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Last Millennium Experimental Design

The basic principle is that we should strive to include all relevant transient forcings over this period if the functionality exists in the model, noting that conformability with the CMIP5 controls and 20th Century transient is crucial.

Boundary conditions

Summary of Last Millennium boundary conditions

PMIP3 Alternative solution
Orbital parameters Annually varying
Table provided (0-2100 CE/AD), if not internally calculated
Date of vernal equinox March 21 at Noon
Trace gases Annually varying (850-1850) (Table provided)
Volcanic Aerosols Multiple reconstructions (of AOD, Effective Radius, Mass)
Solar irradiance choose at least one between Multiple reconstructions provided below
Ozone solar related variations (parameterised as function of change in solar irradiance - Drew Shindell) same as in CMIP5 PI
Aerosols biomass burning changes???? same as in CMIP5 PI
Vegetation Land use conversion (forests to C3/C4 crops) (Pongratz, 2009, Foley and Ramunkutty)
Provided below
same as in CMIP5 PI
Ice sheets No changes from Pre-Ind control
Topography and coastlines same as in CMIP5 PI

Total Solar Irradiance

The following figure (click to get the full-size image) has been provided by Johann Jungclaus (MPI-M Hamburg)

Click to get the full-size image

Time series of TSI (Wm-2) from 800AD to 2000. For the COSMOS (MPI-M) Millennium simulations (black curve), a 11 year cycle was added for consistency over the entire period.

Notes: We will impose an 11 year cycle on pre-sunspot reconstructions for consistency of the spectrum of natural variability. Additionally, we will give a spectral set of irradiance changes based on modern variability observed by satellite (Lean).

Candidate reconstructions: Krivova, Steinhilber, new Bard?, (TBD)

Volcanic Forcings

Two alternative data sets are provided below. It is up to the groups to choose the Gao-Robock-Amann or the Crowley reconstruction for their last millenium simulation.

The Gao-Robock-Ammann data set

Time series of global hemispheric total stratospheric sulphate injections from volcanic eruptions for the past 1500 years as well as estimates of stratospheric loading as a function of latitude, altitude, and month are available from IVI2link

The data are derived from 54 ice core records, 32 from the Arctic, and 22 from Antarctica. It is based on the most comprehensive set of ice cores, an updated extraction record, updated ice core deposition to global stratospheric aerosol loading conversion factors, and an advanced spatial-temporal transport parameterization scheme (Gao et al., 2008)

The stratospheric aerosol loadings (in units of Tg) provided in the IVI2 data set may be converted into aerosol optical depth (AOD) by dividing the loadings by 150 Tg (Stothers, 1984). The AOD time series can then be used to calculate the corresponding radiative forcing (in units of Wm-2) by multiplying it by (-20) (Wigley et al., 2005). The conversion to AOD is valid for aerosols with effective radius in the visible spectral range.

Further explanation is provided here : ivi2aodtsiconversion.pdf

Gao, C., A. Robock, and C. Ammann: Volcanic forcing of climate over the last 1500 years: An improved ice-core based index for climate models. J. Geophys. Res., 113, D2311, doi:10.1029/2008JD010239 (2008).

Stothers, R.B., The great Tambora eruptions in 1815 and its aftermath. Science, 224(4654), 1191-1198 (1984). Wigley, T.M.L., C.M. Ammann, B.D. santer, and S.C.B. Raper: Effect of climate sensitivity on the response of volcanic forcing. J. Geophys. Res., 110,D09107, doi:10.1029/2004JD005557

The Crowley data set

The volcanic forcing is calculated using time series of aerosol optical depth (AOD) at 0.55μm and of the effective radius (Reff) (Crowley et al., 2008). The time resolution of the series is ten days and the data are provided at four equal area latitude bands. AOD estimates are based on a correlation between sulphate in Antarctic ice cores and satellite data (Sato et al., 1993). Reff growth and decay is based on satellite observations of the Pinatubo eruption in 1991, with eruptions larger than that of Pinatubo (maximum is 0.15) being scaled by the theoretical calculations for very large eruptions (Pinto et al., 1989). In the model AOD is distributed between 20-86 hPa over three vertical levels, with a maximum at 50 hPa. Sensitivity experiments for the model response to the Pinatubo eruption yield an average global temperature change (0.4 K) comparable to observations. For the largest eruption of the last millennium, the 1258 AD eruption, a NH summer temperature anomaly over land of 1.2 K is found in agreement with reconstructions (Timmreck et al., 2009)

Crowley, T. et al. Volcanism and the Little Ice Age. PAGES Newsletter, 16, 22-23 (2008). Sato, M., Hansen, J.E., McCormick, M.P. & Pollack, J.B. Stratospheric aerosol optical depths, 1850-1990. J. Geophys. Res., 98(D12), 22,987-22,994, doi:10.1029/93JD02553 (1993). Pinto, J.P., Turco, R.P., & Toon, O.B. Self-limiting physical and chemical effects in volcanic eruption clouds. J. Geophys. Res., 94(D8), 11,165-11,174, doi:10.1029/JD094iD08p11165 (1989). Timmreck, C. et al. Limited temperature response to the very large AD 1258 volcanic eruption. Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L21708, doi:10.1029/2009GL040083 (2009).

Reconstructed evolution of trace gases

The evolution of CO2, CH2, N2O over past 2 millennia table has been provided by Fortunat Joos (University of Bern). Methods and references are provided in the downloadable file.

Orbital forcing

The following orbital parameters parameters should be used, if they are not internally calculated.

Note: calculation from Berger (1978), annually varying.

Precomputed table

The parameters' table has been supplied by Gavin Schmidt (GISS).

Linear regressions

Over the period 0-2100 CE, the parameters are well approximated by the following linear regressions:

Parameter Linear approximation
ECC 0.017475 - 0.000000382 * Year
OBL 23.697 - 0.000128 * Year
PERI-180 68.79 + 0.0170 * Year


Anthropogenic land cover change is considered by applying the reconstruction of global agricultural areas and land cover (Pongratz et al., 2008).

The global maps with a spatial resolution of 0.5° and an annual timescale contain 14 vegetation types and discriminate between the agricultural categories cropland, and C3 and C4 pastures. The reconstruction merges published maps of agriculture from AD1700 to 1992 and a population-based approach to quantify agriculture from AD 800 to 1700.

The data set can be obtained from the World Data Center for Climate (doi:10.1594/WDCC/RECON_LAND_COVER_800-1992).

Pongratz, J., Reick, C.H., Raddatz, T. & Claussen, M. A reconstruction of global agricultural areas and land cover for the last millennium. Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 22, GB3018, doi:10.1029/2007GB003153 (2008).

To access the files, click here RECON_LAND_COVER_800-1992

Initial conditions

PMIP3 Alternative solution
Initial conditions Branch off PI after adjustment Same as in PI
Model spin up Same as in PI

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pmip3/design/lm/final.1261428337.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/12/21 20:45 by pasb