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other:newppl:riealgo [2023/04/19 08:54]
jypeter [Account management in the phone app]
other:newppl:riealgo [2023/04/19 09:16]
jypeter [Creating your account] Improved
Line 8: Line 8:
 It is very easy to create an account on the following portal and add money online: https://​​ It is very easy to create an account on the following portal and add money online: https://​​
-You just need to know your //badge number//. Note that this is <wrap hi>NOT the CEA badge number, but **the number that is on the printed receipt you get when you pay**</​wrap>​. The receipts are not printed by default any longer: you have to ask the cashier to print the receipt, and bring this receipt back with you. 
 <WRAP center round important 60%> <WRAP center round important 60%>
-**The web site is available in English**, if your browser language is set to English! You can also change the language in the //COMPTE// (FR) or //MY ACCOUNT// (EN) settings'​ page.+**The web site is available in English**, if your browser language is set to English! 
 +You can also change the language in the //COMPTE// (FR) or //MY ACCOUNT// (EN), and then //My profile// ​settings'​ page.
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
 +   * You have to **know your //​restaurant badge number//**
 +     * This is <wrap hi>NOT the CEA badge number, but **the number printed on your restaurant receipt**</​wrap>​
 +     * The receipts are not printed by default any longer: you have to ask the cashier to print the receipt once, and bring this receipt back with you.
 +   * When adding a new restaurant/​site,​ you have to **look for //CEA// and //RIE SAINT AUBIN//**
Line 31: Line 37:
 {{ :​other:​newppl:​rie_android_refill.png?​direct&​250 |}} {{ :​other:​newppl:​rie_android_refill.png?​direct&​250 |}}
-==== Threshold warning ​example ​====+==== Threshold warning ​examples ​====
 === Mail warning example === === Mail warning example ===
other/newppl/riealgo.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/10 09:22 by jypeter