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PMIP3 WG - Last Deglaciation

Group description

This Working Group is coordinating efforts to carry out transient simulations of the last deglaciation (~21-9 ka). It is being implemented in close collaboration with the Last Glacial Maximum PMIP Working Group to maintain consistency across the experiments, and the simulations have been/will be specifically designed to include the full range of PMIP models.

To join the mailing list for the working group, email Ruza:

Historical footnote: group initiated at the PMIP3 2014 Namur meeting.

Experimental set-up

It is expected that every participant model will run the one Core transient simulation through the full deglaciation (21-9 ka). The only exceptions are the computationally more expensive models for which a multi-millenia transient simulation is unfeasible.

In addition to the Core, the working group will coordinate simulations to:

  • Assess uncertainties in boundary conditions and forcings
  • Test specific hyotheses
  • Focus on shorter time periods to involve computationally more expensive models
  • Carry out model sensitivity simulations
  • Begin earlier in the last glacial period (e.g. 26 ka)

We encourage everyone to suggest (and document) further simulations and everyone is free to choose which additional simulations to the Core to carry out.


pmip3/wg/degla/index.1423842572.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/02/13 15:49 by ruza