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pmip3:design:plio:index [2011/01/21 11:46]
pmip3:design:plio:index [2011/01/21 15:51]
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 ====== Pliocene Experimental Design ====== ====== Pliocene Experimental Design ======
 +**Welcome to the Pliocene Model Intercomparison Project webpage on the PMIP website!**  ​
 +Please see [[http://​​eespteam/​prism/​prism_pliomip.html|Pliocene Research, Interpretation and Synoptic Mapping]] for our full website.
 +<note tip>​**NEWS:​ A data workshop is tentatively planned for early August 2011**\\ \\ Please forward inquiries to [[|Harry Dowsett]] or [[| Alan Haywood]] </​note>​
 ===== Boundary conditions ===== ===== Boundary conditions =====
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 {{:​pmip3:​docs:​pliomip_tablev2.png|}} {{:​pmip3:​docs:​pliomip_tablev2.png|}}
-===== Publications =====+===== Selected ​Publications =====
   * Haywood, A. M., Dowsett, H. J., Otto-Bliesner,​ B., Chandler, M. A., Dolan, A. M., Hill, D. J., Lunt, D. J., Robinson, M. M., Rosenbloom, N., Salzmann, U., and Sohl, L. E.: [[http://​​3/​227/​2010/​gmd-3-227-2010.html|Pliocene Model Intercomparison Project (PlioMIP): experimental design and boundary conditions (Experiment 1)]], Geosci. Model Dev., 3, 227-242, 2010.   * Haywood, A. M., Dowsett, H. J., Otto-Bliesner,​ B., Chandler, M. A., Dolan, A. M., Hill, D. J., Lunt, D. J., Robinson, M. M., Rosenbloom, N., Salzmann, U., and Sohl, L. E.: [[http://​​3/​227/​2010/​gmd-3-227-2010.html|Pliocene Model Intercomparison Project (PlioMIP): experimental design and boundary conditions (Experiment 1)]], Geosci. Model Dev., 3, 227-242, 2010.
 +  * Harry J. Dowsett, Marci M. Robinson, Alan M. Haywood, Ulrich Salzmann, Daniel Hill, Linda Sohl, Mark Chandler, Mark Williams, Kevin Foley, Danielle K. Stoll, 2010.: [[http://​​micropen2/​index.php?​globalnav=article_detail&​issue_id=268&​article_id=1692|The PRISM3D paleoenvironmental reconstruction]],​ Stratigraphy,​ vol. 7, No. 2-3: 123-139.
 +  * Harry J. Dowsett, Marci M. Robinson, Danielle K. Stoll, Kevin M. Foley, 2010.: [[http://​​micropen2/​index.php?​globalnav=article_detail&​issue_id=268&​article_id=1696|Mid-Piacenzian mean annual sea surface temperature:​ an analysis for data-model comparisons.]],​ Stratigraphy,​ vol. 7, No. 2-3: 189-198.
 +  * Haywood, A.M., Chandler, M.A., Valdes, P.J., Salzmann, U., Lunt, D.J., Dowsett, H.J. (2009).:​[[http://​​science?​_ob=ArticleURL&​_udi=B6VF0-4V9S3WD-1&​_user=696292&​_coverDate=04%2F30%2F2009&​_rdoc=4&​_fmt=high&​_orig=browse&​_srch=doc-info(%23toc%235996%232009%23999339996%231027073%23FLA%23display%23Volume)&​_cdi=5996&​_sort=d&​_docanchor=&​_ct=8&​_acct=C000038819&​_version=1&​_urlVersion=0&​_userid=696292&​md5=c30734343a3d4e8ac28503e03330ceb2|Comparison of mid-Pliocene climate predictions produced by the HadAM3 and GCMAM3 General Circulation Models.]], Global and Planetary Change, ​ 66, 208-224.
 +  * Haywood, A.M., Chandler, M.A., Valdes, P.J., Lunt, D.L., Salzmann, U., Otto-Bliesner,​ B., Rosenbloom, N. and Dowsett, H.J., 2009.: Simulating the Mid-Pliocene Warm Period: how similar are the models? Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-2226.
 +  ​
-===== Discussion ===== 
-Previous discussion regarding PlioMIP took place in the [[http://​​group/​pliomip_prism|PlioMIP Google Group]]. ​ However if you wish to ask anything now, or have any problems please contact the PlioMIP leaders ​ 
-<note warning>​**Page in progress**: this is not the final version!\\ \\ Use the [[index#​page_bottom_tag|discussion]] panel at the end of the page for comments </​note>​ 
-<note tip>​Information is currently available on the [[http://​​eespteam/​prism/​prism_pliomip.html|Pliocene Research, Interpretation and Synoptic Mapping]] web site...\\ \\ ... and discussion is taking place in the [[http://​​group/​pliomip_prism|PlioMIP ​Google Group]]</​note>​+===== Discussion ===== 
 +If you have any questions or points for discussion regarding PlioMIP, please email the leaders ​[[|Alan Haywood]] or [[|Harry Dowsett]].  You can also contact the other PlioMIP members by emailing ​the [[|PlioMIP ​mailing list]]
pmip3/design/plio/index.txt · Last modified: 2011/08/30 09:02 by jypeter