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PMIP and video-conferencing

You may have to plan a video-conference with other PMIP members (your working group, etc…). This page should help you do that!

Unfortunately, several things can go wrong (with you webcam settings…), so you should experiment with the available tools and hope things work OK… ;-)

Using the RENATER Rendez-vous site

Note: RENATER is the internet network provider for French research institutes


  • At least one of the participants must have a CNRS password
    • Use the sesame/janus web site to get or change your password
  • All the participants should have one of the following browsers installed: chrome, chromium or opera
    • A compatible browser is all you need! No need to install a video-conferencing application!
    • The screen sharing plugin will only work in chrome…
  • Participants wanting to use video and/or voice should have a working webcam and/or mike
    • You can always share your screen even if you don't have a camera
    • You can also use the chat window if you don't have a working mike (make sure other participants also open the chat window in that case)
  • It is usually easy to find where to adjust the sound level of your speakers/headphones (you should have some global output sound mixer somewhere), but it may be harder to adjust the microphone input level. It's best if you know where these settings are before the conference


  • 12 participants max (as of September 2015)


Do not forget to use the chrome browser (or chromium, or opera) for the following steps, since they may not be your default browser!
  • One of the participants with a CNRS password has to create the conference by:
    • visiting the site and typing a conference name (that is not already in use) in the input field (e.g pmiptest)…
      • if you are using Rendez-vous for the first time, you will have to identify yourself with your CNRS account: select CNRS in the “Pour accéder au service sélectionnez ou cherchez l'établissement auquel vous appartenez” pull-down menu and the use your CNRS identifier
    • …or directly opening the URL with the conference name
    • you can optionally click on the padlock icon at the top of the conference page to add a password to the conference
    • it is a good idea to click on the Open / close chat icon at the bottom right of the conference window to open the chat window. This way, you will be able to communicate with (and help) other participants, even if they have problems with their webcam.
  • Let the other participants know about the URL (and optional password) they should use to join the meeting. You can of course agree on a meeting name, URL and password before the meeting actually take place. If your name is specific enough, there is a good chance that nobody else will be using it when you need it
  • The guests participants can join the conference by just opening the appropriate URL !!
    • Click on the Settings icon (hammer and wrench), type your name, and select your language
    • It is a good idea to click on the Open / close chat icon at the bottom right of the conference window to open the chat window
    • The first time you will click on the Share screen icon, Rendez-vous will ask if it can install the desktop streamer chrome extension
  • Once you are connected, things are pretty straightforward. Just look at the few available icons in the conference page
After the meeting (especially if you are not the last person leaving the meeting), do not forget to exit the rendez-vous web page, and possibly chrome, to make sure that the camera is not showing your office any longer! Well, it's your privacy…

If things go wrong

  • If you have problems with your webcam (no image or no sound) but you are sure that your webcam is working (because the webcam is working correctly with other applications):
  • Do not forget that, even if other participants can't see or hear you, you can still use the chat window to communicate with them

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pmip3/video.1442503855.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/17 15:30 by jypeter