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Working with ipython notebooks

What does this mean?

There are many python distributions, many python versions (2.7.xx, 3.nn) and… many ways to use python:

How does it work?

Using an ipython notebooks implies the following steps:

  1. determine if you will use python on your local computer or a remote computer and go to that computer
    • the selected computer mostly depends on the data you need to work with. The idea is to move the computation (i.e. python) near the data, and not move/replicate the data
  2. choose/initialize the distribution and version of python you need to use on the selected computer
  3. start the ipython notebook server with the appropriate parameters (on the selected computer, with the selected python)
    • this will start a temporary web server that you can connect to, in order to use the notebooks
      • the server will display the URL that you have to use. The URL has an authentication token and only you (or the person who has a copy of the full URL) can connect to your server
    • the basic way to start a server is to just type jupyter notebook, but only do this if you want to work locally on your desktop/laptop! See the next section for working on a remote computer
      • the jupyter notebook command will start the notebook server, and it will automatically start a web browser on the same computer. That's OK on your local computer, but on a remote server, the browser will probably seem to be slow (and probably out of date) and will use unnecessary resources of the server. This will be frustrating for you and the other users of the server
    • if you have to work on a remote computer, the idea is to start the ipython server on the remote computer and use a web browser on your local computer (thanks to an ssh tunnel)
  4. in a web browser, open the temporary URL displayed by the ipython server and start using the ipython notebooks
  5. when you are finished, do not forget to kill the ipython server by typing ^C^C (2x CTRL-C) in the terminal where you started the server. Otherwise the server and the python processes started by the server will keep on using resources on the computer
    • Warning! Closing the browser, or using the Logout button in the browser will not stop the ipython server. You can stop the server by clicking on the XXXX FIXME button

Working correctly with the notebooks



You need to meet the following prerequisites in order to create an ssh tunnel to the remote server where your notebook server will run

Digging ssh tunnels

The ssh tunnels will allow you to connect a web browser running locally on your computer to a notebook server running on a remote server

From a local LSCE computer to obelix

ssh -L 7225:localhost:7225 jypeter@obelix

From a computer outside LSCE to obelix

In that case, we have to go through the ssh1 gateway before connecting to obelix

plink -L 7225:localhost:7225 jypeter@obelix

plink -L 7225:localhost:7225 jypeter@obelix

ssh -X -t -L7100:localhost:7100 ssh -L7100:localhost:7100 obelix

plink -X -t -L7100:localhost:7100 ssh -L7100:localhost:7100 obelix

plink -ssh -X -t -L 7100:localhost:7100 ssh -L7100:localhost:7100 obelix

plink -X -t -L 7100:localhost:7100 ssh -L7100:localhost:7100 obelix

ssh -X -t -L 7100:localhost:7100 ssh -L 7100:localhost:7100 obelix

(cdatm_py3) jypeter@obelix3 - ...jypeter - 44 >jupyter notebook --no-browser --port=7100
[I 23:37:26.017 NotebookApp] [nb_conda_kernels] enabled, 14 kernels found
[I 23:37:26.977 NotebookApp] [nb_conda] enabled
[I 23:37:26.978 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /home/users/jypeter
[I 23:37:26.978 NotebookApp] The Jupyter Notebook is running at:
[I 23:37:26.978 NotebookApp] http://localhost:7100/?token=256f8fa26c8478f136720e0c0c24c4995b6682d9febf6387
[I 23:37:26.978 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).
[C 23:37:26.992 NotebookApp]

    To access the notebook, open this file in a browser:
    Or copy and paste one of these URLs:

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