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Last Deglaciation Ice Sheets

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Please note, this page is a work in progress and is not ready for discussion yet.

Please use the Discussion section below to specifically comment on the choice of ice sheet reconstructions for the core experiment.


For the core experiment, there is a choice of two global ice sheet reconstructions:

  • ICE6G_C, provided by Dick Peltier, Rosmarie Drummond and co-authors
  • Lev Tarasov's reconstruction, provided by Lev Tarasov and co-authors.

Please one of these reconstructions for your Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) experiment, as per the LGM working group requirements, and continue to use the same reconstruction through the transient last deglaciation core simulation.

Those groups that are able may wish to carry out two simulations; one with each ice sheet reconstruction.

ICE6G_C Reconstruction

Key references:

  • Argus, D. F., Peltier, W. R., Drummond, R. & Moore, A. W. The Antarctica component of postglacial rebound model ICE-6G_C (VM5a) based on GPS positioning, exposure age dating of ice thicknesses, and relative sea level histories. Geophys. J. Int. ggu140 (2014).
  • Peltier, W. R., Argus, D. F. & Drummond, R. Space geodesy constrains ice age terminal deglaciation: The global ICE-6G_C (VM5a) model. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth 2014JB011176 (2015).

Ice Evolution, 21-0 ka

The ice mask in this reconstruction is fractional. For the purpose of the animations (below), we have used > 80 % ice cover per grid cell.1)
ICE6G_C Northern Hemisphere ICE6G_C Southern Hemisphere

Sea Level Equivalent

Provided by Dick Peltier et al., October 2014:

Time dependent ice-equivalent contribution to eustatic sea level rise [from present] from each of the primary geographical regions from which grounded ice loss occurred during the [last] deglaciation process. 2) ICE6G_C Eustatic Sea Level Equivalent of ice volume

Lev Tarasov's Reconstruction

Key references:

  • To be updated.

Ice Evolution, 21-0 ka

The ice mask in this reconstruction is based on 100 % ice or 0 % ice.3)
Lev Tarasov's Northern Hemisphere ice Lev Tarasov's Southern Hemisphere ice


  1. Argus, D. F., Peltier, W. R., Drummond, R. & Moore, A. W. The Antarctica component of postglacial rebound model ICE-6G_C (VM5a) based on GPS positioning, exposure age dating of ice thicknesses, and relative sea level histories. Geophys. J. Int. ggu140 (2014).
  2. Peltier, W. R., Argus, D. F. & Drummond, R. Space geodesy constrains ice age terminal deglaciation: The global ICE-6G_C (VM5a) model. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth 2014JB011176 (2015).

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1) , 3)
Animations produced by Ruza Ivanovic, Feb 2015
Plot provided by Dick Peltier, October 2014

Discussion on core experiment ice sheets

Bette Otto-Bliesner, 2015/04/08 17:05

In answer to your question:

Should ICE-6G_C be provided here in its smoothed format, as offered by Dick Peltier (above; smoothed_fields), its original unsmoothed format, or both?

For CESM, we would like both the smoothed and original unsmoothed versions of ICE-6G_C.

Ruza Ivanovic, 2015/10/21 13:51

Dick has provided us with 10 arcminute resolution data. Will this suffice instead of the smoothed fields? Which he says will take longer to provide.

Bette, 2015/10/25 23:50

Yes, this works very well for CESM. We need as input not only the topography but also estimates of its subgrid variability.

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pmip3/wg/degla/bc/ice.1424188121.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/02/17 15:48 by ruza