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Kyoto Workshop Abstracts

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This page lists (alphabetically) the names of the people (main authors) who have submitted an abstract.

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Received abstracts (with abstract Number: alphabetical)

  1. Alvarez-Solas, Jorge (⇐ Gilles Ramstein) ………… Abrupt Climate Change: focus on Heinrich Events
  2. Annan, James ……………… Millennial climate reconstructions through data assimilation: what can the proxies tell us about past climates?
  3. Bartlein, Patrick ………… Pollen-based reconstructions of bioclimatic variables for the mid-Holocene and LGM: issues and strategies in diagnosing and benchmarking paleoclimatic simulations
  4. Brewer, Simon ……………… Climate reconstructions from plant fossil data
  5. Chan, Wing-Le ……………… Modelling the Mid-Pliocene with MIROC
  6. Chikamoto, Megumi ……… Atmospheric CO2 response to strong and weak glacial North Atlantic Deep Water formations by coupled climate model simulations
  7. Crespin, Elisabeth ………… Simulating the last millennium using the climate model LOVECLIM with and without data assimilation
  8. Daniau, Anne-Laure ………… Global patterns of biomass burning response to millennial-scale climatic variability during the last glacial period
  9. DiNezio, Pedro (⇐ Pascale or Bette)………… The Response of the Walker Circulation to LGM Forcing: Implications for Detection in Proxies
  10. Dolan, Aisling ………… PLISMIP: Pliocene Ice Sheet Modelling Intercomparison Project
  11. Erb, Michael ……………… The Astronomical Forcing of Climate Change: Forcings and Feedbacks
  12. Fischer, Nils ……………… Evolution of the seasonal temperature cycle in a transient Holocene simulation: orbital forcing and sea ice
  13. Fukunaga, Takuya ………… Constructing high-resolution age model based on annual bandings of Indonesian stalagmites for paleoclimatology
  14. Gregoire, Lauren ………… Using a transient GCM simulation of the last deglaciation to model the evolution of Northern Hemisphere ice sheets
  15. Harada, Naomi ………… Sea surface and subsurface temperature changes in the Okhotsk Sea and adjacent North Pacific during the Last Glacial Maximum and deglaciation
  16. Hargreaves, Julia ………… Reliability of climate model ensembles: what can the LGM tell us?
  17. Harrison, Sandy ………… Environmental Changes in Australasia: a new multi-proxy data synthese
  18. Harrison, Sandy ………… Fire regimes since the Last Glacial Maximum
  19. Haywood, Alan ………… The Pliocene Model Intercomparison Project (PlioMIP) and initial results using the UK Unified Model
  20. Heinemann, Malte ………… Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum warming does not require massive greenhouse gas release
  21. Izumi, Kenji ……………… Diagnostic approaches for using global biome reconstructions in paleo data-model comparisons
  22. Jin, Liya …………………… Variations of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation in Holocene transient simulation with a coupled climate model
  23. Jungclaus, Johann ………… Simulations of climate and carbon cycle variability over the last millennium
  24. KAGEYAMA, Masa ………… Quantifying the response to individual LGM forcings
  25. KAGEYAMA, Masa ………… A comparison of the climate response to fresh water discharges under glacial conditions
  26. Kamae, Youichi ………… Wetter subtropics and Hadley/Walker circulation in Mid-Pliocene simulated by an atmospheric general circulation model
  27. Khodri, Myriam (⇐ Pascale or Masa K.)………… Sensitivity of simulated tropical climate variability and its global teleconnections to reconstructed volcanic eruptions and solar irradiance fluctuations over the last millennium
  28. Kim, Seong-Joong ………… Climate response over Asia/Arctic to change in orbital parameters for the last interglacial maximum
  29. Kislov, Alexander ………… Global climate change and stochastical dynamic of “integral” objects
  30. Kita, Manami ………… Paleoclimate study over the last 500 years using the stalagmite from western Java, Indonesia
  31. Kitoh, Akio ……………… PMIP3 simulations at MRI
  32. KUMON, Fujio ………… Climate change in MIS 6 to MIS 1 deduced from TOC contents and pollen compositions of the lake sediments in Japan
  33. Laine, Alexandre ………… Northern hemisphere wintertime precipitation changes during the Last Glacial Maximum in PMIP2 coupled models
  34. Lambert, Fabrice ………… Reconstruction of Holocene and LGM tropospheric mineral dust concentrations from marine sediment and ice cores.
  35. Landrum, Laura ………… PMIP3 Last Millennium experiment: NCAR’s CESM1 setup and preliminary results
  36. Laurian, Audine ………… PCMIP experiments of the Last Millennium with the earth system model LOVECLIM
  37. Leduc, Guillaume ………… Holocene and Eemian sea surface temperature trends as revealed by alkenone and Mg/Ca paleothermometry
  38. LeGrande, Allegra N. ………… GISS Last Millennium A-O Simulations, Preliminary Findings
  39. Lewis, Sophie ………… Modelling insights into deuterium excess in water vapour as an indicator of oceanic source conditions
  40. Lézine, Anne-Marie (⇐ Pascale Braconnot)………… Sahara and Sahel vulnerability to climate changes, lessons from the past
  41. Liu, Jian ………… What are the major modes and causes of global precipitation variation over the last millennium
  42. LUAN, Yihua ………… Seasonal and interannual variations of tropical Pacific induced by insolation changes and fresh water flux in the early and middle Holocene
  43. Lunt, Dan ………… Last Interglacial experiments with HadCM3, and overview of EoceneMIP.
  44. Mackintosh, Andrew ………… Glacial modelling in the mid latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere and PMIP models
  45. Marti, Olivier ………… Holocene evolution of summer winds and marine productivity in the tropical Indian Ocean in response to insolation forcing: Data – proxy modeling comparison.
  46. MARZIN, Charline ………… Impact of rapid events on the Indian monsoon under glacial conditions: a model/data comparison study
  47. Menviel, Laurie ………… Anatomy of the Last Glacial Termination
  48. Morrill, Carrie ………… An updated synthesis of climate changes at 8.2 ka inferred from proxy records
  49. Murakami, Shigenori ………… Local energetics analysis for mid-Holocene and LGM climates
  50. Nagashima, Kana ………… Abrupt changes of the Asian dust flux and provenance recorded in ocean and lake sediments around Japan
  51. NAKATSUKA, Takeshi ………… Present Status on Proxy-based Paleoclimate Reconstruction during Last Millennium in Asian Region
  52. NISANCIOGLU, KERIM ………… Latitudinal temperature gradients during the Pliocene warm phase
  53. NISANCIOGLU, KERIM ………… Transient Simulations of the Last Deglaciation
  54. Ohgaito, Rumi ………… The effect of sea ice extent on the glacial climate variability recorded in the Greenland ice cores
  55. O'ishi, Ryouta ………… Polar amplification in the last interglacial period derived from dynamical vegetation change with a GCM
  56. O'ishi, Ryouta ………… How vegetation change contributes to warming over land in the mid-Holocene in PMIP3 GCMs ?
  57. Oka, Akira ……………… Importance of thermal forcing and two different modes of the Atlantic thermohaline circulation during glacial periods
  58. Okazaki, Yusuke ………… Deepwater Formation in the North Pacific During the Last Glacial Termination
  59. Otto-Bliesner, Bette ………… PMIP3 Last Glacial Maximum Simulations with NCAR’s CESM1
  60. Otto-Bliesner, Bette ………… CMIP5/PMIP3 Mid-Holocene Simulation with NCAR’s CESM1
  61. Peterschmitt, Jean-Yves ………… Working together in PMIP3
  62. Prange, Matthias ………… African Humid Period: Mid-Holocene versus earlier interglacials
  63. Proemmel, Kerstin ………… The impact of different vertical and horizontal resolutions in general circulation models on simulations of PMIP-related episodes in the past
  64. ROCHE, Didier ………… Evaluating the PMIP-3 LOVECLIM LGM state: model data comparison
  65. Rojas, Maisa ………… Sensitivity of the southern westerlies to glacial and orbital forcings over the last 32,000 years
  66. SAITO, Fuyuki ………… Modelled response of the volume and thickness of the Antarctic ice sheet to the advance of the grounded area
  67. Sanchez Goñi, Maria Fernanda ………… Global patterns of vegetation response to abrupt climate changes of the Last Glacial
  68. Schmidt, Gavin ………… Forcing data sets for the Last Millennium and targets for improving confidence in future projections
  69. Schmittner, Andreas ………… Using ocean c13 data to evaluate paleoclimate model simulations
  70. Schneider, Birgit (⇐ Guillaume Leduc)………… Model-data comparison of Holocene SST-trends
  71. Schurer, Andrew ………… Causes of change in European mean and extreme climate over the past 500 years
  72. Servonnat, Jérôme ………… Influence of solar variability, CO2 and orbital forcing during the preindustrial part of the last millennium in the IPSLCM4 model
  73. Shafer, Sarah ………… Evaluation of paleovegetation data-model agreement in the western United States for 0 ka, 6 ka, and 21 ka
  74. Singarayer, Joy ………… Impact of HadCM3 boundary conditions and physical parameterizations on the sensitivity of the Atlantic to freshwater hosing
  75. Sueyoshi, Tetsuo ………… Last glacial Maximum (LGM) simulation using integrated Earth System Model
  76. Syktus, Jozef ………… Mid-Holocene climate in Australian region: A simulation with CSIRO T63 Mk3.6 coupled model
  77. Tarasov, Lev ………… A short survey tutorial on ice sheet models and issues related to coupling ice sheet models to GCMs.
  78. Tarasov, Lev ………… Uncertainties in a global data-calibrated distribution of deglacial ice-sheet chronologies from glaciological modelling.
  79. Tsigaridis, Kostas ………… Time-slice last millennium experiments with interactive gas-phase chemistry and aerosols
  80. TURCQ, BRUNO ………… Change in South America Monsoon Season during the Middle Holocene
  81. Ueda, Hiroaki ………… Controlling mechanisms for seasonally asymmetric transition of the Asian monsoon under LGM condition
  82. Ullman, David J. ………… Testing the impact of Laurentide Ice Sheet geometry on climate and ice sheet mass balance
  83. Valdes, Paul ………… Ensemble simulations of the Last Deglaciation
  84. Wagner, Amy ………… Model simulations of freshwater forcing associated with the 8.2 ka event
  85. Wang, Bin ……………… Global Coordination of Regional Monsoons
  86. Woillez, Marie-Noëlle ……… Investigating the impacts of the collapse of the AMOC during glacial times
  87. Woillez, Marie-Noëlle ……… Simulating the glacial vegetation with two dynamical vegetation models
  88. Xin, Xiaoge ………………… Simulation of Mid-Holocene Climate using BCC-CSM1.1 climate model
  89. Xu, Ying …………………… A Modeling Simulate the Impacts of external and internal factors on Summer Precipitation over East China during last millennium
  90. Yamazaki, Hiro ………… ensemble of Millennium runs with perturbed physics FAMOUS GCMs
  91. Yamazaki, Kuniko ………… Mechanism of sudden changes to Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation under artificial surface heat and salinity fluxes
  92. Yang, Bao ……………… Spatio-temporal variations in tree growth over the northeastern Tibetan Plateau during the last 550 years
  93. Yang, Bao ……………… Multi-proxy Northern Hemisphere temperature reconstruction over the last 1100 years
  94. Yoshimori, Masakazu ……… Sensitivity of the Last Millennium Simulation to Different External Forcing Reconstructions using GCM and EMIC.
  95. Yoshimori, Masakazu ……… Dependency of Feedbacks on Forcing and Climate State in Perturbed Parameter Ensembles
  96. Zhang, Xu …………………… Preliminary characteristics of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation during the Last Glacial Maximum in an Earth System Model
  97. Zhang, Qiong ……………… Northern high-latitude climate change between the mid and late Holocene: model-data comparisons
  98. ZHENG, Weipeng (⇐ Zhou Tianjun)………… A preliminary analysis of the paleoclimate simulations by FGAOSL_g2.0: tropical Pacific variabilities and Asian monsoon system
  99. ZHOU, Tianjun ………… The External and Internal modes of East Asian Summer Monsoon derived from the Last Millennium Simulation

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