​​gridded/​index.html|gridded]]:​ a single API for accessing / working with gridded model results on multiple grid types   * [[https://​​gridded/​index.html|gridded]]:​ a single API for accessing / working with gridded model results on multiple grid types
     * Supports the [[http://​​|CF]],​ [[https://​​ugrid-conventions/​|UGRID]] and [[http://​​sgrid/​|SGRID]] conventions     * Supports the [[http://​​|CF]],​ [[https://​​ugrid-conventions/​|UGRID]] and [[http://​​sgrid/​|SGRID]] conventions
 +  * [[https://​​h3-py/​|h3-py]]:​ Uber’s H3 Hexagonal Hierarchical Geospatial Indexing System in Python
 +    * Additional reading: [[https://​​uber-h3-for-data-analysis-with-python-1e54acdcc908|Uber H3 for Data Analysis with Python]]
   * [[https://​​|icclim]]:​ icclim (Index Calculation for CLIMate) is a Python library to compute climate indices   * [[https://​​|icclim]]:​ icclim (Index Calculation for CLIMate) is a Python library to compute climate indices
   * [[https://​​|intake]]:​ a lightweight package for finding, investigating,​ loading and disseminating data   * [[https://​​|intake]]:​ a lightweight package for finding, investigating,​ loading and disseminating data
Line 383: Line 399:
   * [[https://​​|jupyterlab]]:​ the next-generation web-based user interface for Project Jupyter   * [[https://​​|jupyterlab]]:​ the next-generation web-based user interface for Project Jupyter
   * [[https://​​plotly/​Kaleido|python-kaleido]]:​ a cross-platform library for generating static images (e.g. png, svg, pdf, etc.) for web-based visualization libraries   * [[https://​​plotly/​Kaleido|python-kaleido]]:​ a cross-platform library for generating static images (e.g. png, svg, pdf, etc.) for web-based visualization libraries
 +  * [[https://​​MetPy/​latest/​|MetPy]]:​ a collection of tools in Python for reading, visualizing,​ and performing calculations with weather data
   * [[https://​​|mpltern]]:​ a Python plotting library based on Matplotlib specifically designed for ternary plots   * [[https://​​|mpltern]]:​ a Python plotting library based on Matplotlib specifically designed for ternary plots
   * [[https://​​en/​stable/​|nc-time-axis]]:​ a package that enables making plots in matplotlib with axes made up of ''​cftime.datetime''​ dates with any calendar type   * [[https://​​en/​stable/​|nc-time-axis]]:​ a package that enables making plots in matplotlib with axes made up of ''​cftime.datetime''​ dates with any calendar type
   * [[https://​​remikz/​nccmp|nccmp]]:​ compare two NetCDF files bitwise, semantically or with a user defined tolerance (absolute or relative percentage)   * [[https://​​remikz/​nccmp|nccmp]]:​ compare two NetCDF files bitwise, semantically or with a user defined tolerance (absolute or relative percentage)
     * can probably also be done with [[https://​​projects/​cdo/​embedded/​index.html#​x1-580002.1.3|cdo -v diffn]]     * can probably also be done with [[https://​​projects/​cdo/​embedded/​index.html#​x1-580002.1.3|cdo -v diffn]]
 +  * [[https://​​|nco]]:​ The NCO toolkit manipulates and analyzes data stored in netCDF-accessible formats
 +    * Note: this only installs the [[https://​​Definition|nco executables]] (''​ncks'',​ ''​ncatted'',​ ...)! It is not really a Python package
 +    * See also ''​cdo''​
   * [[https://​​|OpenCV]]:​ OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is an open-source library that includes several hundreds of computer vision algorithms. See also [[https://​​opencv-python-tutorial/​|OpenCV Python Tutorial]] and **scikit-image**   * [[https://​​|OpenCV]]:​ OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is an open-source library that includes several hundreds of computer vision algorithms. See also [[https://​​opencv-python-tutorial/​|OpenCV Python Tutorial]] and **scikit-image**
 +  * [[https://​​|openpyxl]]:​ a Python library to read/write Excel 2010 ''​xlsx''/''​xlsm''​ files
   * [[https://​​palettable/​|Palettable]]:​ Color palettes for Python ''​[color]''​   * [[https://​​palettable/​|Palettable]]:​ Color palettes for Python ''​[color]''​
   * [[http://​​|pandas]]:​ Python Data Analysis Library   * [[http://​​|pandas]]:​ Python Data Analysis Library
Line 397: Line 418:
   * [[https://​​pooch/​|pooch]]:​ a friend to fetch your data files (makes it easy to download a file, without messing with ''​requests''​ and ''​urllib''​)   * [[https://​​pooch/​|pooch]]:​ a friend to fetch your data files (makes it easy to download a file, without messing with ''​requests''​ and ''​urllib''​)
   * [[https://​​en/​latest/​|proplot]]:​ a lightweight **matplotlib wrapper** for making beautiful, publication-quality graphics   * [[https://​​en/​latest/​|proplot]]:​ a lightweight **matplotlib wrapper** for making beautiful, publication-quality graphics
 +  * [[https://​​|psyplot]]:​ Interactive Data Visualization from Python and GUIs
   * [[https://​​jswhit/​pygrib|pygrib]]:​ high-level interface to the ECWMF ECCODES C library for reading GRIB files   * [[https://​​jswhit/​pygrib|pygrib]]:​ high-level interface to the ECWMF ECCODES C library for reading GRIB files
     * see also ''​eccodes''​ and ''​cfgrib''​     * see also ''​eccodes''​ and ''​cfgrib''​
Line 403: Line 425:
   * [[https://​​|requests]]:​ is an elegant and simple HTTP library for Python, built for human beings   * [[https://​​|requests]]:​ is an elegant and simple HTTP library for Python, built for human beings
     * See also ''​pooch''​     * See also ''​pooch''​
 +  * [[https://​​|rasterio]]:​ access to geospatial raster data
 +    * [[https://​​rioxarray/​|rioxarray]]:​ ''​rasterio''​ xarray extension
   * [[https://​​|rpy2]]:​ an interface to R running embedded in a Python process   * [[https://​​|rpy2]]:​ an interface to R running embedded in a Python process
   * [[http://​​|scikit-image]]:​ a collection of algorithms for image processing in Python   * [[http://​​|scikit-image]]:​ a collection of algorithms for image processing in Python
Line 410: Line 434:
     * see also ''​gsw''​     * see also ''​gsw''​
   * [[https://​​|statsmodels]]:​ a Python module that provides classes and functions for the estimation of many different statistical models, as well as for conducting statistical tests, and statistical data exploration.   * [[https://​​|statsmodels]]:​ a Python module that provides classes and functions for the estimation of many different statistical models, as well as for conducting statistical tests, and statistical data exploration.
 +  * [[https://​​|streamlit]]:​ Streamlit turns data scripts into shareable web apps in minutes
   * [[https://​​SatAgro/​suntime|suntime]]:​ simple sunset and sunrise time calculation python library   * [[https://​​SatAgro/​suntime|suntime]]:​ simple sunset and sunrise time calculation python library
     * **Warning**:​ not available in conda, use ''​pip install suntime''​     * **Warning**:​ not available in conda, use ''​pip install suntime''​
 +  * [[https://​​fbdesignpro/​sweetviz|Sweetviz]] is pandas based Python library that generates beautiful, high-density visualizations to kickstart EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis) with just two lines of code.
   * [[https://​​|tensorflow-mkl]]:​ an end-to-end open source machine learning platform ​   * [[https://​​|tensorflow-mkl]]:​ an end-to-end open source machine learning platform ​
     * [[https://​​anaconda/​tensorflow-mkl|tensorflow-mkl]] will install the **CPU**-based (**not GPU**) version     * [[https://​​anaconda/​tensorflow-mkl|tensorflow-mkl]] will install the **CPU**-based (**not GPU**) version
-  * [[https://​​tqdm|tqdm]]:​ make your loops show a smart progress meter+  * [[https://​​tqdm|tqdm]]:​ make your loops show a smart progress meter
   * [[https://​​|uxarray]]:​ provide xarray styled functionality for unstructured grid datasets following [[https://​​ugrid-conventions/​|UGRID Conventions]]   * [[https://​​|uxarray]]:​ provide xarray styled functionality for unstructured grid datasets following [[https://​​ugrid-conventions/​|UGRID Conventions]]
   * [[https://​​en/​stable/​|xarray]]:​ Xarray makes working with labelled multi-dimensional arrays in Python simple, efficient, and fun!   * [[https://​​en/​stable/​|xarray]]:​ Xarray makes working with labelled multi-dimensional arrays in Python simple, efficient, and fun!
-  ​* [[https://​​|xcdat]]: ​xarray ​extended with Climate Data Analysis Tools+    * See also: ''​flox'',​ ''​xcdat'',​ ''​rioxarray'',​ ... 
 +  ​* [[https://​​|xcdat]]: ​Xarray ​extended with Climate Data Analysis Tools
   * [[https://​​|xclim]]:​ an operational Python library for climate services, providing numerous climate-related indicator tools with an extensible framework for constructing custom climate indicators, statistical downscaling and bias adjustment of climate model simulations,​ as well as climate model ensemble analysis tools.   * [[https://​​|xclim]]:​ an operational Python library for climate services, providing numerous climate-related indicator tools with an extensible framework for constructing custom climate indicators, statistical downscaling and bias adjustment of climate model simulations,​ as well as climate model ensemble analysis tools.
 +  * [[https://​​|xESMF]]:​ Universal Regridder for Geospatial Data
 +  * [[https://​​|xgrads]]:​ parse and read binary dataset described by a ''​.ctl''​ file commonly used by [[http://​​grads/​|GrADS]] or [[http://​​|openGrADS]]
 +  * [[https://​​|xlrd]]:​ a library for reading data and formatting information from Excel files in the historical .xls format
   * [[https://​​en/​latest/​|xoa]]:​ xarray-based ocean analysis library   * [[https://​​en/​latest/​|xoa]]:​ xarray-based ocean analysis library
     * ''​xoa''​ is the successor of [[http://​​vacumm/​|vacumm]] (vacumm does **not** support Python3)     * ''​xoa''​ is the successor of [[http://​​vacumm/​|vacumm]] (vacumm does **not** support Python3)
 +  * [[https://​​|xskillscore]]:​ metrics for verifying forecasts
 +  * [[https://​​|ydata-profiling]]:​ a leading package for data profiling, that automates and standardizes the generation of detailed reports, complete with statistics and visualizations.
 ==== Removed packages ==== ==== Removed packages ====
other/uvcdat/cdat_conda/cdat_8_2_1.1681387694.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/13 12:08 by jypeter