Table of Contents
On the resources page you can find presentations from meetings, relevant papers and posters, and administrative information.
Presentations from the meeting in Norwich, June 2010
- Euan Nisbet: Global methane budget and methane hydrates nisbetuea-gcp_reducced.pdf
- Philippe Bouquets: Global atmospheric CH4 inversions pres_ch4_gcp_bousquet.pdf
- Alistair Manning: Estimating UK and NW European methane and nitrous oxide emissions from 1990 to 2007 using an inversion modelling approach manning_uk_ch4_n2oemissions.pdf
- Stefanie Kirschke: Towards a routine update of the CH4 global budget kirschke_gcp_ssc_norwich_20100617.pdf
Documents from the meeting in San Francisco, December 2010
- Overview Presentation: agu_2010_kirschke_gcp-ch4.pdf
- Meeting Report: meeting_report_gcp_ch4_agu_2010.pdf
Talk and poster from meetings in Jena (MPI) and Bern (University of Bern)
- Presentation from the workshop 'The Enigma of the Current Global Methane Budget': kirschke_ch4_mpi_2011.pdf
- Poster from the workshop 'Methane in Lakes and Wetlands': poster_ch4_20110906.pdf
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