This Working Group is coordinating efforts to carry out transient simulations of the last deglaciation (~21-9 ka). It is being implemented in close collaboration with the Last Glacial Maximum PMIP Working Group to maintain consistency across the experiments, and the simulations have been/will be specifically designed to include the full range of PMIP models.
To join the mailing list for the working group, email Ruza:
Historical footnote: group initiated at the PMIP3 2014 Namur meeting.
It is expected that every participant model will run the one Core transient simulation through the full deglaciation (21-9 ka). The only exceptions are the computationally more expensive models for which a multi-millennia transient simulation is infeasible.
In addition to the Core, the working group will coordinate simulations to:
We encourage everyone to suggest (and document) further optional simulations.
Working group leader: Ruza Ivanovic [ web , ]
Working group co-leader: Lauren Gregoire [ web, ]
Please email Ruza or Lauren if you have any questions about the working group, or to join it.
Modelling advisory group:
Masa Kageayma [ web ],
Didier Roche and Paul Valdes [ web ]
Palaeoclimate sensors advisory group:
Led by: Andrea Burke [ web ]
Other members: TBC
Discussions on the experiment design(s) and presentation of the boundary condition data are available through the following links:
When the experiment designs are finalised, the boundary condition data will also be downloadable from these pages.