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other:vb:update [2015/05/20 12:35]
jypeter More updates...
other:vb:update [2016/09/19 15:19] (current)
jypeter [Updating Linux] Improved...
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 <note important>​Important reminder: <note important>​Important reminder:
 +  * //VB// : VirtualBox
 +  * //VM// : a Virtual Machine running inside VB
   * VB //host//: the machine and operating system where the VB program is running.   * VB //host//: the machine and operating system where the VB program is running.
-  * VB //guest//: the operating system running **inside** VB.+  * VB //guest//: the operating system running **inside** VB (aka //VM//).
 </​note>​ </​note>​
 +===== When should you update the VB? =====
 +<note warning>​If you are not used to installing and debugging VB, you may want to play it safe and **not update VB**. Many things are fixed in a new version, but things can also break (e.g. network access, graphics, ...) and you may have to use the VB forum to get everything working again...
 +It is safe to update the Linux running inside VB</​note>​
 +VB will periodically check if a new version is available. You can also check that manually by doing: //File --> Check for updates...//​
 ===== Updating the VirtualBox program on the host ===== ===== Updating the VirtualBox program on the host =====
-  * Download ​the latest version of VB, and the matching VB additions file from the [[https://​​|VirtualBox web site]] +  * Click on the link that VB will display in a pop-up window when there is a new version, or download ​the latest version of VB from the [[https://​​|VirtualBox web site]] 
-  * Execute the VirtualBox-NN1234-Win.exe installer +    * If the host where you are updating VB has no network connection, you probably also want to download the matching //VB Extension Pack// 
-  Execute ​VB and download and install the updated //​VirtualBox Extension Pack// ​if VB tells you that a new pack is available +    * You can also download an updated version of the //User Manual// from the same page 
-  * Do not forget to update the guest additions ​(see below)+  * Make sure that: 
 +    * Your VB guest is in the //Powered Off// state (i.e. you have exited the guest with a proper Linux shut down last time you used the guest) 
 +    * VB is not running (e.g. you don't have an open //Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager// window) 
 +  * Execute the VirtualBox-vvvv-NNNN-Win.exe installer ​**as an Administrator** (e.g. right-click on the installer and select //run as Administrator//​). 
 +    Accept all the default settings 
 +    * Make sure you don't have another program using the network when the installer warns you about having to temporarily stop the network 
 +    * Choose to start VB at the end of the installation, ​and accept to download and install the updated //Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack// ​when VB tells you that a new pack is available 
 +  * Reboot the computer if VB asks for it (otherwise, you may get weird error messages when trying to restart the guest) 
 +  * Start the VM, optionally [[#​updating_linux|update the linux guest]] and no not forget to [[#​updating_the_linux_guest_additions|update the guest additions]]
 ==== Note about the manual update of the extension pack ==== ==== Note about the manual update of the extension pack ====
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     * or  **2)** Go to the directory where the VM is installed (e.g. ''​E:​\VirtualBox\VirtualBox VMs\Fedora Core 20 CLIM_ESTIMR''​) and double click on the ''​XXXXX.vbox''​ setting file located in this directory     * or  **2)** Go to the directory where the VM is installed (e.g. ''​E:​\VirtualBox\VirtualBox VMs\Fedora Core 20 CLIM_ESTIMR''​) and double click on the ''​XXXXX.vbox''​ setting file located in this directory
 +==== Cleaning up things ====
 +After updating VB, you can remove the downloaded extension packs from ''​C:​\Users\your_login\.VirtualBox''​ (i.e. all the ''​Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-NNNN.vbox-extpack''​ files)
 ===== Updating the Linux guest system ===== ===== Updating the Linux guest system =====
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     * On the LSCE network: **yum update**     * On the LSCE network: **yum update**
     * Outside LSCE: **yum %%--%%disablerepo lsce update**     * Outside LSCE: **yum %%--%%disablerepo lsce update**
 +Note: You will know you have updated the //Linux kernel//, if ''​yum update''​ displays something like the following:
 + ​kernel ​                            ​x86_64 3.19.8-100.fc20 ​            ​updates ​                34 M
 + ​kernel-devel ​                      ​x86_64 3.19.8-100.fc20 ​            ​updates ​               9.3 M
 + ​kernel-modules-extra ​              ​x86_64 3.19.8-100.fc20 ​            ​updates ​               2.1 M</​code>​
 === Cleaning up things === === Cleaning up things ===
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 du -sh /​var/​cache/​yum du -sh /​var/​cache/​yum
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 +Recent machines (Fedora Core 22 and later) may use ''​dnf''​ instead of //yum//, and PackageKit. Use the following commands for cleaning the cache:
 +  * **dnf** (/​var/​cache/​dnf):​ ''​dnf clean all''​
 +  * **PackageKit** (/​var/​cache/​PackageKit):​ ''​pkcon refresh force''​
 It's also a good thing to clean the //journal// (note: limiting the journal size probably has to be done only once) It's also a good thing to clean the //journal// (note: limiting the journal size probably has to be done only once)
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 </​code>​ </​code>​
 +Note: **abrt** ([[http://​​en/​latest/​|Automated Bug Reporting Tool]]) may also leave some big directories in several places on the system (/​var/​cache/​abrt,​ /​var/​spool/​abrt-upload,​ /​var/​tmp/​abrt,​ ...). The content of /​var/​tmp/​abrt can be cleaned by deleting the reports in ''​gnome-abrt''​...
 ==== Updating the Linux guest additions ==== ==== Updating the Linux guest additions ====
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   * //many other subtle things...//   * //many other subtle things...//
-You have to update the guest additions ​when you update ​the Linux guest or you update the VB program running on the host+You should ​update the guest additions
 +  * after updating ​the **Linux guest kernel** (no need to update the guest additions after non kernel updates) 
 +  * after updating the **main VirtualBox ​program** running on the host
-  ​* In the VB window (the one where the guest is running), select //​Devices->​Insert Guest Additions CD Image...//.+Guest additions updating steps: 
 +  * If you have just updated the Linux kernel (when doing a Linux update), make sure you reboot the Linux guest before you reinstall the guest additions, so that the new kernel is running when you install the guest additions! 
 +  ​* In the VB window (the one where the guest is running), select //​Devices->​Insert Guest Additions CD Image...//​. ​A //virtual// CD icon should appear on the desktop of the Linux guest
     * Click on //Force unmount// in the popup Window, if a previous virtual CD is still present     * Click on //Force unmount// in the popup Window, if a previous virtual CD is still present
 +    * Right-click on the CD icon and choose //Mount Volume//
     * Click on //Cancel// if you get a popup window displaying //This medium contains software intended to be automatically started. Would you like to run it?//     * Click on //Cancel// if you get a popup window displaying //This medium contains software intended to be automatically started. Would you like to run it?//
   * Become root in a window: ''​sudo su -''​   * Become root in a window: ''​sudo su -''​
   * Check where the CD image has been installed: ''​df -h''​   * Check where the CD image has been installed: ''​df -h''​
-    * The CD should be available in ''/​run/​media/​your_login/​VBOXADDITIONS_NNNN''​ +    * The CD should be available in ''/​run/​media/​your_login/​VBOXADDITIONS_vvvv_NNNN''​ 
-    * If the CD icon appears ​on the desktop, but there is nothing ​in /run/media, right-click on the icon and select //Mount volume// +    * If the CD icon has appeared ​on the Linux desktop, but you don't see any subdirectory ​in ''​/run/media''​, right-click on the CD icon and select //Mount volume// 
-  * Go to the additions'​ directory: ''​cd /​run/​media/​your_login/​VBOXADDITIONS_NNNN''​+  * Go to the additions'​ directory: ''​cd /​run/​media/​your_login/​VBOXADDITIONS_vvvv_NNNN''​
   * Run the installation script: ''​./​''​   * Run the installation script: ''​./​''​
   * Reboot: ''​shutdown -r now''​   * Reboot: ''​shutdown -r now''​
-  * Virtually eject the CD image by selecting in the VB window, //​Device->​CD/DVD Devices->Remove disk from virtual drive//+  ​* Log in 
 +  ​* Virtually eject the CD image by selecting in the VB window, //​Device->​Optical Drives->Remove disk from virtual drive//
     * Note: click in //Force unmount// in the popup Window, if necessary     * Note: click in //Force unmount// in the popup Window, if necessary
 +    * The //virtual// CD icon should disappear from the desktop of the Linux guest
   * **After rebooting**,​ if you get a smaller VB window and you get a notification telling you that the graphics are running in software rendering mode (and that was not already the case before updating), and when you open a terminal and move the window around, the window is moving more slowly than before, see the note below to check if the guest additions are running or not   * **After rebooting**,​ if you get a smaller VB window and you get a notification telling you that the graphics are running in software rendering mode (and that was not already the case before updating), and when you open a terminal and move the window around, the window is moving more slowly than before, see the note below to check if the guest additions are running or not
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 If you want some details about how the graphics are handled by the current installation of you VB (i.e. **is your VM using the graphics card of the Windows host** or is it running is it use the sloooow software mode?), you can use the following commands If you want some details about how the graphics are handled by the current installation of you VB (i.e. **is your VM using the graphics card of the Windows host** or is it running is it use the sloooow software mode?), you can use the following commands
-  * **glxgears**: if things work correctly, you will get a window with smoothly rotating gears (you can make the window fullscreen and check that it is still working) and the terminal will display some frames per second statistics+  * ''​modinfo vboxvideo''​ will give you some information about the video driver provided by VB. Theoretically,​ //​vboxvideo//​ should also appear when you type ''​lsmod''​ 
 +  ​''​glxgears''​: if things work correctly, you will get a window with smoothly rotating gears (you can make the window fullscreen and check that it is still working) and the terminal will display some frames per second statistics
     * You may get some warning and error messages, but you should be good if the gears are rotating smoothly     * You may get some warning and error messages, but you should be good if the gears are rotating smoothly
-  * You can run the //glxinfo// command and you should see a reference to your graphics card if the video is indeed using it\\ **glxinfo | \grep -i opengl**\\ OpenGL vendor string: Humper\\ OpenGL renderer string: Chromium \\ OpenGL version string: 2.1 Chromium 1.9\\ **NVIDIA card =>** OpenGL shading language version string: 4.40 **NVIDIA** via Cg compiler\\ **Intel HD Graphics xxxx card =>** OpenGL shading language version string: 4.00 - **Build**\\ OpenGL extensions:​ +  * You can run the //glxinfo// command and you should see a reference to your graphics card if the video is indeed using it\\ ''​glxinfo | \grep -i opengl''​\\ OpenGL vendor string: Humper\\ OpenGL renderer string: Chromium \\ OpenGL version string: 2.1 Chromium 1.9\\ **NVIDIA card =>** OpenGL shading language version string: 4.40 **NVIDIA** via Cg compiler\\ **Intel HD Graphics xxxx card =>** OpenGL shading language version string: 4.00 - **Build**\\ OpenGL extensions:​ 
-  * You can get some additional information (including the screen resolution) with the //​xdpyinfo//​\\ ​**xdpyinfo | less**+  * You can get some additional information (including the screen resolution) with the //​xdpyinfo//​\\ ​''​xdpyinfo | less''​
other/vb/update.1432125338.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/05/20 12:35 by jypeter