PMIP P2F working group meeting, EGU General Assembly, 18 April 12:30pm-
Attending: Sorry, there were too many to note down (roughly 20), some are included below. If anyone else would like to volunteer their names, I'll add to the list.
Julia Hargreaves (
James Annan (
André Berger (
Michel Crucifix (
Gerrit Lohmann (
Dan Lunt (
Valérie Masson-Delmotte (
Kerim Nisancioglu (
Bette Otto-Bliesner (
Jean-Yves Peterschmitt (
Eric Wolff (
Masa Yoshimori (
Birgit Schneider (
Kerim Nisancioglu (
Alistair Hind (
Johann Jungclaus (
Quizhen Yin (
To kick things off, Julia presented her vision of what P2F is for: *not* the study of the past, but rather the use of the past to improve/constrain/validate future predictions/projections. There was some debate over the name, particularly a possible clash with the existing EU project “Past4Future” <>. However “The Past4Future project investigates the climate and environment of past warm periods” and will end in 2014. P2F has a broader remit in terms of periods considered, and an explicitly future-oriented focus.
Michel suggested that a major role of P2F could be to formulate and quantify the relationship between past and future climates, and also to encourage innovative ways of analysing model output. Gerrit observed that climatic variability was also important.
It was widely agreed that the group would benefit from the involvement of people whose primary focus was more in the CMIP direction of future climate change, many of who might not know much about PMIP activities or outputs, and who would need help with interpretation of data in particular.
The main output from the meeting was the arrangement of several volunteers to act as focal points to contribute sections to the wiki:
* Julia on methods
* Valérie on data
* Dan on model outputs
It was suggested that this would primarily consist of brief summaries and pointers to existing literature/databases rather than a major new enterprise. The intention is for these to be completed before the next PMIP meeting, which Michel said was likely to be May 20-24 2014, at a location to be decided in Belgium.
The list of attendees is incomplete, so please let me know if you attended and your name is not on the list.