This is the wiki for the Global Carbon Project's new emerging activity 'Towards a routine update of the CH4 global budget'.
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Our understanding of the global CH4 budget is limited, and our ability to quantify its underlying drivers and its evolution is poor (Dlugokencky et al., 2003, 2009). Whereas the atmospheric concentration of CH4 has increased nearly continuously since the pre-industrial revolution, its rate of growth has varied drastically. Large growth rates were observed during the late 1970s and early 1980s. Average growth rate was 12.3±3.4 ppbv from 1983-1989, while during the 1990's a sharp decrease in growth rate was observed (average of 6.1±4.3 ppbv). The atmospheric CH4 abundance was constant from 1999 through 2002, implying a steady state in the global atmospheric CH4 budget. Near-zero growth characterized the early 2000s, and from 2007-2009 growth rates increased again, leading to an average growth rate of 2.5±3.8 ppbv. During that time of strongly varying growth rates, decadal budgets of the main source categories (wetland, fire, fossil fuel and agriculture/waste emissions) remained relatively constant. The figure below illustrates this:
Fig 1: Atmospheric concentration, growth rate variability and trends for the last three decades (1983-2009), plus bar charts showing decadal budgets of the natural (wetlands, fires) and anthropogenic (fossil fuel, agriculture + waste) sources for same period. Kirschke et al. (in prep.)
CH4 atmospheric data are provided by several atmospheric networks (e.g., NOAA, CSIRO, LSCE, AGAGE), and several emission inventories, such as EDGAR, GEIA, GFED, provide bottom-up estimates of CH4 emissions from various source categories. Isotopic data of δ13C of CH4 can be used to extract the different processes contributing to the global CH4 budget.
This project aims to:
The CH4 budget will be based on a combination of observations, model results, and their analysis/synthesis.
–> The current manuscript will focus on past and current changes in the CH4 budget, ca. for the last three decades.
Three activities as outlined below have been identified as steps towards a routine update of the CH4 global budget. We want to start with a CH4 budget for the last three decades, focusing on decadal variatons in the growth rate, regional/latitudinal budgets, and interannual variability (IAV). Can we compare regional budgets to UNFCCC-reported national/regional GHG emissions? Later on we will also try to shed light on the long-term budget since 1850 to help us better understand and explain the continuous growth rate on a longer time scale. Read more below the figures.
Fig 2: Regional methane budgets from top-down (light bars) and bottom-up (dark bars) approaches. Regional budgets were calculated for 13 regions (9 Transcom regions, plus separate regions for India, China, and SE Asia). Green: wetland, red: fire, brown: fossil fuel, blue: agriculture and waste. Kirschke et al. (in prep.)
Fig 3: Interannual variability (IAV) of all fluxes (from 11 inversions, Bousquet et al., 2011) as a function of latitude. Range of all inversions is shown as gray shaded area; individual inversions are shown as colored lines, reference inversion: black line. The last panel shows in addition the IAV of the OH loss. Kirschke et al. (in prep.)
The goal of this activity is to collect bottom up flux data and atmospheric data to close the global methane budget for different time periods.
1. Historical period (1850-1980) The evolution of the mix of different sources of CH4 will be compiled from the literature/references. The evolution of OH radicals is estimated from models (e.g., Prinn et al., 1995; Chen and Prinn 2005; Chen and Prinn, 2006; Krol et al., 1998; Krol et al., 2008). Atmospheric CH4 observations are derived from smoothed ice core data. Given the time smoothing in ice core CH4 observations, a similar time smoothing may need to be applied to the mix of sources and the OH sink. How can uncertainties be estimated (expert judgment? use of different estimations?)?
2. Modern period
2.1 The high growth rate period: 1980-1990 2.2 The low growth rate period: 1991-2006
Open questions: Is the CH4 cycle in equilibrium (i.e. sources in balance with sinks) on the long term, or do we merely see opposing trends in different sources (e.g. as suggested in Bousquet et al., 2006)? What is the role of the recent acceleration in the emissions of fossil CO2 on the CH4 growth rate? What is the role of recurrent drought on wetland and fire emissions?
2.3 The recent anomaly: 2007-ongoing
Open questions: What is the global magnitude? What are the links to climate anomalies? Which regions are important, which processes? For example, Dlugokencky et al. (2009) – tropical and northern (arctic) wetlands, higher than average temperature and precipitation.
Table 1 - Data for contemporary budget, 1980-1990: table1_data_contemp_budget_1980-1990.pdf
Table 2 - Data for contemporary budget, 1990-2006: table2_data_contemp_budget_1990-2006.pdf
Table 3 - Data for contemporary budget, > 2006: table3_data_contemp_budget_gt_2006.pdf
The goal of this activity is to run global inverse models using different inverse systems from various modeling groups. Within this activity annual updates of global CH4 inversion fluxes will be produced, i.e. global top-down estimates of CH4 emissions will be provided on a regular basis (annual, bi-annual?).
Open questions: At what scales and time resolution? How will atmospheric data and a priori information be gathered? Which models will be used?
Please note: Bold indicates groups that have already provided their model results A * marks groups that have been contacted but have not yet provided results
The goal of this activity is to provide a product of estimated CH4 fields/an optimized atmosphere which could possibly be provided for forward-modeling efforts. Model data could be extracted for station locations and these extractions be provided to the experimental groups for feedback and analysis.