The meeting was devoted to the presentation of the benchmark, presentations of the teams and models, presentation of preliminary results, discussions about the benchmark, the test cases, the experiments in cold room. The schedule, financial perspectives, and possible future of the project will be addressed as well. See Program.
The meeting was held at Institut de Physique du Globe in the 5th arrondissement in Paris (îlot Cuvier, 1 rue Jussieu 75002 Paris, the 18th Nov. (whole day) and 19 th Nov. (morning). A visit of the cold room experiments at GEOPS Laboratory in Paris Sud Orsay University was organized for the afternoon of the 19th November.
20 people took part in the meeting. See participant list.
pdf versions of the presentations are provided below following the meeting program:
Presentation of the INTERFROST benchmark and the aims of the kick-off meeting (
Presentation of cold room facilities in Orsay (
Costard) and Cryoex in Caen (
The participants agreed on
running the “basic” cases associated with 1D analytical solutions (T1 and TH1),
running the coupled cases TH2 (Frozen Inclusion) & TH3 (Talik opening/closure).
The next meeting is planned in Paris, probably over one day, short before the next AGU meeting (12 – 17 April 2015). The results on these test cases will be presented by the teams. The line for an associated common publication will be discussed.
Action List (actualized 11 Dec. 2014)
Provide proceedings with action list and participant presentations on the web site (CG, done)
Improve the parameter and analytical solution sheet provided on the web site for T1 (CG & MF, shortly).
Ordered List ItemAdapt the paper of Kurylyk et al. 2014 to provide a parameter sheet for the web site (TH1), (CG or BK, shortly).
Provide a
questionnaire on participant's codes (CG, sent, answers from the participants expected before next meeting)
Provide the parameter sheet for TH2 and TH3. A publication by Grenier et al. will describe these test cases in details (CG, by Dec. 31st 2014).
Reconsider / reshape test cases T2 and T3 (all interested, before next meeting).
Prepare some option for financial support (CG & other ideas welcome, for next meeting).
Propose further test cases: e.g. including non-saturated conditions, geometrical evolution of the medium due to water phase change (all, for next meeting).